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Vaccine Types for Board Review
Below are listed pathogens that have vaccines available for human use. These are often found in
clinical case scenario questions. Please fill out the specific type of vaccine (e.g. live attenuated,
component, etc) next to pathogen listed. Some pathogens have more than one type of vaccine
available and both types should be listed
Medium to High Yield Vaccine
Bacillus anthracis
Bordetella pertussis
Clostridium tetani
Corynebacterium diphtheriae
Haemophilus influenzae
Hepatitis A virus
Hepatitis B virus
Human Papilloma virus
Influenza virus
Measles virus
Mumps virus
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Neisseria meningitides (meningococcal)
Rabies virus
Rubella virus
Streptococcus pneumonia (pneumococcal)
Varicella Zoster virus
Yellow fever virus
Low Yield Vaccine
Japanese encephalitis virus
Rickettsia prowazekii
(Nerd fact: closest bacteria to mitochondria!!!)
Vaccine Type
Live attenuated / oral
Inactivated / IM
Inactivated / IM
Inactivated (toxoid) / IM
Inactivated (toxoid) / IM
Inactivated / IM
Inactivated / IM
Inactivated / IM
Inactivated / IM
Inactivated / IM
Live attenuated / Intranasal
Live attenuated / Sub Q
Live attenuated / Sub Q
Bacille Calmette-Guerin (causes false
positives on PPD, foreign countries)
Live / IM
Inactivated / Sub Q or IM
Inactivated / Sub Q or IM
Inactivated / IM
Live attenuated / Oral
Live attenuated / Sub Q
Live attenuated / Percutaneous
-23 Inactivated / Sub Q or IM
-13 Inactivated / IM
Live attenuated / SubQ
Live attenuated / Sub Q
Live attenuated / oral
Inactivated / IM
Vaccine Type
Inactivated / IM
Current vaccines in development are Live
Vaccine developed in 1940s and used
during WWII with troops
Disease = epidemic typhus
Salmonella typhi
Reactivation of latent infection = BrillZinsser disease)
Transmitted by lice feces
For travel to endemic areas
Oral pill (4 doses) booster needed after 5 yr
Injection (once) booster needed after 2 yr
Tick-borne encephalitis virus
Vibrio cholera
Yersinia pestis
Live attenuated (not licensed in USA)
Multiple types: Live attenuated, conjugate,
passive immunization