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Chapter 4. Astrological Associations for the Minor Arcana
Astrological associations for the minor arcana are less often used in tarot reading, but can
be of interest to astrologers and others who would like to have a complete set of correspondences
across disciplines. By including the minor cards, numerology can be brought into the picture,
broadening the range of concepts available for interpreting the tarot cards, especially in decks
with unillustrated minor cards. Two systems are discussed in this chapter – the first is based on
associations between the planets and numerology, and the second was derived by the Golden
In both cases, the Ace-Ten cards are given a correspondence which represents a planet in
a sign, as opposed to a planet or sign alone. The major arcana therefore represent the pure or
archetypal energies of the planets and signs, while the minor arcana represent these energies in
combination. This can be thought of as the planet transiting through the sign in question, which
can be useful for doing timing readings with tarot, since upcoming transits of that type can be
looked up in an ephemeris.
Numerological Associations
Each of the planets in astrology can be associated with the energy of one of the numbers,
as shown below. This forms the basis for the planetary assignment for each of the minor cards,
and the suit forms the basis for the sign, according to its elemental energy. Just as the minor
cards in each suit form a progression or tell a story, from beginning to end, so do the numbers in
numerology. In numerology, usually only the numbers 1-9 are represented, because any twodigit number is reduced to one digit (for example, 10 = 1+0 = 1). Conceptually, then, Tens in
tarot are not only endings of the current cycle, but bridges to the Aces representing the start of
the new cycle.
Below we have included the Ten, since there are ten minor cards in tarot and ten planets
in astrology. The traditional interpretations of Eight and Nine in numerology have been
expanded to Eight, Nine, and Ten in this system. Also, some of the planets associated with the
numbers in numerology have been modified to better correspond to the meanings of the numbers
in tarot. However, the traditional planet/number associations are also shown so that you can
choose which system you prefer or select a combination that feels right to you. Where there is
little or no difference of opinion among authors or systems, only one planetary assignment is
Whenever we try to develop correspondences between major systems like numerology,
astrology and tarot, the correspondences will not be perfect and are subject to interpretation. It is
not only acceptable but good practice for readers to critically evaluate assignments that are given
and decide whether to use them in their own practice.
Shown below are not only associations of the planets with numbers, but keywords for
both the planets and numbers to show how they relate, as well as a discussion of cycles of life
that people go through and what each year of that cycle is like. This adds a dimension to the
minor cards that is not always apparent from the traditional meanings and pictures on the cards,
and is especially useful when reading a deck in which the minor cards are not illustrated. If the
traditional meaning or picture does not seem to fit the reading exactly, you can always combine
the energy of the number and the suit to arrive at an alternative, but usually related,
One (Ace) - Sun
Planetary Keywords: Uniqueness, individuality, creativity
Numerological Concepts: The Aces/Ones represent beginnings, when some new and unique
energy or aspect of one’s personality is ready to be expressed. Many ideas representing an as yet
untapped personal potential will well up. It is a time to acknowledge and become aware of these
possibilities – it is not necessary to settle on any one thing yet, unless there is one idea that is
overwhelmingly powerful and attractive.
Two - Moon
Planetary Keywords: Emotion, intuition, empathy, nurturance
Numerological Concepts: During this time, an emotional attachment to one idea or potential
arising in the Aces is formed. Steps are taken to nurture its expression, whether through study,
meditation, emotional commitment or other form of preparation. Usually this is a somewhat
inwardly focused time, as you are not yet ready to outwardly express this potential in the world.
Three – Mercury (traditional planet - Jupiter)
Planetary Keywords: Communication, intellect, expansion
Numerological Concepts: The Threes represent the first manifestation of the idea, project, or
activity in the world. In the Threes, you begin to reach outward with your endeavor, eager to
communicate and share your enthusiasm with others. You grow in understanding through these
activities as much or more so than those with whom you share. Young people may also be
involved or you may feel youthful and ready to take on new adventures.
Four - Saturn
Planetary Keywords: Foundations, practicality, hard work, discipline, determination
Numerological Concepts: You may have discovered in the Threes that your endeavor did not yet
have the solid foundations needed to move forward. In the Fours, your enthusiasm and energy
becomes more disciplined, and practical considerations important to meeting your goals will
come to the forefront. Consolidation and building a firm foundation for the future are important
at this time.
Five – Mars (traditional planet - Mercury)
Planetary Keywords: Change, conflict, energy, power
Numerological Concepts: You may experience significant change in your personal life and/or
thinking, which is intended to infuse some new perspectives into your endeavor. The foundations
you have built are challenged by new people, new ideas, and/or unexpected events. A high
expenditure of energy is needed to overcome these challenges, learn from them, and successfully
integrate these experiences into your endeavor. By actively resolving these conflicts and dealing
with change, you begin to take ownership and personal power over what you have created.
Six - Venus
Planetary Keywords: Beauty, harmony, balance
Numerological Concepts: The Sixes are likely to be the most creative time in the cycle. You are
drawn to create beauty and harmony through whatever you are doing. You have the greatest
opportunity to create and experience balance among the various aspects of yourself, others, and
your life activities during this point in the cycle. The Six is the second positive manifestation of
the cycle – the second of the three groups of three.
Seven – Uranus
Planetary Keywords: Insight, challenge, upheaval
Numerological Concepts: If you have been creating your cycle purposefully and consciously,
and have attained a state of personal balance and harmony in the Sixes, the Sevens are likely to
bring dynamic new insights that you can integrate into the work of the cycle--without the
experience of unexpected personal challenges in your inner or outer life. However, if you have
stagnated in the cycle or are not developing your potential to the fullest, the Sevens are likely to
bring upheaval of some type, the purpose of which is to create an important breakthrough in your
consciousness with regard to the work or activity you are engaged in.
Eight – Pluto (traditional planets – Mars/Pluto)
Planetary Keywords: Mastery, depth
Numerological Concepts: Eights represent delving into the intricacies and complexities of
perfecting a craft or completing an endeavor. This is a time when your knowledge is reaching
maturity and you are working out the last of the challenges and learning what you need to know
to reach the peak of your abilities. You have gone beyond the basics to an intermediate or
advanced level in your chosen area. Much of this work may not be visible outwardly yet, but will
express itself fully in the Nines.
Nine – Jupiter (the energy of Nine in tarot corresponds to Eight in numerology; traditional
planet - Mars)
Planetary Keywords: Expansion, inspiration, expression
Numerological Concepts: The Nines are the pinnacle of the cycle, when you have reached the
greatest ability to manifest and express whatever you have been working on – the third group of
three. You may feel a desire to teach and inspire others with what you have completed. If your
work during the cycle has developed some aspect of yourself as fully as is possible in this
lifetime and/or if it leads to a positive expression with or on behalf of others, you probably will
not be dealing with the same issues or activities again in future cycles. If the energies
accumulated during the cycle are not constructive for your own growth or that of others, it might
be necessary to re-work your experience.
Ten – Neptune (the energy of Ten in tarot corresponds to Nine in numerology)
Planetary Keywords: Dissolution, endings, karma, self-sacrifice and humanitarian service
Numerological Concepts: If the purpose of the cycle has been fulfilled, this is the time to wrap
up all loose ends associated with this period of life. Some of this releasing may feel painful,
such as releasing activities, habits, and even people who no longer have a place in your life. This
can be a very confusing time for people who do not consciously know that they are getting ready
to enter a whole new phase of life. Feelings of depression and physical illness are common
while preparing for a new cycle. Also common is the sense that something new is coming on
without knowing what that might be, and thus a feeling of drifting. The knowledge that when
you reach the Aces/Ones again a pathway, new idea, or potential will become clearer can being
calm and clarity to the nebulous Neptunian period.
The ideas above provide planetary associations for each number, and the suit of the card
provides possibilities for selecting a sign to go with the planet. The sign that is chosen could be
any one of the three signs of the appropriate element, for example, Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn
for Earth/Pentacles. You can also choose not to select a specific sign, but instead just think about
how the energy of that planet might be expressed in an earth sign. I personally like the idea of
choosing a sign based on the concepts associated with the specific tarot card. One example of
how this might work is shown below using three minor cards in the suit of Pentacles. A good
exercise for any reader would be to go through each minor card, compare it to the descriptions of
the signs in Chapter 2, and decide which sign seems to fit the energy of the card best.
Eight of Pentacles – Virgo. I chose Virgo for this card because of the attention to detail
and hard-working nature expressed in the design. This craftsman is going about his daily tasks,
producing each individual Pentacle with care and an eye toward quality, practicing and honing
his abilities. Virgo is associated with work, duty, and precision, which seems to fit these
concepts. The combination of planet and sign would be Pluto (Eight) in Virgo (Pentacles).
Nine of Pentacles – Taurus. In this card, a woman stands in her beautiful and mature
garden, enjoying her life and surroundings. She has leisure time in which to appreciate what she
has, and personal values that allow her to take the time to really enjoy it. These are qualities
associated with Taurus (and Venus, Taurus’ ruler) – the love of beautiful things and experiences,
a more laid-back approach to work and responsibilities, and a tendency to slow down and
appreciate the finer things in life. The combination of planet and sign would be Jupiter in Taurus.
Ten of Pentacles – Capricorn. Here we have a card that includes the concepts of
generations and paternity, and visible achievement which benefits the family while also being a
symbol of success. There is the sense of building a legacy. To me, these suggest Capricornian
traits, reflecting also qualities of Capricorn’s ruler, Saturn. The combination of planet and sign
would be Neptune in Capricorn, perhaps expressing the concept that no legacy is completely
stable once those who built it are gone.
Once you have your combination of planet and sign, it’s interesting to look at the
elemental qualities of the combination. For example, consider the Ten of Wands. Based on the
approach above, we might come up with Neptune in Aries for this combination (or any Fire
sign). These are elemental opposites – fire and water. One of the concepts associated with the
Tens is that of dissolution – the old cycle giving way to the new. However, Fire energy is very
self-directed and assertive. It does not like to give up its direction so easily, and the energies of
Neptune do not work particularly well with those of Fire. This may explain why in the Ten of
Wands, we see a man still carrying the burden of his former career or self, unwilling and unready
to give it up and start his new life or take a new approach. Similarly, the Ten of Swords (Air)
shows a relatively difficult transition. The two elements compatible to Neptune and most likely
to work well with its dissolving energies (Water and Earth) show more serene and positive
transitions – Ten of Cups and Ten of Pentacles.
Golden Dawn Associations
The Golden Dawn approach has some similarities and some differences to the above.
Aces are considered the pure manifestation of the element, and are not assigned a planet or sign.
The remaining numbers are grouped by threes – Two-Four, Five-Seven, and Eight-Ten. The first
group, Two-Four, is assigned to the cardinal astrological sign of the appropriate element – Aries,
Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn. The second group, Five-Seven, is assigned to the fixed astrological
sign of the appropriate element – Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. The third group, EightTen is assigned to the mutable astrological sign of the appropriate element – Gemini, Virgo,
Sagittarius, and Pisces. Only the seven planets of ancient astrology are used, assigned in order of
the speed with which they move around the chart: Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter,
Saturn. Each planet-sign combination is assigned one of the 36 decanates of the astrological
chart – a decanate represents 10°, therefore, there are three in each sign. The correspondences are
shown below, starting with 0-10° Aries and moving counter-clockwise around the chart. Perhaps
because the ruler of Aries is Mars, the Golden Dawn chose to begin the series with Mars in
Two of Wands – Mars in Aries (0-10°)
Three of Wands – Sun in Aries (10-20°)
Four of Wands – Venus in Aries (20-30°)
Five of Pentacles – Mercury in Taurus (0-10°)
Six of Pentacles – Moon in Taurus (10-20°)
Seven of Pentacles – Saturn in Taurus (20-30°)
Eight of Swords – Jupiter in Gemini (0-10°)
Nine of Swords – Mars in Gemini (10-20°)
Ten of Swords – Sun in Gemini (20-30°)
Two of Cups – Venus in Cancer (0-10°)
Three of Cups – Mercury in Cancer (10-20°)
Four of Cups – Moon in Cancer (20-30°)
Five of Wands – Saturn in Leo (0-10°)
Six of Wands – Jupiter in Leo (10-20°)
Seven of Wands – Mars in Leo (20-30°)
Eight of Pentacles – Sun in Virgo (0-10°)
Nine of Pentacles – Venus in Virgo (10-20°)
Ten of Pentacles – Mercury in Virgo (20-30°)
Two of Swords – Moon in Libra (0-10°)
Three of Swords – Saturn in Libra (10-20°)
Four of Swords – Jupiter in Libra (20-30°)
Five of Cups – Mars in Scorpio (0-10°)
Six of Cups – Sun in Scorpio (10-20°)
Seven of Cups – Venus in Scorpio (20-30°)
Eight of Wands – Mercury in Sagittarius (0-10°)
Nine of Wands – Moon in Sagittarius (10-20°)
Ten of Wands – Saturn in Sagittarius (20-30°)
Two of Pentacles – Jupiter in Capricorn (0-10°)
Three of Pentacles – Mars in Capricorn (10-20°)
Four of Pentacles – Sun in Capricorn (20-30°)
Five of Swords – Venus in Aquarius (0-10°)
Six of Swords – Mercury in Aquarius (10-20°)
Seven of Swords – Moon in Aquarius (20-30°)
Eight of Cups – Saturn in Pisces (0-10°)
Nine of Cups – Jupiter in Pisces (10-20°)
Ten of Cups – Mars in Pisces (20-30°)
Many astrologers are comfortable working with this system when interpreting tarot cards,
because it is so systematic and nicely cyclical, and relates back to concepts and spatial attributes
of an astrological chart. Tarot readers may find that the correspondences don’t always match up
with our traditional interpretations for the cards, although an in-depth discussion with an
astrologer may reveal aspects of the combination that do fit or help expand our associations with
the cards. I personally find that a system relating to numerology works better for me, but each
reader should decide for herself. Some decks, such as the Thoth deck, use the Golden Dawn
correspondences explicitly, so in those cases it may be helpful to stick with that system. If you
are interested in this approach, Liz Hazel’s book, Tarot Decoded, works extensively with the
Golden Dawn system of correspondences and is highly recommended.