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CSC521 – Communication Protocols
Ch.8 Error And Control Messages
國立高雄大學 資訊工程學系
1. Introduction
2. The Internet Control Message Protocol
3. Error Reporting Vs. Error Correction
4. ICMP Message Delivery
5. ICMP Message Format
6. Testing Destination Reachability And Status (Ping)
7. Echo Request And Reply Message Format
8. Reports Of Unreachable Destinations
9. Congestion And Datagram Flow Control
10. Source Quench Format
11. Route Change Requests From Routers
12. Detecting Circular Or Excessively Long Routes
13. Reporting Other Problems
14. Clock Synchronization And Transit Time Estimation
15. Older ICMP Messages No Longer Needed
16. Summary
Error Detection and Reporting Mechanisms
• Errors in Packet Switching Networks
– Temporary or permanent disconnection
– Hardware failures
– Router overrun
– Routing loops
Need mechanisms to detect and correct
• Error handling
– IP header checksum to detect transmission errors
– Error reporting mechanism to distinguish between events such as lost
datagrams and incorrect addresses
– Higher level protocols (i.e., TCP) must handle all other problems
Error Reporting Mechanism –
Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
• Required and integral part of IP
– Used primarily by routers to report delivery or routing problems to original
– Also includes informational (non-error) functionality
– Uses IP to carry control messages
– No error messages sent about error messages
• Purpose
– The Internet Control Message Protocol allows a router to send error or
control messages to the source of a datagram, typically a host. ICMP
provides communication between the Internet Protocol software on one
machine and the Internet Protocol software on another.
Important Restrictions of ICMP
• ICMP only reports problems to original source
– Provide interaction between a router and the source of trouble
• Error Reporting vs. Error Correction: ICMP does not
– Maintain state information (each packet is handled independently)
• Thus: when a datagram causes an error, ICMP can only report
the error condition back to the original source of the datagram;
the source must relate the error to an individual application
program or take other action to correct the problem
ICMP Encapsulation
• ICMP message travels in IP datagram
– ICMP message has header and data area
– Complete ICMP message is treated as data in IP datagram
– Complete IP datagram is treated as data in physical network frame
ICMP Message Format
• Multiple message types
– Each message has its own format
• Messages
– Begin with 1-octet TYPE field that identifies which of the basic ICMP
message types follows
– Some messages have a 1-octet CODE field that further classifies the
– Example Encapsulation In Ethernet
• ICMP header follows IP header, and contains eight bytes
• ICMP type field specifies echo request message (08)
– TYPE specifies destination unreachable
– CODE specifies whether host or network was unreachable
• ICMP sequence number is zero
Message Types
Example ICMP Message
• Example: ICMP Echo Request
– Sent by ping program to test destination reachability and status
– Request: Type=8
– Reply: Type=0
ICMP Message
• Example:
Destination Unreachable
– Used by a router to report that
datagram could not be delivered
– Code specifies details
Example ICMP Message
• Example: Redirect
– Used by a router to report incorrect route
– Suggesting the source host to redirect the attached IP datagram
Redirect datagrams for the Net (now obsolete)
Redirect datagrams for the Host
Redirect datagrams for the Type of Service and Net
Redirect datagrams for the Type of Service and Host
Example ICMP Message
• Example: Time Exceeded
– At least one fragment failed to arrive, or TTL field in IP header
reached zero
– Code=0: Time-to-live count exceeded
– Code=1: Fragment reassembly time exceeded
ICMP Trick
• Include datagram that caused problem in the error message
– Efficient (sender must determine how to correct problem)
– Eliminates need to construct detailed message
• Problem: entire datagram may be too large
• Solution: send IP header plus 64 bits of data area (sufficient in
most cases)
– Required part of IP
– Used to report errors to original source
– Reporting only: no interaction or error correction
• ICMP encapsulated in IP for delivery
– Several ICMP message types, each with its own format ICMP message
begins with 1-octet TYPE field