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Cash Crops
Cash Crops
 Explanation
 History
 Economics
 Activity!
Cash Crops - Explanation
 Cash
Crop = An agricultural crop which is
grown for profit
 Different from subsistence crops, which are
used to feed the producer’s livestock or grown
as food for the producer’s family
Cash Crops - History
In earlier times, cash crops were only a small part of a famer’s
Now, almost ALL crops are mainly grown for revenue
Past Reason: During the Age of Imperialism, European nations
needed raw materials. They encouraged/forced nations to
develop cash crop plantations to grow peanuts, palm oil,
cocoa and rubber. These products displaced the food crops
grown by farmers to feed their families
Cash Crops - Economics
Another Past Reason: Let’s go back to WWI &
world war is a war that affects most of the
world's most powerful and populous countries
 WWI: 1914-1918
Allies: Based on the Triple Entente of the United
Kingdom (its colonies), France and Russia
Central Powers: Originally the Triple Alliance of
Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy
Causes: Imperialism & Alliances
Over 9 million killed
 League
of Nations was created
 European nationalism spawned by the war
 The breakup of empires
 Repercussions of Germany's defeat
 Problems with the Treaty of Versailles
Allies: UK (and its dominions), USA, France, Poland,
the USSR… and more
Axis: Nazi Germany, Italy, Japan
Over 70 million killed – the deadliest conflict in all of
human history
 The
League of Nations turned into the United Nations…
where the great powers that were the victors of the
war—the United States, Soviet Union, China, the United
Kingdom, and France—became the permanent
members of the United Nations Security Council
 Israel was created
Post WWI and WWII Agreements and
United Nations
“An international organization whose stated aims are facilitating
cooperation in international law, international security, economic
development, social progress, human rights, and achievement of
world peace”
Founded in 1945 after WWII
Three specialized agencies:
 IMF (was arranged at Bretton Woods)
 World Bank
Provides financial assistance to countries in financial trouble
Provides loans and/or organizational management
In return, it demands domestic reforms in the name of
structural adjustment programs (SAPs)
The emphasis is almost always on capitalist ideas/programs…
Very controversial…
World Bank
Provides loans at preferential rates to member countries and
grants to very poor countries
Loans or grants for specific projects are often linked to wider
policy changes in the sector or the economy…
Often criticized at being a US or Western tool for imposing
economic policies that support Western interests…
Faulted for undermining the national sovereignty of recipient
countries through various SAPs…
 General
Purpose: To regulate international trade
 World
Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
Trade Organization (WTO)
Followed & extended GATT’s rules
Promotes lower trade barriers
Helps negotiate trade and business disputes
Fundamental principles of trading:
Free of discrimination: One country cannot prefer a
particular trading partner above others within the system,
nor can it discriminate against foreign products and
Freedom: Fewer trade barriers and less tariffs
Predictable: Foreign companies and governments know
that trade barriers will not be raised arbitrarily and that
markets will remain open
Greater competition
Go easy on the poor: More accommodating for less
developed countries, giving them more time to adjust,
greater flexibility, and more privileges.
The European Union
The European Union
A supranational political and economic union of 25 sovereign
democratic countries
Defining Element: Common Currency
 Makes travel and trade much easier
A ‘force for peace and democracy’
 Taken in countries from the former Iron Curtain
Countries must be willing to give up sovereignty (politically
and economically)…
EU Policies
 Furthering
and improving their single market
Example: Free trade
 Problems?
Greece: Massive overspending
Spain: Housing bubble (House prices rose 44% from 2004 to 2008 and since the
bubble burst they have fallen by a third)
Now: Euro Crisis
Free Trade Agreement between Canada, US, and Mexico
Free Trade: A policy by which a government does not discriminate
against imports or interfere with exports by applying tariffs (to
imports) or subsidies (to exports) or quotas
Established in 1994
Eliminates duties on most goods
Works to reduce subsidies and promote fair competition
between all countries
NAFTA… Problems?
 Lack
of autonomy!
 Forced to trade & use goods against its will!
 Gas
additive that is harmful was banned by the Can.
 Taken to court by company and had to pay $13 million
and repeal ban!
NAFTA… Problems?
What are they?
Manufacturing operations in a free trade zone (FTZ), where factories import
material and equipment on a duty-free and tariff-free basis for assembly,
processing, or manufacturing and then export the assembled, processed
and/or manufactured products, sometimes back to the raw materials'
country of origin = USED FOR CHEAP LABOUR
How is NAFTA involved?
Non-NAFTA materials imported into Mexico for assembly/processing are
subject to the same duties as if they were permanently exported to Mexico
Cash Crops - Economics
Why did Cash Crops get so popular….???
Trade liberalization!!! Economic freedom = peace!
Cash Crops - History
A Current Reason:
1950s & 60s: Governments and encouraged recently
independent African nations to borrow huge amounts of
1970s & 80s: Economic downturn… many African countries were
unable to repay even the interest on their loans.
The World Bank imposed a "solution" : increase cash crops! Cash
crops would be sold on the international market and the income
would help to repay the national debt and pay for cheaper
imported food.
Result: disaster!!! In some countries, such as Tanzania, many were
forced to grow coffee rather than food
Cash Crops - History
 Imperialism
 Trade
 World Bank lending & corruption
Video Time!
Research and find evidence that supports that having
a one-crop economy makes people vulnerable.
Include the following examples:
Can cause environmental damage: Soil degradation in
America due to tobacco cultivation
Can be too vulnerable to crop diseases: The Irish potato
Can be too vulnerable to world economics: Fluctuations
in the world price for a product
Can be too vulnerable to natural disasters: Hurricane
Mitch in Honduras