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Applied Silver is a company dedicated to using the power of silver to
develop commercial applications for a cleaner, healthier world.
Applied Silver provides solutions to help maintain the cleanest possible environment. The Silicon
Valley based team of nationally acclaimed engineers, scientists and business leaders pioneered a
breakthrough technology called SilvaClean ® – the new standard for soft surface antimicrobial
protection that is patented, EPA-approved, and eco-friendly.
SilvaClean is seamless to integrate into existing laundry processes. The technology uses a
proprietary electronic hardware module to deliver an ionic silver treatment into each laundry cycle
and infuse ions into textiles, all monitored by intelligent cloud-based software ensuring persistent
antimicrobial protection.
In a world filled with contaminated soft surfaces the application possibilities of SilvaClean are
limitless. Virtually any soft surface can be made cleaner and more hygienic – and can stay that way
for longer – because of SilvaClean’s lasting antimicrobial effects.
The problem
The SilvaClean solution
More than 45 published articles demonstrate
Linens harbor bacteria, mildew and mold
for months – prior to, during and after use
Contaminated sheets are proven to spread
stain- and odor- causing bacteria, mold
and mildew all throughout the hospital
Proven in laboratory studies to be effective
and long-lasting
Integrates seamlessly into the current
laundry process
Works on all existing textiles/inventory –
no capital investment required
Applicable to all industries including
healthcare, sports, hospitality, and in the
(888) 939 4747 / info@appliedsilver .com / / © 2017 Applied Silver Inc.
Leading hospitals now use SilvaClean® — the new standard for soft surface
antimicrobial protection
Until now, cleanliness efforts in hospitals have focused largely on the obvious sources of contamination
such as hands and hard surfaces. But studies have proven that linens are capable of harboring odor- and
stain-causing bacteria, mold and mildew.
There is now a technology that can immediately help:
1. Reduce odor- and stain-causing bacteria, mold and mildew on all soft surfaces
2. Support a more comfortable patient stay
SilvaClean is a patented, EPA-approved, and eco-friendly technology that uses silver ions, a natural
antimicrobial, to eliminate and protect against harmful odor- and stain-causing bacteria on fabrics. Linens
ranging from bedding, gowns, and towels to healthcare worker scrubs are treated with SilvaClean’s waterbased solution each time they are laundered, ensuring lasting antimicrobial protection and the cleanest
possible hospital environment.
The problem
The SilvaClean solution
More than 45 published articles demonstrate
Proven in peer-reviewed studies to be
effective and long-lasting
Linens harbor bacteria, mold and mildew
Integrates seamlessly into the current
for months – prior to, during and after
laundry process – no need for process
patient use
changes or additional staff training
Contaminated sheets are proven to spread
Works on all existing textile inventory
stain- and odor- causing bacteria, mold
Ensures patient comfort and confidence
and mildew all throughout the hospital
(888) 939 4747 / info@appliedsilver .com / / © 2017 Applied Silver Inc.
Cleaner, fresher linens for a more comfortable stay with SilvaClean®
Studies have proven that linens are capable of harboring harmful odor- and stain-causing bacteria,
mold and mildew. There is now a technology that can immediately help:
1. Reduce odor- and stain-causing bacteria, mold and mildew on all soft surfaces
2. Support a and more comfortable stay
3. Eliminate odor from smoking
Already adopted by leading hospital systems, SilvaClean technology is now a breakthrough key
preventive strategy in hospitality to help reduce microbial growth in linens.
SilvaClean technology uses silver ions, a natural antimicrobial, to eliminate and protect against
harmful odor- and stain-causing bacteria, mold and mildew on fabrics. Linens such as sheets, robes
and towels are treated with SilvaClean’s water-based solution each time they are laundered, ensuring
long-lasting antimicrobial protection and the cleanest possible stay.
The problem
The SilvaClean solution
More than 45 published articles demonstrate
and long-lasting
Linens harbor bacteria, mold and mildew
for months – prior to, during and after
Integrates seamlessly into the current
laundry process – no need for process
guest use
Proven in laboratory studies to be effective
changes or additional staff training
Contaminated sheets are proven to spread
Works on all existing textile inventory
stain- and odor- causing bacteria, mold
Ensures the comfort and confidence of
and mildew throughout a room
(888) 939 4747 / info@appliedsilver .com / / © 2017 Applied Silver Inc.
Help athletes achieve their peak performance with SilvaClean®
Until now, hygiene efforts in athletics have focused largely on the obvious sources of contamination
i.e. hard surfaces. But studies have proven that fabrics are capable of harboring odor- and staincausing bacteria, mold and mildew.
SilvaClean technology is now a breakthrough key preventive strategy in the sports sector to help
reduce microbial growth on athletic gear. SilvaClean is a patented, EPA-approved, and eco-friendly
technology that uses silver ions, a natural antimicrobial, to eliminate and protect against odor- and
stain-causing bacteria, mold and mildew on fabrics. Linens ranging from towels to uniforms are
treated with SilvaClean each time they are laundered, ensuring lasting protection and the cleanest
possible environment.
The problem
Studies show that fabrics harbor stain- and
The SilvaClean solution
odor- causing bacteria, mold and mildew for
months – prior to, during and after they are
Proven in peer-reviewed studies to be
effective and long-lasting
Integrates seamlessly into the current
laundry process – no need for process
Stain- and odor- causing bacteria are
changes or additional staff training
increasingly common among professional
Works on all existing textiles/inventory
and student athletes in sports such as
Ensures athlete comfort and confidence
football, wrestling, soccer, basketball,
lacrosse, martial arts, and baseball
(888) 939 4747 / info@appliedsilver .com / / © 2017 Applied Silver Inc.
Partner Programs
Applied Silver works with partners to develop custom marketing
programs and materials to highlight industry leadership.
Custom program and materials may include:
Joint press release announcement
Email blasts and mailers
Admit packet information
Brochures for the end user including patients, athletes, and consumers
Tent cards for the bedside or locker room
Digital ads and signage
Printed posters and informational flyers
(888) 939 4747 / info@appliedsilver .com / / © 2017 Applied Silver Inc.
Keep textiles cleaner for longer with SilvaClean®
SilvaClean is a patented, EPA-approved, and eco-friendly technology that uses silver ions, a natural
antimicrobial, to eliminate and protect against harmful odor- and stain-causing bacteria, mold and
mildew on fabrics. Virtually any soft surface in a hospital can benefit from SilvaClean, including
bedding, gowns, towels, curtains, and healthcare worker scrubs.
SilvaClean is the only solution to seamlessly integrate silver ions into the existing laundry process.
The technology uses proprietary electronics to deliver an ionic silver treatment each time textiles are
laundered, all monitored by intelligent cloud-based software to ensure antimicrobial protection.
The problem
The SilvaClean solution
More than 45 published articles demonstrate
Integrates seamlessly into the current
laundry process
Linens harbor bacteria, mold and mildew for
Works on all existing textile inventory
months – prior to, during and after use
No process changes or additional staff
Contaminated sheets are proven to spread
stain- and odor- causing bacteria, mold and
training required
Ensures patient comfort and confidence
mildew all throughout the hospital
Long-lasting protection
Current laundering processes are only designed to clean soil and contamination on textiles at the
point of laundering. Linens treated with SilvaClean have lasting antimicrobial protection – staying
cleaner throughout the entire linen use cycle.
1. Nursing and physician attire as possible source of nosocomial infections,Wiener-Well, Yonit et al., American Journal of Infection Control , Volume 39. 2. Microbiological contamination of bed linen and staff
uniforms in a hospital, A. Pinon, J. Gachet, V. Alexandre, S. Decherf and M. Vialette, Advances in Microbiology, Vol. 3, 2013. 3. Trillis F., 3rd, Eckstein E., Budavich R., Pultz M., Donskey C. (2008) Contamination of
hospital curtains with healthcare-associated pathogens. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 29: 1074–1076.
(888) 939 4747 / info@appliedsilver .com / / © 2017 Applied Silver Inc.
Tough protection for soft surfaces™
What is SilvaClean?
Innovative hospitals using
SilvaClean may see:
A water-based ionic silver treatment
Proven to inhbit the growth of bacteria, mold and mildew
Cost savings
on textiles
Improved patient experience
Persistent antimicrobial effects
Invisible and odorless, creating no perceptible difference in
Reduced waste
the look or feel of textiles
Improved HCAHPS scores
Industry leadership
Effective for use on a wide range of textiles
EPA-approved and patented
Proven to protect against odor- and stain-causing bacteria, mold and
Many surfaces in the patient environment are contaminated with microbes
Linens harbor bacteria, mildew and mold for months – prior to, during and after patient use
Contaminated sheets are proven to spread stain- and odor- causing bacteria, mold and
mildew all throughout the hospital environment
SilvaClean has been shown to decrease microbial contamination: one study* showed SilvaClean
treatment of textiles resulted in 88% and 89% reduction of stain- and odor- causing bacteria on
sheets and gowns before patient use respectively.
*Openshaw, J., Morris, W., Lowry, G., Nazmi, A. (In press). Reduction in Bacterial Contamination of Hospital Textiles by a Novel Silver Based Laundry
Treatment. American Journal of Infection Control.
How does it work?
SilvaClean uses positively
charged silver ions – the most
effective form of silver – to
create an antimicrobial effect.
The result? SilvaClean enables
highly effective antimicrobial
textiles to reduce stain- and
odor- causing bacteria, mold
and mildew.
© 2017 Applied Silver Inc.
Call today for your SilvaClean ROI analysis
(888) 939 4747 / info@appliedsilver .com / / © 2017 Applied Silver Inc.
Founded: 2012
Headquarters: Silicon Valley, CA
Industrial silver treatment process,
hardware, and consumer products in
Applied Silver is a company dedicated to using the
power of silver to develop commercial applications
for a cleaner, healthier world.
What we do
Applied Silver is the leading provider of innovative
solutions for soft surface protection. The company
pioneered SilvaClean® – the new standard for soft
surface protection that is patented, EPA-approved,
and eco-friendly.
EPA registered in July 2014
Seeking additional EPA registrations
on existing and new products for 2017
Consumer in-home use
Proprietary technology
Long-lasting protection
A greener clean
The challenge
Until now, hygiene and cleanliness efforts in
hospitals have focused largely on the obvious
sources of contamination such as hands and hard
surfaces. But studies have proven that linens are
capable of harboring odor and stain-causing
bacteria, mold and mildew.
The SilvaClean® solution
“Medical textiles pose a unique
cleanliness problem that requires an
equally unique solution.”
SilvaClean uses silver ions, a natural antimicrobial,
- Dr John Openshaw, M.D.
Stanford Medicine Department
of Infectious Diseases
technology uses a proprietary hardware module to
to eliminate harmful odor- and stain-causing
bacteria, mold and mildew on fabrics. The
deliver an ionic silver treatment into each laundry
cycle, all monitored by intelligent cloud-based
software to ensure efficacy.
(888) 939 4747 / info@appliedsilver .com / / © 2017 Applied Silver Inc.