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Foundation Terms Alphabetically
Accented - notes stressed
Accompanied - instruments playing along
Answer - musical question √
Ascending √
Brass, pipe, rock, steel, dance (Scottish), military
Baroque - violins, harpsichord, busy music
Beat/pulse - √
Broken chord - separate notes - guitar strings
Chord - notes together
Chord change - √
Descending - √
Discord - √
Drumkit - √
Drum fill - √
Ensemble - a group
Faster/slower - √
Groups: Folk, pop, Jazz
Harmony - more than one note at the same time
Simple time - 2,3,or 4 beats in the bar
Instruments - √
Jazz - piano, trumpet, drumkit, clarinet, double bass
Latin American - Samba sound
Groups: Folk, pop, Jazz
Harmony - more than one note at the same time
Simple time - 2,3,or 4 beats in the bar
Leaping - missing notes out
Louder, Softer - √
March - groups of 2; Strathspey - slow 4s, Scotch snap;
Reel - fast 4s; Waltz - slow 3s.
On/Off the beat - √
Orchestra - all instruments together
Ostinato - repeated short pattern, melody OR Rhythm
Pattern - repeated material
Pause - the music stops
Phrase - a short little tune
Question - a ‘questioning’ phrase
Repetition - ideas are repeated
Contrast - different ideas used
Riff - repeated short tune - jazz, Rock music
Rock - √
Round - ‘Frere Jacques’
Scotch snap - quick ‘grace note’ in Scottish music
Pop - √
Scottish - bagpipes, fiddles
Section - a short part of the music
Separate - not together
Sequence - repeated pattern, going up or down
Single line - no harmony
Solo - one instrument only
Sound/silence - √
Stepwise - to the nearest note
Striking, blowing, bowing √
Strumming, plucking, slapping - √
Sustained, staccato, legato - held on; short and jumpy;
Unaccompanied - no instruments playing
Unison/octave - all the same letter names
Lead vocals/backing vocals - √
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