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What are the two main functions of
the skeleton?
ANS For support and muscle
List the 4 parts of the body
protected by the skeleton.
ANS heart + lungs + brain + spinal
What is the range of movement
allowed by a ball and socket joint?
ANS Movement in all direction
What are the two functions of the
cartilage in a joint? (credit)
ANS Acts as a shock absorber and
reduces friction at a joint.
What is the function of the synovial
fluid in a joint in cartilage? (credit)
ANS Reduces friction at a joint
What is the function of the synovial
membrane? (credit)
ANS To produce synovial fluid
What is the function of the tendons?
ANS To attach the muscle to the
Why are tendons inelastic? (credit)
What is the range of movement in a
hinge joint?
ANS Movement in one plane only
What is the function of the
ligaments? (credit)
ANS To transfer the pull of the
muscle to the bone
Name the two components of a bone.
ANS flexible fibres and minerals
What forms bone? (credit)
ANS To hold the bone together at a
ANS Living cells
Why do we need a pair of opposing
muscles at a joint? (credit)
What is the function of the cilia?
ANS When one muscle contracts it
will bend the limb and when the other
muscle contracts it straightens the
ANS To push the mucus out of the
If a person takes in food that supplies
them with more energy than they
require what happens to them?
ANS They become fat
Why do we breath?
ANS To absorb oxygen and release
carbon dioxide
List the 4 main parts of the lungs.
ANS Trachea, bronchi, bronchioles
and alveoli.
What happens to your rib cage to
allow you to inhale air into your
ANS Muscles will lift your rib cage
up and out which increases the volume
and decreases the pressure in the
What is the function of the cartilage
in the trachea and bronchi
ANS To hold the air passages open.
What is the function of the mucus in
the lungs? (credit)
ANS To trap dust and microorganisms
What gas diffuses between the air
sacs and the surrounding blood?
ANS oxygen
What gas diffuses between the
surrounding blood and the air sacs?
ANS carbon dioxide
List 4 features that make the lungs
efficient gas exchange structures.
What is the name of the blood vessel
that supplies the heart with blood?
ANS Large surface area, good blood
supply, thin walled alveoli and moist.
ANS Coronary artery
Name the 4 chambers in the heart.
What does a pulse indicated?
ANS Right and left atrium and right
and left ventricle
ANS That the blood is flowing
through an artery.
What is the name of the two arteries
that take blood away from the heart.
What is the function of the red blood
ANS Aorta and pulmonary artery
ANS To transport oxygen to the cells
Name the two veins that take blood
back to the heart.
What is the function of the plasma?
ANS to transport food to the cells
and take CO2 to the lungs
vena cava and pulmonary vein
What is the function of the valves in
the heart?
What 2 substances pass from the
cells to the blood capillary?
ANS To stop the backflow of blood
ANS CO2 + waste
What 2 substances pass from the
blood capillary to the cells?
Why can we judge distances better
with two eyes compared to using one?
ANS Oxygen + glucose
ANS Each eyes sends a different
picture to the brain which produces a
three dimensional picture.
Explain the function of haemoglobin
found in red blood cells. (credit)
What is the function of the cornea?
ANS To help it transport oxygen
ANS Lets the light into the eye
What is haemoglobin called when it
has oxygen attached to it? (credit)
What is the function of the lens?
ANS Oxyhaemoglobin
List 2 features of the capillary
network that makes it an efficient gas
exchange structure. (credit)
ANS Large surface area and thin
(one cell thick)
What is more accurate when using two
eyes compared to one?
ANS Judging distances is more
ANS To focus light onto the retina
What is the function of retina?
ANS changes the light into an
electrical impulse
What is the function of the optic
ANS carries the electrical impulse
from the eye to the brain
What is the function of the iris?
ANS To control the amount of light
entering the eye
What is more accurate when using two
ears compared to one?
Explain how the arrangement of semicircular canals is related to their
function. (credit)
ANS The direction of the sound
ANS set at right angles to each other
to detect the movement of the head
What is the function of the eardrum?
Name the three parts of the nervous
ANS passes vibrations to the ear
ANS brain spinal cord and nerves
What is the function of the middle
ear bones?
List the two functions of the nerves.
ANS amplify and transmit the
vibrations to cochlea
ANS To carry information from the
nerves to the CNS and from the CNS
to the muscles
What is the function of the cochlea?
List the 3 nerves in a reflex arc.
ANS changes vibrations to an
electrical impulse
ANS sensory nerve, relay nerve and
motor nerve.
What is the function of the auditory
Which nerve in the reflex arc carries
information from the senses to the
spinal cord? .(credit)
ANS carries the electrical impulse
from the ear to the brain
What is the function of the semicircular canals?
ANS for balance
Sensory nerve
Which nerve in the reflex arc carries
information from the spinal cord to
the muscles? (credit)
ANS motor nerve
What is the function of the
cerebrum? (Credit)
Why does the pulse rate increase
during exercise?
ANS memory / sight / sound
ANS To push more blood with oxygen
to the cells
What is the function of the
cerebellum? (credit)
Why does the breathing rate increase
during exercise?
ANS Balance and co-ordination
ANS To allow more gas exchange to
What is the function of the medulla?
List three factors that will rise less
during exercise in a fit person
compared to an unfit person
ANS To control heart rate and
ANS pulse rate, breathing rate and
lactic acid
What causes muscle fatigue?
Training improves the efficiency of
what? (credit)
ANS continuous repeated contraction
of a muscle.
What happens in a muscle cell to
produce muscle fatigue?
ANS Lack of oxygen and build up of
lactic acid
ANS Lungs and the circulation
What recovery time indicates that a
person is fit?
ANS A quicker recovery time
What form of respiration causes
muscle fatigue? (credit)
What happens to the recovery time
when a person trains more? (credit)
ANS increasing training, decreases
the recovery time
Anaerobic respiration