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Delaware Cancer Consortium
Early Detection and Prevention
November 15, 2010
Delaware Technical & Community College
Dover, DE
Members of EP&D
Did Not Attend
Did Not Attend
Did Not Attend
Did Not Attend
Did Not Attend
Heather Bittner-Fagen, MD, Helen F. Graham Cancer Center
Victoria Cooke, DE Breast Cancer Coalition, Inc.
Stephen Grubbs, MD, Medical Oncology Hematology Consultants, PA
Nora Katurakes, Helen F. Graham Cancer Center
Carolee Polek, DE Diamond Chapter of the Oncology Nursing Society
Dr. Estelle Whitney, OB GYN Faculty Practice, CCHS
Robert Sykes, Ph.D., University of Delaware, Center for Translational Cancer Research
James Tancredi, Tancredi Colon Cancer Prevention Foundation
Dr. Rafael Zaragoza, Prostate Cancer Awareness Program
Lisa Henry, Division of Public Health
RaTonya Quail, Division of Public Health
Public Attendees/Other
Theresa Young, American Cancer Association
Review of Previous Meeting Minutes
Committee members approved the September 20, 2010 Early Prevention & Detection meeting minutes with the
following minor changes as follows:.
 American Academy of Doctors/Physicians is not the correct name; the correct name is American Academy
Family Physicians and American Academy College Physicians
Old & New Business
Welcome, New Committee Member (s) and/or Staff Introductions:
Dr. Stephen Grubbs called the meeting to order and requested an around the table introduction.
Updates from last meeting
Corrections were made:
Dr. Grubbs reviewed the DCC Prostate Screening Recommendations for the Committee members as follows:
 No mass screening
 Promote education for informed decisions
 Screening for ≥ 75 years less desirable but individualized; screening not recommended for life expectancy
‹less than 10 years}
Offer average risk screening at 50 years with informed decision process
High Risk Individuals should be encouraged to screen starting ages 40 years (several 1st degree relatives)
or 45 years (African American; or 1st degree relative ‹ 65 years; or family history of BRCAII)
PSA alone or with or without a DRE and screening at 1-2 year intervals are acceptable.
(Recommendation changed and approved by the Committee)
If the client is a (personal or family history) Brackett 2carrier, they are 5x’s the risk of getting
Prostate Cancer. If client is a Brackett 1 carrier, there’s a 1.8 chance of getting Cancer.
The Committee reviewed and approved the Prostate Screening Recommendations and they will be forward to the
Disparities Committee since the recommendations was also be approved by the Disparities Committee.
Ms Henry informed the committee about the Advisory Counsel meeting. This committee is the overseers of Tobacco
Settlement Monies. The Health fund is sending a recommendation to the Governor for Fiscal year 2012. These funds
help programs like the Department of Justice, Emergency Medicaid for Undocumented citizens, and the DE
Assistance for Prescription Drugs program. Also for programs such as Disease Prevention, Adult Smoking,
Healthcare Reimbursements, and Workforce Development.
Year 3 Accomplishments
Ms. Henry provided a packet of Year 1 and Year 2 accomplishments. She went over the Goals and Tasks for Year 3.
The objective to use claims data to provide Nurse Navigation, referrals and scheduling to interested clients has not
been reached. The insurance companies cannot be contacted for claims data. Goal 1, to enhance the Cancer
Screening Nurse Navigator program Colorectal, Prostate, Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening, has been met.
Goals 2-4 have also been reached. Objective 2A, (continue annual allocation for Colorectal Screening and Breast
and Cervical Cancer Screening for women ineligible for federally funded screenings), means that people who don’t
qualify for Screening for Life, but are enrolled with the Cancer Treatment Program, SFL would normally follow
Boys are now covered for the HPV vaccine. The Screening for Life program covers the office visit and the
Immunizations program covers the vaccine or the office visit. The vaccination age for boys is 9-26.
Next Four Year Plan
Ms. Henry started the discussion by stating that the Year 3 Accomplishments will be completed along with Year 4,
and to start writing the book for the Next Four Year Plan that begins July 1, 2011. The color of the next book will be
Blue. Delaware Cancer Treatment Program and Screening for Life clients are participants featured in the Blue book.
Dr. Grubbs enlightened the committee with four important issues that were put up for discussion:
1. To analyze and utilize the HPV vaccine program.
2. Redefine the recommendation for Prostate Cancer screening. Is there another activity out there that can
help with promoting prostate screening.
3. Database
4. Publications
Ms. Nora Katurakes explained that Primary Care Doctors are responsible for Primary prevention for their clients.
Ms. Victoria Cooke explained the process for the Mammogram Van. She stated that clients can have a prescription
for a mammogram, but if they do not, they are encouraged to enroll with Screening for Life. This is done so that if a
client doesn’t have a primary, their results can be sent to a (home) facility.
Ms. Paula Hess joined in the day’s discussion with data information. Ms. Hess enlightened the group that PSA
information can be entered into the database, detecting if the PSA is normal or abnormal. Whether the PSA was out
of range or not, also, the data can detect the value of PSA. For Colon screenings, polyp data can be identified.
Ms. Katurakes interjected that Bob Myers from Jefferson wants to come and visit the committee. He is interested in
Prostate Health and Prevention and wants to share some of the research he and his group has come up with.
Ms. Cooke suggested a website: This site is working towards putting an end to
Breast Cancer.
The next meeting will be on Tuesday, January 18th, 2011.
Meeting was adjourned by Dr. Grubbs at 11:35 a.m.
Follow up
Meeting agendas, minutes and handouts are available upon request. Please contact RaTonya Quail at:
[email protected] or 744-1040 for copies of meeting materials.
Future Meeting(s)
The next Delaware Cancer Consortium Communication & Public Education Committee meeting is scheduled for
Tuesday, January 18, 2011 at Delaware Technical & Community College, Dover, DE.