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Vision 2020
Our Missionary Project
Jeremiah 29:11
For I know well the plans
I have in mind for you
Says the Lord
Plans for your welfare.
Not for woe!
Plans to give you a future full of hope
Marianist Province of the United States
In order to revitalize the
apostolic mission inherited
from our Blessed Founder
for our time, we commit
ourselves to be:
Faith-filled communities in mission in several geographic
areas of the Province.
Faithful witnesses to the charism of Blessed Chaminade.
Partners in mission with other communities of the
Marianist Family and other persons to educate and form
persons and communities of apostolic faith that advance
justice, reconciliation and the integrity of creation in our
society and in our Church.
Goal A
The Province of the United States will focus
on developing vibrant religious
communities in mission.
Criteria for Choosing Geographic
Strong apostolic organizations in the
Recruiting new members.
Develop solidarity and partnership
with others-sustaining networks of
sponsored apostolic organizations.
Church is growing and could benefit
from Marianist presence
5. We have an invitation from the local
6. Connections in addressing issues such
as global peace and justice and the
integrity of creation
7. Area supports vibrant communities
capable of housing senior members
Goal B
The Province of the United States will
continue to build and strengthen its
program of vocation ministry and initial
Goal C
The Province of the United States will
define, clarify and refine collaboratively
the meaning of Province sponsorship of an
apostolic organization and implement the
application of the criteria.
Criteria for Sponsorship
How well does the organizations fulfill the
Characteristics of Marianist Education?
Does the institution form faith-filled leaders
in the Marianist Tradition and advance
justice and reconciliation?
Does the institution give preferential option
for the poor and to the education and
formation of youth?
Criteria for Sponsorship continued
4. Does the institution give special preference
and have a plan respecting the principles of
integrity of creation?
5. Is the institution/ministry responsive to the
critical needs of the local church and society
and working with the local church?
6. Institutions that have sufficient financial
resources and a sustainable plan to support
the apostolic organization.
7. Opportunity to network with other initiatives
of the Marianist Family.
8. Institutions and ministries that are used for
formation experiences that allow brothers in
formation to carry out the mission of the
Goal D
The Province of the United States in
partnership with other communities and
individuals of the Marianist Family will
promote a network of sponsored apostolic
organizations and faith communities in
each of the geographical areas of the
Goal E
The Province of the United States will assist
its members in making appropriate
transitions from fully engaged apostolic
ministry to new ministries and ministries
appropriate to their health and strength.
Goal F
The Province of the United States will
develop and sustain a unified
development/advancement effort to
support its life and mission.
Goal G
The Province of the United States will
continue to develop and sustain an
approach to leadership and governance
that addresses the complexity of the
Province enterprise and will continue to
focus attention on the lives of brothers
and their communities as well as
sponsored apostolic organizations.
Goal H
The Province of the United States will
continue to develop and sustain an
effective and responsible relationship in
solidarity with its districts and foundations
and will continue to be in dialogue and
collaboration with all Units of our
international community.
Question for Discussion:
What are two suggestions or
recommendations that your group
would like to make to the
Marianist leadership about
sponsorship of apostolic
organizations and partnership in