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Snap Shot Prediction
On Three Stages Of
M. Imran, Pakistan
hile reading commentary of
Brihat Jataka1, it appears that
Varahamihira succinctly maintains a
dasa system that is built upon planetary
positions in kendra, panaphara and
apoklima houses. It is different from
A television producer by profession and
an astrologer by passion, Muhammad Imran
born and brought up in Pakistan , where
people rarely espouse Jyotish. In 1994, he
first encountered astrology at the age of 16
and later been an active member on various
online astrological forums. Imran earned
M.Sc. (Statistics) and M.S. (Applied
Economics) from Karachi University.
Besides astrology, he loves reading
literature and philosophy. He can be
contacted at [email protected]
Naisargika Dasa. Unfortunately, most of
the Jyotish learners of present day think
Brihat Jataka merely presents Naisargika
Dasa which is indeed a misconception.
Kendradhi planet dasa is also found in
work of Yavanas. Prithu Yasasas (son of
Varaha Mihira) elaborated the effects of
this dasa system in his Hora Saara. In
fact, half of Hora Saara comprises the
results of dasa based on planets in
kendra, panaphara and apoklima houses.
Later, Kalyana Varma modified the
system under the title of Moola Dasa.
1 Varahamihira’s Brihat Jataka, translated by V.
Subrahmanya Sastri, Mysore, 1929.
Kendradhi is often translated “kendra etc.”; literally it stands for “kendra and what
follows it”. In simple words, sequence of kendra, panaphara and apoklima house groups.
Planetary directional system or dasa, propounded by Yavana, Varahamihira, Prithu Yasasas
and Kalyan Varma actually addresses Kendradhi Graha (that is planets in kendra,
panaphara and apoklima houses).
The key point of this dasa scheme is planets in kendra houses represent early life, planets
in panaphara houses denote middle life, and planets in apoklima houses indicate
concluding portion of life. However, mentioned authorities first determine stronger
between Ascendant, Moon and Sun for starting point of dasa then consider kendrapanaphara-apoklima progression.
At present, only JHora software provides Kendradhi Graha Dasa or Moola Dasa option,
but the computational parameters are not clear (whether JHora’s Moola Dasa is based on
Amsayurdaya, Pindayurdaya, Naisargikayurdaya, or modified criterion of Vimshottari
dasa years with mooltrikona corrections). Further, there appears some deviation between
classical teachings and what JHora output presents. For instance, there is no mention of
Rahu and Ketu in Brihat Jataka, Hora Saara and Saravali (at least in their dasadhyayas),
but we find Rahu and Ketu in Moola Dasa of JHora. Moreover no classical Jyotish text
maintains that Kendradhi Graha or Moola Dasa basically reveals Karmic influences or
past deeds of native2. They simply treat it as an effective phalit dasa.
Followers of recently emerged school of Tropical Vedic Astrology should especially test
how Moola Dasa yields effective results, for, good or bad Moola dasa effect is depended
upon planets in signs, rather special functional lordship and nakshatra taras. Moreover,
the order of Kendra → Panaphara → Apoklima has striking similarity with Sun’s
apparent movement through Moveable → Fixed → Dual signs of tropical zodiac.
Students of astronomy know the seasonal change and day-night phenomena are caused
by interplay of Sun and Earth that form the tropical zodiac. It is an entirely different
2 Perhaps here the author is referring to what Pt. Sanjay Rath has referred in his forums to Moola Dasa being a dasa for
timing past life curses. - SA
subject, however, and present write-up has nothing to do with Tropical Vedic Astrology,
or even computation, conditionality and applicability of traditional Moola Dasa.
This article aims at finding whether planets in kendra, panaphara and apoklima show
their effect respectively at beginning, middle and ending phases of life or not.
Western historians are of the view that Kendra, PaNaphara and Apoklima are loan
Sanskrit words that were probably adopted from ancient Greek terminologies3 sometime
after Alexander’s invasion of Western India. In reply, conventional Indian scholars
strongly decline this linguistic argument.
In Classical and Medieval astrological practice, Kendra (Angle) was considered
analogous to “beginning, central, and immediate”, Panaphara (Succedent) was equal to
“accumulated or promised in future”, and Apoklima (Cadent) was synonym of
“declining, remote, and far away”. This symbolism also helps in establishing following
1) Natural benefic planets (without inherent weakness and without malefic association)
in Kendra Sthana or Angles (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th houses) indicate good fortune in early part of
2) Natural malefic planets (without inherent strength and without benefic association) in
Kendra Sthana or Angles (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th houses) indicate bad luck in early part of life5.
3 Sanskrit Kendra is from Greek ke’ntron; Sanskrit Panaphara is from Greek epanaphora’; Sanskrit Apoklima is from
Greek apo’klima. James H. Holden: A History of Horoscopic Astrology, AFA, 1996. See also David Pingree: Yavana
Jataka of Sphujidhvaja, 1978.
4 This is a kind of Mala Yoga.
5 This is similar to Sarp Dosh.
3) Natural benefic planets (without inherent weakness and without malefic association)
in Panaphara Sthana or Succedent (2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th houses) foretell prosperous middle part
of life.
4) Natural malefic planets (without inherent strength and without benefic association) in
Panaphara Sthana or Succedent (2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th houses) foretell miserable middle part of
5) Natural benefic planets (without inherent weakness and without malefic association)
in Apoklima Sthana or Cadent (3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th houses) suggest comfort and ease during
last phase of life.
6) Natural malefic planets (without inherent strength and without benefic association) in
Panaphara Sthana or Succeedents (2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th houses) forebode misfortune in
concluding days of life.
dvocated six rules define natural benefic and malefic planets in three different
groups of houses. Subjectively, it is generally assumed:
Kendra Bhavas (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th houses): Childhood and Youth
Panaphara Bhavas (2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th houses): Middle and mature age
Apoklima Bhavas (3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th houses): Old age and dying days
Now the question is where is the borderline? How one can determine the end of
beginning phase and start of middle portion of life. Different cultures differently
perceive first, second and third part of life. It also depends upon native’s own longevity.
Generally, 25 years for each phase of life yields quite reliable outcome, especially for common
Asian natives, and for those who are not destined to very long lease of life.
House Group
Kendra Bhavas
Age Interval
Type of Age
Birth to Age 25
Childhood and youth
Age 25 to Age 50
Middle and mature age
Age 50 to Death
Old age and dying days
(1st, 4th, 7th, 10th houses)
Panaphara Bhavas
(2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th houses)
Apoklima Bhavas
(3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th houses)
For European countries and USA, you may allot 30 years for each phase of life. It is up to
astrologer’s experience and native’s own socio-cultural background. Citizens of higher
life expectancy countries should also use this broader phases of life. The interval is
coincidently correlated to Saturn’s 30 year cycle.
House Group
Kendra Bhavas
Age Interval
Type of Age
Birth to Age 30
Childhood and youth
Age 30 to Age 60
Middle and mature age
Age 60 to Death
Old age and dying days
(1st, 4th, 7th, 10th houses)
Panaphara Bhavas
(2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th houses)
Apoklima Bhavas
(3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th houses)
ollowing are the delineations of Kendra, Panaphara and Apoklima Bhavas when
they are occupied by natural benefic and malefic planets. For the sake of brevity,
results are given as choppy sentences and keyword style. You may modify these
results according to the signification of involved planets, and socio-cultural background
of native.
Benefics in Kendra (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th houses) and Early Life
Fortunate birth. High social and financial status of parents. Getting due care in
childhood. Receives good educational opportunities. Easily finds smart opportunity at
start of career. Possibility of early marriage.
Malefics in Kendra (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th houses) and Early Life
Birth in difficult circumstances. Parents suffering from limited earning and
uncomfortable living. Fear of malnutrition. Careless or quarrelsome parents. Occasional
hurdles in proper education. Meager designation and salary at start of career.
Benefics in Panaphara (2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th houses) and Middle Life
Family settlement or birth of child brings exponential rise in earning. Sumptuous wine
and dine. Association with authorities causes high standard living and recognition.
Expansion in business activities. Happiness from children’s performance.
Malefics in Panaphara (2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th houses) and Middle Life
Entangled in search of desirable earning. Not receiving due reward and return of one’s
own efforts. Frequent disputes in domestic life. Difficulties in procreating progeny.
Sometimes, birth of child brings loss of job or destruction of business.
Benefics in Apoklima (3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th houses) and Later Life
Obtainment of effortless money. Children’s marriage in prosperous family. Travel for
pilgrimage. Happiness on account of grandchildren. Availability of excellent medical
care. Fame through literary work, Inclination towards spiritual quest and practice of rituals.
Malefics in Apoklima (3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th houses) and Later Life
Unexpected retirement or termination from job. Partition of family business and
destruction of assets. Sudden decline in vitality and immunity. Frequent sickness and
absence of medical facilities. Problems in marriage of children. Loss of property and
relocation to ordinary house. Living in isolation and away from family.
A Point to Note
lmost every second chart has some planets in kendra, panaphara and apoklima
houses. Then how we would reconcile contradictory planetary situation
spreading in different kinds of houses? Here is simple solution. Since every
kind of house group is consisted of 4 houses. That is, 4 kendra houses, 4 panaphara
houses, and 4 apoklima houses. Therefore, we may rank 1 point to each house for the sake
of ease and comprehension. Hence if all four kendra houses (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th) are occupied
by benefic planets then it makes 4/4 = 100% favourable effect. When any of three out of
four kendra houses are occupied by benefic planets then it accounts for 3/4 = 75%
beneficial outcome. When only two kendra houses are occupied by benefic planets then it
concludes 2/4 = 50% good results. When only one kendra house is occupied by benefic
planet then it makes 1/4 = 25% favourable outcome and hence should not be considerable.
Following table illustrate the scenario for all houses.
Planets in House Group
Amount of Effect
Phase of Life
Benefics in 4 Kendras
100% Good Effect
Early Life
Benefics in 3 Kendras
75% Good Effect
Early Life
Benefics in 2 Kendras
50% Good Effect
Early Life
Benefics in 1 Kendra
25% Good Effect
Early Life
Malefics in 4 Kendras
100% Bad Effect
Early Life
Malefics in 3 Kendras
75% Bad Effect
Early Life
Malefics in 2 Kendras
50% Bad Effect
Early Life
Malefics in 1 Kendra
25% Bad Effect
Early Life
Benefics in 4 Panapharas
100% Good Effect
Middle Life
Benefics in 3 Panapharas
75% Good Effect
Middle Life
Benefics in 2 Panapharas
50% Good Effect
Middle Life
Benefics in 1 Panaphara
25% Good Effect
Middle Life
Malefics in 4 Panapharas
100% Bad Effect
Middle Life
Malefics in 3 Panapharas
75% Bad Effect
Middle Life
Malefics in 2 Panapharas
50% Bad Effect
Middle Life
Malefics in 1 Panapharas
25% Bad Effect
Middle Life
Benefics in 4 Apoklimas
100% Good Effect
Later Life
Benefics in 3 Apoklimas
75% Good Effect
Later Life
Benefics in 2 Apoklimas
50% Good Effect
Later Life
Benefics in 1 Apoklima
25% Good Effect
Later Life
Malefics in 4 Apoklimas
100% Bad Effect
Later Life
Malefics in 3 Apoklimas
75% Bad Effect
Later Life
Malefics in 2 Apoklimas
50% Bad Effect
Later Life
Malefics in 1 Apoklima
25% Bad Effect
Later Life
It seems indispensable to have few words about benefic and malefic planets.
Almost all astrological authorities endorse Jupiter and Venus as two prime benefics, and
Saturn and Mars as two natural malefics. Mercury and Moon are inherently benefics of
second grade. However, Mercury’s beneficence is mainly depends upon on its good or
bad association (sambandha), while Moon’s beneficence is primarily rests upon its
brightness (pakshbala). Sun is basically cruel (krura), neither purely benefic, nor purely
malefic. Yet, some treatises consider it malefic (except for religious and administrative
affairs). On the other hand, lunar nodes (Rahu and Ketu) are fundamentally malefic.
Despite few authorities consider them conditional malefics, since they do not rule any
One should never forget that concept of functional benefic and functional malefic is
basically evolved to weight the Karaka and Maraka dashas as per Vimshottari. These
special functional lords should not mix with natural benefic/malefic lords.
Earlier section of article presents six rules where terms of “inherent strength” and
“inherent weakness” are mentioned. “Inherent strength” suggests planets in ucchabala
(exaltation), digbala (directional strength) etc. Whereas, “inherent weakness” refers
planets in debilitation, inimical sign, with zero digbala, in combustion, etc.
For instance, in a certain horoscope, Sun and Mars are placed in 10th house and Saturn is
sitting in 7th house then this situation does not necessarily shows poor and miserable
early life. Despite, three malefics are in kendra, native will not suffer too much until age
25 or 30. The suffering will be lesser than expected. The reason being, Sun and Mars in
10th house and Saturn in 7th house enjoy full digbala (directional strength). If said
malefics further receive association and aspect of benefic planets then even lesser amount
of difficulties are denoted. Nonetheless, mere strength of malefics will not turn into
beneficence. As a result native has to face some hard luck and resistance in early life.
Say, in another horoscope with Cancer lagna, Jupiter is in 7th house and Venus is in 10th
house. Here two natural benefics in kendra houses do not warrantee comfortable,
supportive and well-off early life. First of all, both the involved benefics are with zero
digbala (i.e. they are opposite to their designated directional strength). Secondly, Jupiter
in Capricorn (without neechabhanga) finds it difficult to bestow its benign vibrations,
and so as Venus in Aries. Nonetheless, bare weaknesses of benefics do not make them
malefic. Resultantly, native will accrue only weak beneficial effect. A benefic is benefic
after all, and a malefic is a malefic. Not enjoying powerful favourable results is not equal
to facing unfavourable effects. The world is not black and white. There is always grey
area in between black and white.
Lastly, if a native is undergoing a very powerful (too good or too bad) mahadasha then advocated
outcome related to three phases of life will not materialize.
Case Studies
t should be borne in mind that theory of “Kendradhi and three phases of life” helps
in understanding prosperous and miserable portion of life at a first glance of chart.
By no means, it is not an alternate of Vimshottari or any other dasha system.
Furthermore, it is not pertinent to present charts of kings, queens, presidents and prime
ministers for illustrating given rules, since they’re born with highly powerful Raja Yogas
in their charts that override general planetary dispositions. Hence following examples
present charts of commoners.
Example 1
In example 1 chart, the panaphara houses (2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th) are exclusively occupied by
three malefics: Saturn, Mars and Sun. Natural benefic planets do not aspect, associate,
exchange or sandwich the said malefics. As a result, she suffered from continuous
financial troubles during her middle part of life (around age 25 to 50 years). Domiciled in
a squatter, she had to labour hard in order to run domestic affairs and educate her
children. Some grave family disputes also happened with relatives in said middle phase
of life.
On the other hand, apoklima houses (3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th) are exclusively occupied by only
natural benefic planets (Moon, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter). This is indeed a rare
occurrence. In contrast to middle age, her old age is very comfortable and peaceful. Her
sons settled well in their professions and her daughters got married in respected families.
Recently she went abroad for pilgrimage too. Now she is happily living with her sons and
grandchildren in a better neighborhood.
Example 2
At first instance example-2 chart looks awesome with four exalted planets. However, this
person was born and bought up in a poor family. His first phase of life was quite humble
and without any personal achievement. Kendra houses (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th) that rules initial
part of life are occupied by three malefics (Saturn, Rahu, Ketu) and Moon. Here Moon is
moderately strong despite being in exaltation. This is on account of lacking pakshbala
and being under spell of Saturn’s aspect. He could hardly complete his intermediate from
an ordinary government technical college. Parents’ weak financial standing forced him to
stop education and started a job.
After age 25, he found a good earning opportunity as an electrician in foreign country.
Note panaphara houses (2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th); where Venus, Mercury and Mars are assembled
in 5th house. They are getting feeble support of trinal aspect of Jupiter. Out of these
three; Venus is benefic and powerful, Mars is malefic, and Mercury is in a mixer of
benefic+malefic (misra) and quite weak. Consequently, he earned well for some years and
lived in a better neighborhood (in foreign land). However, neither his social status, nor
his financial position could improve. He had to return homeland after short span. Could
not marry yet, he is now working against an ordinary wage.
Example 3
Kendra houses (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th) are solely occupied by four malefics (Ketu, Saturn, Mars,
Rahu). These malefics in kendra houses are without benefic aspect, association, exchange
or sandwich. He was born in a traditional rural landlord family. Although he was not
poor in his childhood, teenage and 20s but he could not complete his secondary schooling.
His father died when he was young. As a whole, his early life was quite rough, without
education, and characterized by useless wandering.
He settled abroad in his middle part of life, and earned well through various business
ventures (only Jupiter is in one of panaphara bhavas i.e. in 11th house). His financial
status rose to very high after age 50. Note, Venus, Mercury, Sun and Moon are in
apoklima bhavas (3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th) – that rules later phase of life. He settled to luxurious
mansion of a mega city and enjoyed high standard of living. Despite, Saturn’s full aspect
on benefics in 6th house does not yield smooth sailing. Moreover, Venus and Mercury
are also combust. He simultaneously suffered unbearable loses in business, frequent
health complaints and dispute with own son and daughter-in-law. Thus, mixed planetary
dispositions in apoklima bhavas give him mixed results.
Example 4
Kendra houses (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th) are occupied by Mars, Sun and Mercury: two malefics and
one benefic-turned malefic. Yet we cannot term Sun and Mars in 10th house powerless
since both are enjoying digbala (directional strength). Moreover, there is an exchange
between Venus and Mars. One of the major events of his early life was relocation,
because his parents migrated to Pakistan from India after partition of 1947. He excelled
well in his academic career, and ultimately become a doctor. Early life (birth to age 25)
was ordinary except good education.
In his middle life (age 25 to 50), he left medical practice and entered into hoteling
business in a tourist destination. This venture led to exponential rise in his financial
status and association with authorities. His sons also flourished well academically and
professionally. Notice his panaphara bhavas (2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th) are exclusively occupied by
three benefics (Jupiter, Venus and Moon).
The dawn of concluding portion of his life (age 50 onwards) proved disastrous, especially
with respect to investment and property. He was cheated in a big financial deal and lost a
fat amount. This unexpected blow also hit his health. Observe his apoklima houses (3rd,
6th, 9th, 12th) where only Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are tenanted. Unfortunately there is no
benefic influence on said malefics in apoklima houses, and hence there is meager hope of
getting back lost money.
Yogas in Kendra, Panaphara and Apoklima Houses
eaders should also note Planetary Yogas that are exclusively related to any of
kendra, panpahara or apoklima houses. When yoga is completely found in
kendra-houses then it starts yielding its effect from early life. Yoga solely
occupied in panaphara houses does not activate in early life, and start giving its result
from middle life. Whereas, yoga completely formed in apoklima houses usually awakes
only in old age.
Take example of Gaja Kesari yoga. Obviously, Vimshottari dasa-bhukti of Jupiter-Moon,
Moon-Jupiter, and their dispositors are pertinent candidates for Gaja Kesari effects.
However, here we are analyzing yogas in terms of house groups (kendra, panaphara,
apoklima). Say Jupiter and Moon are in (any) kendra houses then its effect should expect
right from early age (birth to age 30). If Jupiter and Moon are in panaphara houses (2nd,
5th, 8th, 11th) then Gaja Kesri yoga will manifest mainly in middle life, and yield its effect
related to significations of panaphara houses. Lastly, when Jupiter and Moon are sitting
in apoklima houses (3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th) then such Gaja Kesari yoga will remain inactive in
first two phases of life. It will only start giving its effect with the beginning of old age
(generally after age of 50s or 60s).
Transit through Kendra, Panaphara and Apoklima Houses
ven also observed when multiple planets simultaneously transit in kendra,
panaphara or apoklima houses, they get activated, provided native is leading
early, middle or last part of life respectively. For instance, a person has three
natural malefics in kendra houses in birth chart. When Saturn and Mars, or even Rahu
and Ketu simultaneously transit his/her radical kendra houses, and person is also young,
then he/she faces extremely troublesome time. It is similar to reproduction or completion
of Sarp Dosh.
On the other hand, suppose another native was born with three benefic planets in
panaphara houses (2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th). When Jupiter and Venus simultaneously transit his
radical panaphara houses, and native is in his 30s or 40s then he/she finds lucrative
earning opportunities, birth of child, benefit from association of authorities etc. It is akin
to formation of Mala Yoga in panaphara houses.
ationally speaking, no theory can be accepted or rejected on the basis limited
number of horoscopes. So is case with forwarded rules and their applications.
However, astrology is not a quantitative discipline that can be tested
statistically, nor it is an applied science that can be experimented in a laboratory.
Astrology is a unique art whose fundamental principles and derivative rules are extracted
from celestial symbolisms and movement of heavenly bodies.
Kendra, Panaphara and Apoklima houses definitely carry some connection with first,
middle and last phase of life. Under studied charts reveal planets in these houses
manifest their good or bad impact. Nonetheless, advocated theory should not be
considered substitute of Vimshottari or any other primarily applicable dasa.
Scribe also came across few charts where three or even four kendra-houses are occupied
by malefics but native was born in a good family, got caring parents and obtained nice
education. In that case, native was going through (Vimshottari) dasa of benefic or yoga-karaka
planet sitting in kendra house. This implies running Vimshottari or other applicable dasa
yields pronounced effect in early life when dasanatha is sitting in kendra, middle life when
dasanatha is occupied in panaphara house, and end of life when dasanatha is domiciled in apoklima
In recapitulate, kendra, panaphara and apoklima houses denote three ladders of life. They
manifest their vibrations in three different stages of life, sometimes meagerly, sometimes
moderately and sometimes markedly.
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