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Anorexia and Bulimia
Analy Guardado & Alexis Oviedo
Demi Lovato
She couldn’t bear to see her
body on television anymore.
She was bullied when she was
Felt alone so she started to
cut herself.
It got to a point where she
only ate two meals a week.
Started purging, five times a
day during her movie, “Camp
Resorted to music and
working at the studio.
A lack or loss of appetite for food (as a medical condition).
An emotional disorder characterized by an obsessive desire to lose
weight by refusing to eat.
◦ a distorted body image
◦ refusal to maintain a healthy body weight
◦ an intense fear of gaining weight
Bulimia is an illness in which a person binges on food or has regular
episodes of overeating and feels a loss of control. The affected
person then uses various methods -- such as vomiting or laxative
abuse -- to prevent weight gain.
◦ Binging & purging
◦ Compulsive exercise
◦ Throwing away packages of laxatives, diet pills, emetics (drugs
that cause vomiting), or diuretics
◦ Regularly going to the bathroom right after meals
Theories of Anorexia& Bulimia
Annabella Rutigliano says that anorexia can be caused by
enviromental,psychological, and biological factors.
anorexia may be the development of control issues.
University of Maryland Medical center said Genes may play a part,there is
some evidence that women who have a sister or mother with bulimia are
at higher risk of developing the condition. Psychological factors may also
play a part including having low self-esteem, not being able to control
impulsive behaviors, and having trouble expressing anger.
Ex People who been through sexual abuse.
Treatment for Anorexia & Bulimia
Admit you have a problem
Talk to someone.
Stay away from people, places, and activities that trigger your obsession with being
Seek professional help
Support groups may be helpful for patients with mild conditions
who do not have any health problems.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and nutritional therapy are the
preferred first treatments for bulimia that does not respond to
support groups.
Antidepressants known as selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors
(SSRIs) are often used for bulimia. A combination of CBT and SSRIs
is very effective if CBT is not effective alone.
Facts on Anorexia & Bulimia
Anorexia nervosa most commonly starts in the mid-teens. About
one in a hundred 16 to 18 year olds has the illness. It is much more
common in girls.
Untreated, about 15 per cent of all sufferers will die from the
disorder within 20 years of its onset.
75% of patients eventually recover almost completely from eating
disorders. Approximately half of the remaining 25% continue to
have problems and the other half unfortunately die from
complications of eating disorder.
It is estimated that almost 7 million women and 1 million men have
an eating disorder.