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Small Animal Care
Michael Lavoie B.S.
Middlesex Community College
Veterinary Assistant Program
October 2011
Breeds- Dogs
 American Kennel
Club (AKC)
 155 Breeds of dogs
 Seven categories
Working dogs
Sporting dogs
Nonsporting dogs
Herding dogs
Breeds to Know- dog
 Golden Retriever
 Boxer
 Poodle
 Greyhound
 Great Dane
 Border Collie
 Labrador Retriever
 Airdale
 Chihuahua
 Dachshund
Breeds- Cats
 Cat Fanciers’ Association
 Promotes the health and
responsible breeding of cats
 30 different breeds recognized
 US= over 70 million cats as
 Longhair or shorthair
 Miscellaneous breeds
 The domestic cat
 Variety of sizes (5-25 pounds)
Breeds to know- cats
 Siamese
 Ragdoll
 Siberian
 Abyssinian
 Maine Coon
 Scottish Fold
 Persian
 Devon Rex
 Exotic Shorthair
Provide Protection from common diseases
Cats and dogs receive a vaccine series, or
multiple vaccines, in one dose
Vaccine series= series of letters that
represent the disease from which the
vaccine protects against
Vaccinations- Dog
 Start at 6-8 weeks of age
 Given multiple timesboosters- to build up the
immune system’s
 Boosters are given
approximately 3-4 weeks
apart up to 16 weeks of
 Adult vaccinations are
scheduled every 1-3
Most common series in dogs
Known as the “distemper” vaccines
D= distemper
H= hepatitis
L= leptospirosis
P= parainfluenza
P= parvo virus
C= corona virus
Rabies vaccine (RV)- Dogs
Given between 12-16 weeks of age
“rabies on the right”
Valid for 1-3 weeks
Booster yearly or more
Required by law
Be familiar with the laws of the state that you
are working in
Rabies tag and certificate given to the
owner at the time of vaccine
Other vaccines- dog
 Lyme disease
 Kennel cough
 Become familiar with
the vaccines offered
by the clinic you are
working in
Vaccinations- cats
Start at 6-8 weeks of age
Given multiple times- boosters- to build up
the immune system’s protection
Boosters are given approximately 3-4
weeks apart up until 16 weeks of age
Adult vaccination schedule every 1-3
 Most common feline
vaccine series
 The “distemper”
 FVR= Feline Viral
 C= calicivirus
 P= panleukopenia
Rabies vaccine (RV)- cat
Given at 16 weeks of age
“rabies on the right”
Rabies tag and certificate given to the
owner at time of vaccine
Familiarize yourself with your state laws
Yearly booster
3yr vaccine
Other Vaccines- cat
Vaccines against other feline diseases
Feline leukemia (FeLV)
Indoor cats vs. outdoor cats
Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP)
Be familiar with vaccines offered by the
clinic you are working in
How vaccines are given
 Subcutaneous (SQ)
Under the skin
Easier to administer
Most frequently used for vaccines and antibiotics
 Intramuscular (IM)
Into a muscle
Placed deeper into the body
Many different sites/muscle groups
Be familiar with your clinic’s practices
An injection/vaccination
 Need a needle and
 Select the proper size
of the syringe and
Selecting a syringe size
Select a syringe that has a volume slightly
larger than the dose being administered
Allows for space to remove any air
bubbles that may be drawn into the
Allows space for aspiration
A vaccine is typically 1 mL so a 3 mL
syringe would be an appropriate choicem
Selecting a needle size
 Needle size or gauge
 Patient size
 Rate at which the injection is being administered
 Thickness of the liquid being administered
 Measured by the diameter of the needle
 The greater the diameter of the needle, the
lower the gauge size
A 20 gauge needle has a greater diameter than the 25
gauge needle
Needle gauge- continued
 More rapid
administration- lower
gauge needle
 A thick liquid drug
(viscous)- lower
gauge needle
Selecting needle length
 Type of injection
 Depth of the
medication will be
 Short length needle;
cats, thin skinned
 Longer needle for an
IM injection
Some things to remember:
 Handle syringes and needles
with care
 Avoid contamination
 Clean injection vial with
alcohol prior to inserting
 Never mix liquids in the same
syringe unless otherwise
instructed (label)
 Label syringes with:
Drug or vaccine type/name
Amount or dose prepared
Patient name
Your initials
 Process of a syringe when the plunger is drawn
back slightly to make certain no blood vessel
has been accidently penetrated prior to
administering an injection
 Done immediately prior to injecting an
medication into a patient, regardless of route
 Avoid accidental injection of a medication into
the blood stream
 “draw back”
Vaccine reconstitution
 Select appropriate syringe size and needle gauge/length
 Hold vial upside down in one hand while other hand
controls the syringe which is pointing upward into the vial
 Needle should penetrate the rubber stopper of the vial at
the level of medication
 Pull the plunger of the syringe back to withdraw the
proper amount of contents
 Withdraw the needle from the vial
 Tap or snap with the finger to remove any air bubbles
 Or gently push on the end of the plunger
Vaccine reconstitution- continued
 Hold vial in one hand and use your other hand to use the
needle to puncture the top of the vial
 Put gentle pressure on the plunger to inject the syringe
contents into the vial
 Once all the liquid is expelled from the needle gently
shake the now reconstituted vial
 Once all of the powder is mixed well with the liquid you
then pull back the plunger to withdraw the contents at
the level of the reconstituted vaccine
 Withdraw the needle from the vial
 Snap or tap with a finger to remove any air bubbles
 Or gently push on the end of the plunger
 Recap the needle and label the syringe appropriately
Subcutaneous injections (SQ)
 Easiest to administer
 Most frequently used site for vaccinations
 Most common site- loose skin over the base of
the neck and between the shoulder blade
 Clean site with alcohol
 Hold the syringe with one hand and the free
hand pinches the skin over the shoulder blades
and lift gently to form a triangle or tent
 Insert the needle at the base of the tent parallel
to the body
SQ injections- continued
Short needle- fully insert
Long needle may only be partially inserted
Once the needle is placed, release the skin
Use your free hand to palpate the needle below the skin
(note that the needle has gone through the skin)
Aspirate the end of the plunger
If no blood enters the syringe administer the injection
Withdraw the needle and place in a sharps container
Rub the injection site
Don’t forget…
After the injection PRAISE the patient
Try to keep positive
Distract puppies with treats
Distract kittens with treats
Make it as pleasant as possible especially
with young and impressionable patients
SQ Injections
IM injections
Given into a muscle
Many different sites
Quadriceps: the cranial part of the thigh (hind
Hamstrings: mid to distal part of the thigh (hind
Epaxials: band of muscles along either side of
the spinal column near the back end of the
SQ vs. IM injections
 SQ
 Usually well tolerated
 Very common site for
 No risk of injuring the
sciatic nerve
 IM
 More rapid onset
 Patient may react
more to injection
 Risk of injury to
sciatic nerve with
Caution must be taken with giving an IM
injection in the hamstring or quadriceps of
the thigh
Sciatic nerve- can be easily injected=
irreversable damage and potential
Alternate sites to avoid pain and trauma
IM injection
 Hold the syringe/needle like a dart
 Direct the needle below the skin parallel into the
muscle mass (be careful not to inject as you are
placing the needle)
 Aspirate the plunger on the syringe
 Inject the substance slowly if no blood is noted
 Withdraw the needle and place in a sharps
 Massage the area and praise the patient
Epaxial Muscles
Intravenous (IV) injections
Administering directly into a vein
Used for fluids or medications that must
rapidly reach high blood levels or if given
another route is irritating to the skin or
tissue or insufficiently absorbed
Dog: cephalic, lateral saphenous
Cat: medial saphenous, cephalic, femoral
Oral medications
Administration of food or medication by
direct placement into the oral cavity
Easily performed (usually)
Liquids, capsules, tablets, paste
Hyperextend the neck
Don’t get bit
Can use your fingers, pill pockets, small
amounts of food, syringe, “pill guns”
Rectal medications
Way to administer therapeutics to a patient
that cannot tolerate oral medications or to
deliver an enema
Enema: given to constipated animals in
encourage defecation
Specific fluids, volumes, and tubes to be used
Retention enemas
Valium administration to seizuring patients
at home
“Sharps”; sharp instruments and
equipment that can injure a human or
May cause a wound or cut
Possible transmission of a contagious disease
due to contamination
Needles, glass, surgical blades
Sharps containers: prevent contamination and
spread of disease
Need proper disposal/incineration
Anal glands
Scent glands
Located on either side of the rectum
Sacs that hold small amounts of fluids
from a bowel movement
Eventually fill and put pressure on the
Sometimes expressed during a bowel
Signs the anal glands need expression
Scooting their rear on the floor
Excessive licking at the rectum
Discomfort in the rectal area
Can be expressed internally or externally
Anal gland location
Sacs located on either side of the rectum
Located at 3 o’clock and 9 o’clock
Odorous fluids
External anal gland expression
 Will need exam gloves, paper towels, soapy
water or waterless shampoo
 Locate the sacs on either side of the rectum
 Gently apply pressure to the sac area by
massaging the site using your thumb and pointer
 Sacs should press against each other and
release the fluid
 *do not stand behind the dog
 *odorous fluid may project several feet
 Clean rectal area
Internal anal gland expression
 Performed by a veterinarian or veterinary
 Glands may become impacted (difficult to
express due to thickening)
 Expression of the sacs via the inside of the
Wear gloves with lubricated finger
Place finger just inside the rectum
Locate each sac separately and “milk” the contents out
Clean the rectal area
 Clean the skin and
hair coat of the animal
 To apply medicated
shampoos or dips to
the skin and hair coat
 Removes dirt and
debris from the skin
and hair with the use
of shampoo,
conditioner or water
Process of applying a chemical pesticide
or medication to the skin and hair coat to
treat a specific condition
Remain on the skin and hair coat for a
period of time to allow them to work as
specified (see label instructions)
Fleas, ticks, and mites
Bathing- continued
Warm water
Bathe most dogs/cats every few months
Careful not to over bathe= strips natural
oils and skin can dry out to become flaky
Use a protective eye ointment to lubricate
and prevent injury from shampoo and/or
Place cotton balls in ears
Secure bathing
Use a leash
Secure leash to bath area or hold securely
in one hand
Get help if needed
*NEVER leave the patient unattended
when tied in a bathing area.
Bathing- continued
 Wet haircoat thoroughly
with warm water
 Include the digits, around
the rectum and genital
area, ears, axillary areas,
care around face
 Massage shampoo and
conditioner into the skin
 Keep conditioner on
longer (5-10 minutes)
 Rinse thoroughly
 Squeeze excessive water
from coat
Bathing - Continued
 Dry with a towel
 Dry with hair dryer or cage dryer; high powered
Watch dryer temperature settings to avoid thermal
burns- monitor closely
 Comb out hair during drying process
 Make sure all areas are dry (ear flaps, digits,
under the tail)
 After the patient is dry, comb and brush out
 Place patient in a clean area and clean the
grooming area
Bathing- personal protection
Wear an apron or water resistant coat
Wear goggles or glasses to protect your
*CAREFUL* when bathing cats
Generally do not enjoy bathing/water
Avoid injuries to both patient and personnel
Basic nutrition
All animals require food to live, survive,
reproduce and work
Each animal species has needs and
requirements based on:
Genetic makeup
Work and activity level
Animal’s environment
Nutrition - continued
Nutrient: any single class of food or group
of like foods that aid in the support of life,
makes in possible for growth, provides
energy for physiological processes in life
Ration: amount of food required per day
(24 hrs)
Fed as one meal or more
Nutrition - continued
Balanced ration: diet that contains all the
nutrients required by an animal in correct
and specific amounts
Understand the correct rations for various
species of animals
Essential nutrients
 Makes up more than 75% of an animal’s body
 Newborns= 90% of body weight is water
 Controls body temperature
 Maintains body shape
 Transports nutrients within the body’s cells
 Aids in food digestion
 Breaks down food particles
 Carries waste products
Water- continued
 Makes up major part of all body fluids- urine,
feces, sweat, blood, lung vapors
 “most critical nutrients in an animal’s diet”
 20% water loss and patient may die
 Cannot live long without water
 Dehydration: water loss through vomiting,
diarrhea, sweating, panting and lactation
Can be a serious problem
 Provide energy for body fuctions and allow for
body structure formation
 Compose about 75% of an animal’s food supply
 Starches, sugars, fiber materials
 Combos of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen
 Required on a daily basis- not stored in the body
 Can be converted into fats
 Maintain blood sugar levels, store fat,
metabolism, and create lactose in milk
Plant or grain materials
Provide fibers and bulk
Convert to sugar during digestion
Oats, corn, cereal grains
Simplest example of nutrient in an
animal’s diet
Fruits, milk
Simple or monosaccharides (glucose)
Double or disaccharides (table sugar)
Polysaccharides (chain of simple sugars)
Easily digested in the stomach and
From plant cells
Left after other nutrients are digested
Aids in the digestion of food and helps
produce positive bacteria
Hay, grass
Helps to slow down the process of
digestion and helps protect the lining of
the stomach and intestinal tract
 Concentrated source of energy
 Highest amount of energy of all nutrients
 Found in every cell
 Provide insulation
 Protect vital organs
 Flavor in food
 Energy reserves
 Form cholesterol, steroids and other hormones
Fats- continued
 Absence- hair and skin problems
 Increased amounts- obesity and other health
 Measured by calories (defines energy in food)
 Animal feed measured in kilocalories (kcal)
 Fat increases palatability
 Fatty acids (oils- products of fat sources)
Essential- necessary in diet and produce natural
Nonessential- not necessary; used as additions to diets
 Essential for growth and tissue repair
 Helps in the formation and development of muscles,
internal organs, skin, hair, hoofs, horns and feathers
 Forms the basis of the structure and function of cells
 Vital to growth and development of young animals and in
reproduction and breeding
 Amino acids- building blocks of proteins (10 are
 Eggs, milk, meat, fish
 Beware of protein deficiency
 Found mostly in bones and teeth
 Calcium- 50% of the body’s mineral source
 Found in blood and tissue
 Maintains regular rates (heart rate, respiration
 Macro minerals- needed in large amounts
(calcium, iron, phosphorous)
 Micro minerals- needed in small amounts
(sodium, potassium, magnesium); aka trace
 Needed in small amounts for the life and health
 Provide a defense against disease
 Promote growth and reproduction
 Regulate body functions
 Antioxidants- boost the immune system
 Fat soluble- stored in fat and released when
needed (A, D, E, K)
 Water soluble- not stored in the body and are
dissolved in water, needed daily (C, D)
Types of diets
Reduced calorie
Growth diets
 Specialized and
formulated to:
Increase the size of the
muscles, bones, organs
and body weight
Large amounts of
proteins, vitamins and
Each animal will have
specific needs and
Maintenance diets
Given to adult animals that are in the
prime age and health
Goal is to keep a specific body weight
High in fats and carbohydrates
Small amounts of proteins, vitamins, and
Reproductive diets
Given to breeding animals for additional
nutrient needs
Increase energy needs for beginning the
lactation phase and embryonic formation
First trimester of pregnancy is most critical
Quality sperm production
Lactation diets
 Provided to lactating
females who are
nursing young
 Large amounts of
water, high amounts
of protein, vitamins
and minerals
 Calcium and
phosphorous improve
the milks quality and
Work diets
 For animals that use
a large amount of
energy for some type
of work activity
 Increased
carbohydrates, fats,
vitamins, minerals
 Show animals,
hunting dogs, draft
animals, competition
Reduced calorie diets
 Are used for
overweight or less
active animals
 Specific for low
energy needs
 Decreased amounts
of carbohydrates, fats
and proteins
Senior diets
Specific to age and health
Formulated for geriatric animals over a
specific age for their species
Low in carbs and fats
Moderate in protein (healthy bone and
skeletal mass)
Increased vitamins and minerals (protects
body and immune system)
Ideal Weight
The breed standard is based on the
animal’s age, species, breed, purpose, or
use and health
Body Condition Scoring
 An ideal body
 Rating on how an animal
appears in looks based
on an ideal weight
 Scale of 1-10; 5 being
 Larger than idealoverweight or obese 7-10
 Thin; lack of body fat- <4
Feeding schedules
Free choice- good for livestock, animals
eat whenever they want
Scheduled feedings- most companion
animals, a set of amount of food given at
specific times during the day