* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
4.2 Organisation Lesson 15 Cancer and Bronchial Disease Study this table which shows deaths from cancer and bronchial disease. Then answer the questions which follow. Number of Deaths per 100,000 people per year cigarettes from smoked per day Lung Bronchial disease cancer 0 5 10 1 to 14 10 20 15 to 24 50 35 Over 25 200 60 1a. Draw two block graphs to show the numbers of deaths from i. lung cancer ii. bronchial disease b. How many people per 100,000 i. die from lung cancer each year in total ii. who smoke 1-14 cigarettes a day die of lung cancer? iii. who smoke over 25 cigarettes per day die of bronchial disease? c. Apart from causing diseases, what other side effects does smoking give people? d. Find out what passive smoking means and how it affects people. e. Why is it hard for heavy smokers to give up smoking? 2. Read the following statements and decide which are true and which are false. a. Gum disease kills the most people in Britain. b. Coronary heart disease can be cured. c. Cholesterol is a fatty substance found in sugary foods. d. Cholesterol blocks arteries, stopping the flow of blood. e. You can only get lung disease if you smoke more than 10 cigarettes a day. f. Smoking increases the risk of heart disease. g. Tar builds up in a smokers lungs. h. It has not been proved that smoking causes cancer. i. Bacteria act on sugar in the mouth, turning it into acid. j. Plaque is a substance found in cigarettes.