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Procedural Skills for Medical Students
Advanced airway management: Intubation
1. Identify the indications and contraindications
for intubation.
2. Be able to verbalize the proper equipment and
medications needed for intubation.
3. Be able to verbalize proper diagnostic exams
to confirm intubation.
Material to review prior to lab: Video on Intubation
(need access to New England Journal of Medicine,
available to students through the University of
Arizona Health Sciences Library)
1. Hypoxia
2. Respiratory Distress
3. Inability of patient to protect their airway
4. Cardiopulmonary Arrest
5. Maintaining hyperventilation in the patient with a traumatic brain injury.
1. Cervical Spine Injury or immobilization due to arthritis
2. Intact tracheostomy or stoma
3. Severe facial or neck trauma (consider surgical airway).
Equipment: laryngoscope handle and blade, endotracheal tubes, 10-mL syringe, tape or ETT
securing device, scissors, bag-valve-mask device, Laerdal airway trainer, and HPS
Instructional Procedure & Endpoints:
1. Learners will be oriented to trainers and equipment in ASTEC.
2. ASTEC staff will demonstrate instruction on equipment and proper technique for tracheal
3. Learners will verbalize and practice proper technique for intubation a minimum of 3
4. Learners will demonstrate at least two successful occurrences of intubation on trainers,
using proper technique, prior to completion of lab.
Kabrhel, C., Thomsen, T.W., Setnik, G.S., Walls, R.M. (2007). Orotracheal intubation. The New
England Journal of Medicine, 356(e15). Retrieved from
Savage, S. (2011). Tracheal intubation. In J.L. Pfenninger, & G.C. Fowler (Eds.), Procedures
for Primary Care, 3rd Ed (1457-1463). Philadelphia: Elsevier Mosby.