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Call of the Curlew – Southern Curlew Workshop
A One-Day Workshop on the status and future of the Curlew in
southern England
World Wetlands Day, 2nd February 2017, WWT Slimbridge
The Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust, Slimbridge, Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust,
RSPB SW and Curlew Media, are holding a one day workshop on the crisis
facing Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata in southern England.
Both breeding and wintering populations of Curlew are declining at an
alarming rate throughout the British Isles, and the species has recently been
added to the Red List, having already vanished as a breeding bird from large
parts of the lowlands. Changes in farming practices, predation and human
disturbance are the most commonly highlighted factors. This workshop will
bring together various interested parties (field workers, conservation
professionals, planners, land-owners and farmers) to hear about what is
happening in different nesting areas in southern England, and to find
practical ways to conserve and extend the range of this genuinely iconic and
widely-loved species.
Mary Colwell will begin the day by talking about her 500 mile journey for
curlews in April 2016, after which there will be a series of short
presentations from Curlew projects around southern England, followed by
targeted panel discussions on specific issues. Practical ideas and solutions
will be recorded and distributed after the meeting.
This workshop is a vital step towards reversing the declining trend of
Curlews in Britain.
Geoff Hilton - WWT Slimbridge, Phil Sheldrake - RSPB, Mary Colwell - Curlew Media,
Michael Smart - Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust