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2.1 Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
2.1.1 Scrum
Pressman (2010:82) says that Scrum, “is an agile software
development method that was conceived by Jeff Sutherland and his
development team in the early 1990s.” The principles in Scrum are
influenced by the agile manifesto and are used as a guide in
development activities inside a process which includes framework
activities: requirements, analysis, design, evolution, and delivery.
There are process patterns which are sprints within these
activities. The product complexity and size decides how many sprints
are required, and they get modified by the Scrum team in real time.
Scrum is effective for projects whose requirements are always changing
with tight schedules. This is the set of development actions within
1. Backlog
Backlog is a list of requirements or features for the project
which is prioritized and is meant to provide business value for
the client. Since the backlog can be added at any time, changes
are possible.
2. Sprints
A sprint has work units required for the purpose of achieving a
requirement in the backlog within the time-box or defined
period of time. In sprint, the team members work in a shortterm yet stable environment.
3. Scrum Meetings
The Scrum team holds daily short meetings to discuss what
they have done since the last meeting, what challenges they
are facing, and what they want to accomplish for the next
meeting. The meetings are led by a Scrum master, the team
4. Demos
Demos are for giving the software increment to the client in
order for the client to see a demonstration of an implemented
functionality and evaluate. The demo consists of functions that
are successfully accomplished within the time-box.
2.2 Unified Modelling Language
According to Whitten and Bentley’s book (2007:371), Unified
Modelling Language (UML) is applied for explaining a system using objects
with a set of modelling conventions.
2.2.1 Use-case Diagram Definition
A use-case diagram is a drawing which describes a system
with use-cases, actors (users), and their relations with each other
(Whitten & Bentley, 2007:246).
Figure 2.1 Use-case Diagram
(Source: System Analysis & Design Methods, Seventh Edition – Whitten
and Bentley, 2007) Components
1. Use-cases
Use-cases are used as a tool to describe the system
functions in a manner and terminology the external users
understand. A use-case illustrates the system’s single
objective along with explaining the activities and user
interactions when accomplishing the objective.
2. Actors
Actors can trigger use-cases or system functions to do a
business task. They illustrate the role of a user
communicating with the system and do not represent a
single individual or job title, plus they do not always
represent humans. Actors may be external devices,
organizations, other information systems, or time.
Figure 2.2 Symbol for Actors
(Source: System Analysis & Design Methods, Seventh Edition – Whitten
and Bentley, 2007)
3. Relationships
Relationships are represented using lines between two
symbols. How the lines are drawn and types of symbols
they connect make a difference to the meaning of the
relationships. There are five relationships to be discussed:
a. Association
An association depicts a relationship describing an
interaction between an actor and a use-case. When an
association includes an arrowhead on the end that
touches the use-case, it means that the actor initiates
the use-case. When an association does not include an
arrowhead, it depicts an interaction between a receiver
actor and the use-case. It can be either bidirectional or
Figure 2.3 Association Relationship Drawing
(Source: System Analysis & Design Methods, Seventh Edition – Whitten
and Bentley, 2007)
b. Extends
Sometimes a use-case has a complicated process. To
simplify things, an extension is applied to extract the
complicated process into its own use-case in order to
extend the original use-case functionality. This
relationship between the extension and the original
use-case is called an extends. The extending use-case is
the only one which can invoke the extensions.
Figure 2.4 Extends Relationship Drawing
(Source: System Analysis & Design Methods, Seventh Edition – Whitten
and Bentley, 2007)
c. Uses (or Includes)
Not only complex use-cases exist, but also use-cases
with same functionalities. To explain these identical
functionalities, a separate use-case is needed. It is
called an abstract use-case. The abstract use-case
depicts reusable use-cases and functions in decreasing
redundancy between the use-cases. Uses, or sometimes
referred to includes, explains the relationship between
the abstract use-case and another use-case.
Figure 2.5 Uses Relationship Drawing
(Source: System Analysis & Design Methods, Seventh Edition – Whitten
and Bentley, 2007)
d. Depends On
The depends on relationship explains use-cases that
depend on other use-cases. With this relationship, the
sequence of use-cases can be determined, and it is ideal
for planning and scheduling.
Figure 2.6 Depends On Relationship Drawing
(Source: System Analysis & Design Methods, Seventh Edition – Whitten
and Bentley, 2007)
e. Inheritance
Two or more actors may have common behaviors,
which mean they initiate the same use-case. An
abstract actor can infer these common behaviors for the
purpose of decreasing redundancy. The inheritance
relationship shows two or more actors inheriting this
abstract actor.
Figure 2.7 Inheritance Relationship Diagram
(Source: System Analysis & Design Methods, Seventh Edition – Whitten
and Bentley, 2007)
2.2.2 Class Diagram Definition
According to Whitten and Bentley (2007:400), a class
diagram has a purpose to explain objects and relationships
among object classes with an illustration. The diagram involves
relationships such as multiplicity, generalization/specialization,
and aggregation. Components
1. Class
A class is a blueprint from which object instances with
similar attributes and behaviors can be created. Classes
may also have subclasses, for instance, a few people in a
room are categorized as students and others as teachers.
Therefore, STUDENT and TEACHER are subclasses of
the same superclass, PERSON. This is called inheritance.
Figure 2.8 Class and Object Instances
(Source: System Analysis & Design Methods, Seventh
Edition – Whitten and Bentley, 2007)
2. Attribute
Attribute is data that describes properties of a class. It can
also describe the properties of an instance of a class i.e. an
3. Method
Method is an action that can be done by a class. It specifies
behaviors that the class can take.
4. Access Modifier
Access modifiers are keywords that are available in objectoriented languages which control the accessibility of
classes, attributes, methods, etc. Different programming
languages have different numbers of access modifiers. The
four access modifiers in Java are:
a. Private
Items that are specified with a private access modifier
are only accessible within the same class.
b. Protected
Protected items are accessible from within the same
class, classes derived from the same class, and within
the same Java package.
c. Default
The default access modifier is provided by Java when
no access modifier is given. Items with this access
modifier are accessible from within the same package.
d. Public
Anyone can access items that are given a public access
5. Generalization/Specialization
Generalization/Specialization is a method used to find and
make use of the similarities between classes.
Figure 2.9 Generalization and Specialization
(Source: System Analysis & Design Methods, Seventh Edition – Whitten
and Bentley, 2007)
The classes Student and Teacher both have attributes and
behaviors that are particular to them (thus, meaning they
are more specialized), and they also have attributes and
behaviors that are common between them, inherited from
the Person class.
Figure 2.10 Generalization and Specialization in UML
(Source: System Analysis & Design Methods, Seventh Edition – Whitten
and Bentley, 2007)
6. Multiplicity
Multiplicity is a property of an association between two
classes that describes how many instances of a class can be
associated to one instance of the associated class. As an
example, if there are two classes, Customer and Order, a
customer can place any number of orders from 0 to a large
number. The relationship is called multiplicity.
Figure 2.11 Multiplicity in UML
(Source: System Analysis & Design Methods, Seventh Edition – Whitten
and Bentley, 2007)
7. Aggregation
Aggregation is a relationship where an object is made from
other objects. For example, a Course object which is made
from several Student objects and a Teacher object. In this
type of relationship, the contained objects are not
necessarily only associated with one containing object.
Figure 2.12 Aggregation in UML
(Source: System Analysis & Design Methods, Seventh Edition – Whitten
and Bentley, 2007)
8. Composition
Composition is a stronger version of aggregation, where an
object is made up of other objects, and the objects that are
contained are only associated with one container object. In
a composition, the container object is responsible for the
construction and destruction of its contained objects. If the
container object is destroyed, so are its parts.
Figure 2.13 Composition in UML
(Source: System Analysis & Design Methods, Seventh Edition – Whitten
and Bentley, 2007)
2.2.3 Activity Diagram Definition
Based on Whitten and Bentley’s book (2007:390), activity
diagram is a type of diagram in UML that is used to model the
process steps or activities of the system. They graphically
represent the flow of activities, including those that occur in
parallel. Activity diagrams are not always created for all use
cases. Activity diagrams are usually used to better describe
processes with complex logic. Components
Activity diagrams have many components that can be used
to represent process steps. The basic components of an activity
diagram are:
1. Initial node – a solid circle depicting the start of the process.
2. Actions – rounded rectangles representing steps in the
3. Flow – arrows representing the advancement through actions
and direction of flow.
4. Decision – diamond shape with one flow coming in and two
or more flows going out.
5. Merge – diamond shape with two or more flows coming in
and one flow going out, this merges flows previously
separated by a decision.
6. Fork – black bar with one flow coming in and two or more
flows going out, actions on parallel can run in any order or
7. Join – black bar with two or more flows coming in and one
flow going out, representing the end of concurrent
processing. All actions coming in must be completed before
processing goes on.
8. Activity final – a solid circle inside a hollow circle
representing the end of the process.
Figure 2.14 Activity Diagram
(Source: System Analysis & Design Methods, Seventh Edition – Whitten
and Bentley, 2007)
2.2.4 Sequence Diagram Definition
Whitten and Bentley (2007:394) say that, “A sequence
diagram depicts how objects interact with each other via
messages in the execution of a use-case or operation.” There are
no alternative courses of the use-case in a sequence diagram,
because it illustrates a single scenario, thus a single use-case can
have several sequence diagrams. Components
Some basic components in a sequence diagram are
discussed below.
1. Actor – the use-case actor is used to show the initiating
2. System – the box depicts the system as a whole, abstracting
away the internal workings. The colon (:) is a sequence
diagram notation which illustrates a running “instance” of
the system.
3. Lifelines – dashed vertical lines extending downward from
the actor and system that displays the life of the sequence.
4. Activation bars – these bars are set over the lifelines to
demonstrate the time period when the participant is active in
the interaction.
5. Input messages – horizontal arrows drawn from the actor to
the system indicating message inputs. The UML convention
for messages is to use a lowercase letter as the first word,
then concatenate the words with an initial uppercase for each
subsequent word, without spaces.
6. Output messages – dashed horizontal arrows drawn from the
system to the actor. The messages do not require the
standard notation, though it is allowed.
Figure 2.15 Sequence Diagram
(Source: System Analysis & Design Methods, Seventh Edition – Whitten
and Bentley, 2007)
2.3 Flowcharts
2.3.1 Definition
Deitel (2010:57) explains on his book that, “A flowchart is a
graphical representation of an algorithm or of a portion of an
algorithm.” It is drawn with symbols where each of them has its own
special function. Moreover, it uses flowlines – arrows in flowcharts – to
connect the symbols.
2.3.2 Symbols
1. Rectangle
Rectangle symbol is the action symbol which displays an action
that can involve a calculation.
Figure 2.16 Actions in Sequence
(Source: C How to Program, Sixth Edition – Deitel, 2010)
2. Parallelogram
Parallelogram symbol is the I/O symbol which shows the input the
process receives and the output it gives (Hebb, 2015).
3. Oval
Oval symbol with the word “Begin” or “Start” in it is the first
symbol to be used in the flowchart. On the other hand, an oval
symbol with the word “End” or “Stop” in it indicates the last
symbol to be used. The small circle symbols in figure 2.16 are
called connector symbols, used to omit oval symbols when the
algorithm is partially drawn.
Figure 2.17 Example of a Flowchart
(Source: C Programming & Data Structures, First Edition – Godse, 2007)
4. Diamond
Diamond symbol is the decision symbol showing a decision to be
made. It is used for the following statements.
a. if selection statement
It performs an action if the condition is true. Otherwise, it
skips the action.
Figure 2.18 Flowchart of if Statement
(Source: C How to Program, Sixth Edition – Deitel, 2010)
b. if…else selection statement
It performs an action if the condition true. A different action
is performed if the condition is false.
Figure 2.19 Flowchart of if…else Statement
(Source: C How to Program, Sixth Edition – Deitel, 2010)
c. while repetition statement
It performs an action repetitively while the condition stays
Figure 2.20 Flowchart of while Statement
(Source: C How to Program, Sixth Edition – Deitel, 2010)
d. for repetition statement
The statement contains initialization, loop-continuation
condition, and increment.
Figure 2.21 Flowchart of for Statement
e. do…while repetition statement
This statement is similar to while statement. The difference
is that in the while statement, the condition is tested at the
beginning of the loop before the loop body, while in the
do…while statement the condition is tested after the loop of
the body. Thus, the body of the loop will be executed at
least once.
Figure 2.22 Flowchart of do…while Statement
(Source: C How to Program, Sixth Edition – Deitel, 2010)
f. switch multiple-selection statement
The switch statement is used when there is a series of
decisions to be tested separately and each decision takes a
different action. It consists of case labels, an optional
default case, and statements for each case.
Figure 2.23 Flowchart of switch Statement
(Source: C How to Program, Sixth Edition – Deitel, 2010)
2.4 Human-Computer Interaction
2.4.1 Eight Golden Rules
Shneiderman and Plaisant (2010) write eight golden rules to create
a good interface.
1. Strive for Consistency
Similar situations demand consistent series of actions, for
example: help screens, menus, and prompts. Not only the actions
have to be consistent, but the design also has to be – the
capitalization, color, fonts, layout, etc.
2. Cater to Universal Usability
User interface designers are required to identify different users’
needs to make a flexible design, such as age ranges, disabilities,
technological diversity, and users’ skill level from novice to
expert. Tutorials are obligated to help novices understand, while
shortcuts and faster teaching pace are much more convenient for
experts. If this is accomplished, a rich interface design will be
achieved and more improved system quality.
3. Offer Informative Feedback
Every time a user does an action, a feedback should be provided.
Limited responses are to be given for recurrent and trivial actions,
whereas for uncommon and important actions, more responses are
to be given.
4. Design Dialogs to Yield Closure
Series of actions have to be organized into groups involving a
beginning, middle, and end. After a group of actions is completed,
informative feedback is to be given for a sense of relief,
contentment of accomplishment, an indication to abandon
contingency plans from their minds, and a signal to prepare for the
next group of actions.
5. Prevent Errors
When a user makes an error, give the interface the ability to detect
the error. Then provide simple and explicit instructions for
recovery. A user should not be allowed to make serious errors, for
example: alphabetic characters allowed in a numeric entry field.
Incorrect actions must not change the system state, or at least
some instructions should be given by the interface on how to
restore the state.
6. Permit Easy Reversal of Actions
Users feel relieved if they know the errors that they make can be
undone, and they will get to know more about unfamiliar options.
The reversibility units can be a finished group of actions, a dataentry job, or a single action.
7. Support Internal Locus of Control
Users like it whenever they feel that they are in charge of the
interface and that their actions are given a response. They do not
like monotonous data-entry series, problems in obtaining essential
information, surprises in common actions, and inability to get the
desired result they want.
8. Reduce Short-Term Memory Load
Keep the interface simple to allow users remember information
from one screen easily and use that information on another,
because humans have a limit for processing information in shortterm memory. Not to mention that multiple-page displays are
required to be consolidated, and enough training time should be
given for complicated series of actions.
2.5 Generations of Programming Languages
According to Zelkowitz (2008:6), “Programming languages are defined
as ‘any of various languages for expressing a set of detailed instructions for a
digital computer’.” There are four generations of programming languages:
1. First Generation
The first generation was vacuum tube computers which only had a
machine language as their programming language from 1940 – 1950.
These computers include Electronic Numerical Integrator and
Calculator (ENIAC), Electronic Discrete Variable Computer (EDVAC),
Universal Automatic Computer (UNIVAC), and Mark I, II, and III.
2. Second Generation
The second generation was transistorized computers that had an
assembly language as their programming language from 1950 – 1964.
During this time, programming languages started to appear, such as
Language (ALGOL), Jules Own Version of the International
Algorithmic Language (JOVIAL), and List Processing Language
3. Third Generation Language (3GL)
Based on Morley’s book (2014:533), the third generation is high-level
languages which are closer to natural languages and are machine
independent. The examples are Visual Basic, C++, C#, Java, Python,
and Ruby. Some of the languages are regarded as visual programming
languages, meaning that visual elements can be used to make a program
instead of textual code. Scratch is an example of a visual programming
4. Fourth Generation Language (4GL)
The fourth generation is at an even higher level than 3GLs. The
languages are declarative, not procedural like 3GLs. The computer is
told what to do in place of how to do it. 4GLs are usually used to access
databases, for instance, Structured Query Language (SQL).
2.6 Mobile Application
2.6.1 Definition
According to Fling (2009:3), a mobile application is an
application that lets users look for information that they can access
anywhere and anytime. Mobile applications are specifically designed
for mobile devices, for instance a smartphone.
2.6.2 Mobile Operating System
Here are some common operating systems that are discussed in
the book (Fling, 2009:22).
1. Android
Android is an open source operating system from Google that is
able to be customized by operators and manufactures.
2. Linux
Linux is another open source operating system increasingly used
to power smartphones.
3. Mac OS X
Mac OS X is specialized into iOS which is used by Apple’s
iPhone and iPhone touch.
4. Palm OS
Palm operating system that runs in Palm’s lower-end Centro line
mobile phones.
5. Symbian
Symbian is also an open source operating system and designed for
mobile devices.
6. Windows Mobile
Windows Mobile is a mobile operating system that utilizes the
Windows Mobile platform.
2.7 Particular Theories
2.7.1 Android Definition
Based on Burnette’s book (2010:10), “Android is an open
source software toolkit for mobile phones that was created by
Google and the Open Handset Alliance. It’s inside millions of
cell phones and other mobile devices, making Android a major
platform for application developers.”
Ars Technica (Amadeo, 2014) wrote an article that
explains the history of Android, from the very first version to
1. Android 0.5 Milestone 3
Android was announced in November 2007. Generally,
Milestone 3 was controlled with a five-way d-pad. Animations
could be done and remarkably multitasking and background
applications already worked in this version. The application
could already save state instead of closing it when a user leaves
the application.
2. Android 0.5 Milestone 5
Milestone 5 was released in February 2008. Google redesigned
the interface and renewed the artwork. This version was the first
build with a dialer, but was not so different from Android’s first
3. Android 0.9 Beta
Android 0.9 was released in August 2008. Google redid the
artwork again in full-color. This was the first version to have a
fully customizable home screen and OS-level copy/paste
support, plus it had a very basic lock screen. Not to mention that
it had a horizontal support.
4. Android 1.0
Android 1.0 launched in October 2008 and debuted on the TMobile G1. It was the first time for Android to run on hardware,
not emulators. Google’s store made its debut here, called
“Android Market”. A settings screen and pattern lock screen were
brought to this version.
5. Android 1.1
Android did its first public update in Android 1.1 in February
2009. The operating system did not change much. Android made
its first attempt of voice search with Google Voice Search. Just
speak and Google Search would show some results, but the
application is not able to communicate with Google’s servers
6. Android 1.5 Cupcake
Google released the first Android version with a public marketed
code name: Cupcake in April 2009. On-screen keyboard is added
and one of Android’s distinguishing features debuted here, which
is third-party widgets. In addition, video recording and auto-rotate
were brought to this version.
7. Android 1.6 Donut
Android 1.6 launched in September 2009. In this version, different
screen sizes are supported, along with Code Division Multiple
Access (CDMA) and a text-to-speech engine. Other than that,
Android Market included application screenshots, and Donut was
the first version to control battery usage.
8. Android 2.0 – 2.1 Éclair
Android 2.0 launched in October 2009. There was a new lock
screen and Google invented an arc unlock gesture which allows
users to unlock by putting their finger on the lock icon then slide
right. The artwork was redesigned and Google Maps Navigation
was updated.
9. Android 2.2 Froyo
Froyo was released in May 2010. There was a major improvement
with the speed performance in Froyo. A just-in-time (JIT)
compilation is added that functions to convert java bytecode into
native code automatically at runtime.
10. Android 2.3 – 2.3.7 Gingerbread
Android 2.3 was released in December 2010. Every screen in the
operating system was changed. Gingerbread launched in Nexus S.
It was the first flagship without MicroSD slot for Google and the
first phone with Near Field Communication (NFC), a chip that has
the ability to transfer information when touched to another NFC
11. Android 3.0 – 3.2 Honeycomb
Honeycomb was the first version to get a cohesive and full
redesign. It got released in February 2011. The design theme they
used was sci-fi, inspired by the movie “Tron”. A system bar is
added and the unlock screen got changed to a rotary unlock. Users
can swipe from the center outward in any direction to unlock the
screen. In here, “Fragments” API got introduced. Fragments gave
developers the ability to create just a single app for tablets and
12. Android 4.0 – 4.0.4 Ice Cream Sandwich
Ice Cream Sandwich got released in October 2011. The design
became less sci-fi. Data Usage is provided to let the users keep
track of their data usage efficiently. Ice Cream Sandwich fully
supports NFC.
13. Android 4.1 – 4.3 Jelly Bean
Jelly Bean got released in July 2012. An addition of the new
Google Search application happened here. “Google Now” was
introduced as the predictive search feature. The lock screen
became paginated and customizable with widgets. A new “Quick
Settings” panel was another big addition to this version. Multiple
users support was available here, plus a keyboard that has swiping
abilities which allows users to keep a finger on the screen and
slide from letter to letter to type.
14. Android 4.4 KitKat
KitKat launched in October 31, 2013. Google started “Project
Svelte” attempting to lower memory usage. The design theme they
used was brighter and more transparent. Configurable home
screen was added along with Google Drive that lets users create
and edit Google Docs. There was also “OK Google” that could
activate voice commands just by saying “OK Google” on the
home screen.
Ars Technica (Amadeo, 2014) wrote another article about the
latest Android version.
15. Android 5.0 Lollipop
Lollipop implements a new design called “Material Design”. More
animations can be seen, and notifications are visible on the lock
screen, plus Recent Apps functionality got changed which makes
multitasking easier. Another feature added is the voice recognition
that can work while the screen is off. They also did another project
named “Project Volta” that aims to improve battery life. Android Architecture
Figure 2.24 Android Software Stack
(Source: Hello, Android – Introducing Google’s Mobile Development
Platform, 3rd Edition – Burnette, 2010)
Burnette (2010:31) explains on his book that the Android software
stack is made up of architecture that has key layers and components.
The services provided by the bottom layer are used by the layer above
it. The layers will be discussed starting from the bottom.
1. Linux Kernel
Android has a solid foundation referred to as the Linux kernel.
The hardware abstraction layer for Android is provided by Linux,
which gives Android the ability to be ported to various platforms.
Linux is used to manage memory and process, including
networking and security restrictions, plus other operating system
services. Linux is not visible and programs do not call it directly,
but developers should know that it exists since they need to
interact with it for some utilities.
2. Native Libraries
The layer above Linux consists of Android native libraries. They
are written in C or C++, compiled according to the appropriate
hardware architecture the phone has, and the phone vendor is the
one that preinstalled them. Here are some of the most essential
native libraries:
a. Surface manager
Android has a more uncomplicated compositing window
manager that is very much alike Vista or Compiz. It does not
draw directly to the screen buffer, but the drawing commands
advance into bitmaps which are off the screen and afterwards
they are combined with other bitmaps to create the display for
the user to see. The system can make kinds of interesting
effects through this.
b. 2D and 3D graphics (OpenGL)
In a single user interface, 2D and 3D elements are able to be
combined with Android. 3D hardware is to be used if the
device has it. If not, a fast software renderer will be used
c. Media codecs (Media Framework)
Various formats of audio and video, AAC, AVC (H.264),
MP3, MPEG-4 and many more are able to be played, recorded
and played back by Android.
d. SQL database
Android contains SQLite database engine that is used for
persistent storage in an application.
e. Browser engine
Android has the WebKit library which functions to display
HTML content.
The libraries are not stand-alone applications and will be
used by higher-level programs.
3. Android Runtime
The Android runtime layer is also above Linux. It involves Dalvik
virtual machine and core Java libraries. Google implemented Java
through the Dalvik VM which is optimized on mobile devices.
The codes written in Android are in Java and run within the VM.
There are two things that make Dalvik different from traditional
a. The Dalvik VM runs .dex files which are more compact and
efficient than the standard .class and .jar files.
b. The core Java libraries in Android differ from the Java
Standard Edition (Java SE) and the Java Mobile Edition (Java
ME) libraries.
4. Application Framework
The layer above the native libraries and runtime is the application
applications are provided by the framework. It is preinstalled with
Android but also extendable with custom components.
The important components of the framework are:
a. Activity manager
The application life cycle is controlled by the activity
b. Content providers
These encapsulate data to be shared from one application to
another. For example: contacts.
c. Resource manager
Resources are information that is not code needed by a
d. Location manager
Android devices know their location at all times if location
services are not turned off.
e. Notification manager
Android can display events, for instance, alerts, appointments,
and incoming messages in an unobtrusive way.
5. Applications and Widgets
This is the highest layer that the users will only see. They do not
know what is happening on the bottom layers. Applications
control the whole screen to interact with them, while widgets
operate in a small area of the Home screen. Android Lifecycle
Figure 2.25 Android Activity Lifecycle
(Source: Introduction to Android™ Application Development, Fourth
Edition – Annuzzi, 2014)
According to Annuzzi’s theory (2014:101), Android activity
lifecycle involves these six points:
1. Initializing Static Activity Data in onCreate()
This method is called when an activity starts for the first time. It
has a single parameter, a bundle containing null if it is a brand
new started activity. When the activity gets killed and restarted,
the bundle will now contain information about the previous state
to allow the activity to reinitiate. Setup like layout and data
binding should be performed in this method, which includes
calling the setContentView() method.
2. Initializing and Retrieving Activity Data in onResume()
This method is called when the activity becomes the foreground
process after reaching the top of the activity stack. It is the best
moment to get back the resources instances required for the
activity to run even though the activity may not be visible yet.
3. Stopping, Saving, and Releasing Activity Data in onPause()
If another activity goes to the top of the activity stack, the
onPause() method tells the current activity that another activity
has taken its place. Resources such as audio, video, and
animations which started in the onResume() method are to be
stopped. However, if the current activity gets terminated, there
may be resources that need cleaning up so they can be released. It
is also required to save uncommitted data in case the application
does not resume. The new foreground activity does not start
before the onPause() method of the old activity returns.
4. Avoid Activities Being Killed
Android may kill an activity process that has been paused,
stopped, or destroyed in case the memory condition is low. In
other words, activities which are not the foreground are possible to
be shut down. The onStop() and onDestroy() methods are not
called provided that the activity is killed after onPause() method.
5. Saving
A vulnerable activity that is possible to be killed assuming that the
memory is low may have its state information saved to a bundle
with the onSaveInstanceState() method, but for important data
commits, make sure to use the onPause() method. Therefore,
onSaveInstanceState() is able to restore the current screen to its
previous state.
6. Destroying Static Activity Data in onDestroy()
The onDestroy() method is needed to destroy an activity during a
normal course of operation. This method may be called for two
reasons: either the activity is finished with its lifecycle voluntarily
or Android is killing the activity to get more resources.
2.7.2 Java Definition
According to Gosling (2015:1), Java is a programming
language that is general-purpose, concurrent, class-based, and
object-oriented. It is designed to be easily learnable so that
programmers can achieve fluency when using the language. Java in Android
Based on Burnette’s book (2010:278), the regular Java and
Java in Android are different in a certain way. A standard Java
compiler is used by Android, but the difference is that Android
does not support all Java SE libraries. In fact, some of them
were excluded and the Android SDK provides useful third-party
libraries, for instance, org.apache.http which is useful for HTTP
authentication, cookies, methods, and protocol.
2.7.3 Android Studio
Android Studio is the official integrated development
environment (IDE) by Google, used to develop Android
applications based on IntelliJ IDEA (Google Team, 2015).
Android Studio provides an intelligent code editor that is able to
complete, refactor, and analyze advanced code. Starting a new
project gets easier because template code for patterns is
provided, for example, navigation drawer and view pagers. It is
also possible to import Google code samples from GitHub.
In addition, Android Studio enables a multi-screen
application development with the new Android Project View
and module support, along with the updated and streamlined
Virtual Device Manager which provides pre-defined device
profiles for popular Android devices. Other than that, it is
feasible to create various APKs for an Android application with
different features using the same project.