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more optically dense = slower = higher n =
smaller angle (S = slower = smaller angle)
less optically dense = faster = smaller n
(closer to 1) = fatter angle (F = faster = fatter
Worksheet 1: Ch 14 section 1 Refraction
(p. 484 – 489)
A. Angle of Incidence
F. Index of Refraction
B. Angle of Refraction
G. Magnification
C. Concave Lens
H. Optically Dense
D. Convex Lens I. Refraction
1. ______ The bending of light at the boundary between two media.
2. ______ A transparent refracting device that is thinner in the middle than at the edges.
3. ______ If the angle of refraction is smaller than the angle of incidence, the medium in which the angle is smaller is
more _____.
4. ______ The angle that a refracted ray makes with the normal.
5. ______ For light going from a vacuum into another medium, the constant n is the ____.
6. ______ A transparent device that cause light rays to converge.
8. ______ The angle that an incoming beam makes with the normal.
9. ______ The ratio of the size of an image to the size of the object.
11. Which labeled line represents the incident ray? How can you tell?
12. Which line represents the refracted ray? How can you tell?
13. Which line represents the boundary between two media?
14. Which line represents the normal? How can you tell?
15. Which labeled angle represents the angle of incidence?
16. Which labeled angle represents the angle of refraction?
17. Which angle is greater: the angle of incidence or the angle of refraction?
18. Which medium is more optically dense? Which has the lower index of refraction?
19. When light passes into a medium in which it travels faster, the light will refract ________ the normal. When light passes into a medium in which it travels
slower, light will refract ________ the normal.
A) towards, away from
B) away from, towards
20. When light passes into a medium that is more optically dense, the light will refract ________ the normal. When light passes into a medium that is less
optically dense, the light will refract ________ the normal.
A) towards, away from
B) away from, towards
22. In each diagram, draw the "missing" ray (either incident or refracted) in order to appropriately show that the direction of bending is towards or away from the
WS 2: Ch 14 section 1 Index of Refraction
(p. 484 – 489)
1. Every transparent material is characterized by a unique index of refraction value (n). The index of refraction value is a numerical value that provides a
relative measure of the speed of light in that particular material. Light travels __________________ (fastest, slowest) in media with a higher index of refraction
2. The speed of light (v) in a material is determined using the speed of light in a vacuum (c) and the index of refraction (n) of the material. Calculate the speed of
light in the following materials.
n = c / v = (3.00 x 108 m/s) / v
A) water (n = 1.33):
B) glass (n = 1.50):
C) ice (n = 1.31):
D) diamond (n = 2.42):
3. Which of the following affects the index of refraction?
A) The angle of incidence B) the nature of the transparent medium
C) The wavelength of lightD) All of the above
4. _______ is the bending of light (or change in direction) as it travels from one medium to another.
A) Reflection
B) Index of refraction
C) Dispersion
D) Refraction
5. For light going from a vacuum into another medium, the constant n is the ____.
A) Reflection
B) Index of refraction
C) Dispersion
D) Refraction
6. If light slows down when going through a medium, it can be said that the medium has a high
A) Reflection
B) Index of refraction
C) Dispersion
D) Refraction
7. The relationship between the angles of incidence and refraction with the index of refraction of 2 materials is called ______________________ law.
WS 3: Ch 14 section 2 Thin Lenses
(p.490 – 497)
1. Use refraction principles to sketch an approximate path of light as it enters and exits the lens. Think FST (fast to slow = toward) and SFA (slow to fast = away).
Trace the path of the rays into, through and out of the lens. Repeat the procedure for the light rays exiting the lens and trace the emerging light rays. Place
arrowheads on all light rays.
2. Explain why lenses (like the one on the left above) are called "converging" lenses.
converging lenses cause incoming
parallel light rays to converge!
diverging lenses cause incoming parallel
light rays to diverge!
3. Converging lenses are _____ at the center and _____ at the edges.
A) thickest, thinnestB) thinnest, thickest
4. Diverging lenses are _____ at the center and _____ at the edges.
A) thickest, thinnestB) thinnest, thickest
Consider the diagram at the right in answering the next two questions.
5. List the letters of all the converging lenses.
6. List the letters of all the diverging lenses.
For each statement below, write true or rewrite the italicized part to make the statement true.
7. __________________ A convex lens can be used as a magnifying glass.
8. __________________ When a lens is used as a magnifying glass, the object is
placed outside the focal point.
9. __________________ Images produced by convex lenses are always real.
10. __________________ The images produced by concave lenses are always
11. __________________ A concave lens is thinner in the center than at the edges.
12. __________________ Concave lenses refract rays so that the rays converge.
13. Identify the following statements as being either true (T) or false (F).
_______ A) If reflected or refracted rays diverge, there is no image.
_______ B) If an object is located in front of a focal point, there is no image.
_______ C) Virtual images cannot be seen.
_______ D) All images are formed by the actual convergence of reflected or refracted
_______ E) Just three rays of light from an object can intersect at the image location.
14. The diagrams below depict the refraction of light through various lenses. Circle the diagrams that show the proper refraction of light. For those which show
the improper refraction of light, either correct the diagrams by showing the proper refracted rays or explain what is wrong with the refracted rays.
WS 4: Ch 14 section 2 Ray Diagrams with lenses
(p. 490 – 497)
1. The diagram below shows an arrow object positioned in front of a converging and a diverging lens. Three incident rays
are shown. Construct the corresponding refracted rays. Show arrowheads.
2. State the three rules of refraction for converging lenses:
1. parallel to P.A. --> down through BACK
2.Down through FRONT focus --> out parallel
to P.A.
3.Through Center of lens --> straight through
3. State the three rules of refraction for diverging lenses:
1. parallel to P.A. --> Diverge from FRONT
2. Down toward BACK focus --> out Parallel to
3.Through Center of lens --> straight through
diagrams and complete the “LOST” description of the image.
Case 1: If the object is located beyond 2F:
Description of Image:
Location: ______________________________
O: Upright or Inverted
S: Magnified or Reduced
T: Real or Virtual
Case 2: If the object is located between 2F
and F:
Description of Image:
Location: _________________________________
O: Upright or Inverted
S: Magnified or Reduced
T: Real or Virtual
Case 3: If the object is located between F and the lens:
Description of Image:
Location: _________________________________
O: Upright or Inverted
S: Magnified or Reduced
T: Real or Virtual
4. DRAWING RAY DIAGRAMS FOR CONCAVE LENSES. Use the rules above to dray ray diagrams and complete the “LOST” description of the image.
Case 1: If the object is located far away from the lens:
Description of Image:
Location: ______________
O: Upright or Inverted
S: Magnified or Reduced
T: Real or Virtual
Case 2: If the object is located nearby the lens:
Description of Image:
Location: ________________
O: Upright or Inverted
S: Magnified or Reduced
T: Real or Virtual
5. Several statements about images are given below. Identify which optical device applies to the given statement. Place the appropriate marks in the blanks.
Mark all that apply.
A = plane mirrors
B = concave mirrors
C = convex mirrors
D = converging lenses
E = diverging lenses
______________ a. Are capable of producing real images.
______________ b. Only produce virtual images.
______________ c. Are capable of producing enlarged images.
______________ d. Can only produce images which are smaller than the object.
______________ e. Capable of producing images the same size as the object.
WS 5: Ch 14 section 2 Eyeglasses and contact lenses
(p.498 -501)
1. What type of vision impairment is represented in the diagram below? How is this corrected?
2. What type of vision impairment is represented in the diagram below? How is this corrected?
3. What is astigmatism and how is it corrected?
4. What happens to your vision as you age? How is this corrected?
5. Both compound microscopes and refracting telescopes use ____________________________
6. High quality cameras use both _______________________ and ______________________ lenses to minimize _______________________________. (p.500)
WS 6: Ch 14 section 3 Optical Phenomena
(p. 502 – 507)
1. __________________________________________describes the incident angle that causes a refracted ray to lie along the boundary of a substance.
2. __________________________________________is when light passes form one medium to a less optically dense medium at an angle so great that there is no
refracted ray.
3. The complete reflection that takes place within a substance when the angle of incidence of light striking the surface boundary is greater than the critical angle is
A) critical angle
B) index of refraction C) complete internal reflection
D) dispersion
4. The angle of incidence at which the refracted light makes an angle of 90 degrees with the normal is called
A) critical angle
B) index of refraction C) complete internal reflection
D) dispersion
5. Light will undergo total internal reflection only when it is _______. Choose two.
A) in the less dense medium traveling towards the more dense medium
B) in the more dense medium traveling towards the less dense medium
C) in the medium where it travels slowest, moving towards the medium where it travels fastest
D) in the medium where it travels fastest, moving towards the medium where it travels slowest
Complete the following blanks by answering questions #6 and #7: The critical angle is the angle of (#6) that causes light to (#7) .
6. Referring to the statement above:
A) incidence B) refraction C) reflection
7. Referring to the statement above:
A) cross the boundary without refracting
B) undergo refraction at the same angle as the angle of incidence
C) refract at an angle of refraction of 90 degrees
D) reflect at the same angle as the angle of incidence
8. Examples of the use of total internal reflection are____________________________________ and _________________________________
9. A mirage is produced by ______________________light rays in the atmosphere when there are large
_________________________________________between the ground and the air.
10. _______ is the separation of light into its spectrum of colors because light waves of different wavelenghts change speed by different amounts when going
through transparent materials.
A) Reflection
B) Index of refraction
C) Dispersion
D) Refraction
11. When entering a new transparent medium, blue wavelengths are bent _________(more/less) than red wavelengths, causing dispersion.
12. Describe the three physics principles that cause rainbows to appear.(p.506)
10. Describe two lens imperfections: chromatic aberration and spherical aberration. (p.507)
WS 7: Ch 15 section 1 Interference (p. 520 – 525)
(See also “2 point source interference” lesson 1b)
1. The correlation between the phases of two or more waves is called ______________. This is when the phase difference between two waves is
___________________. This can only happen if both waves have the same ____________________.
When 2 waves overlap and are projected onto a screen, an __________________ pattern appears. A point on the screen where two ____________ meet results
in a bright fringe and a point on the screen where two _________________ meet results in a dark fringe..
2. The pattern below shows two wave sources overlapping.
A) If the double crests define a maximum line and the combination of a crest and a trough define a minimum or node line, what does a double trough define?
B) On the pattern below draw the minimum lines (antinodal lines). Where the lines come out the top label the zero, first, second and third order lines on each
side. (7 lines total)
C) If this pattern were two coherent light sources projected onto a screen, describe what you would see at the positions you marked.
3. The diagram below show two waves interfering with each other.
A) Label each point as constructive or destructive interference.
Constructive or Destructive
Constructive or Destructive
4. Rainbow patterns can be seen on “thin films” of transparent material such as an oil spill or a sop bubble. This
occurs because of (see “thin film interference” lesson 1C)
A) refraction and dispersion of the white light into all colors of the rainbow
B) diffraction
C) reflection of colors from different surfaces
D) interference of light waves reflecting off the top and bottom surfaces of the film
5. When you see streaks of color on the surface of a bubble or thin film of oil, this is called
WS 8: Ch 15 section 2 Diffraction (p. 526 – 533)
1. The bending of a wave when encountering an obstacle, opening, or edge is called ________________________.
2. An interference pattern, like the one produced with double slit interference, is produced when light passes through a single narrow slit. This is called a
_________________________ pattern, and is evidence of light interfering with itself. In order to understand this phenomena, we invoke
__________________________ principle, which states that a single slit can be viewed as a source of multiple point sources (wavelets) of light. In other
words, light from ________ portion of the slit can interfere with light from _________________ portion of the slit.
3. Diffraction becomes more evident as the width of the slit is ________________________.
4. In diffraction, longer waves tend to bend ________________(more/less) than shorter waves.
For this reason, ___________________ waves are best suited for communication around buildings and mountains.
5. Diffraction is the reason why the edges of shadows ___________(are/aren’t) sharp.
6. Diffraction gratings are used inside ______________________ to disperse white light in order to see characteristic wavelengths that are unique to each
Sketch the interference of light with itself through a single slit using Huygen’s principle of wavelets.