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Astrology in the Real World
09.00 – 13.00 Prudence Jones
Fairgrounds, Friaries and the Reformation, a walk through the Cambridge river meadows.
Outside the mediaeval city port, which we explored in 2009, three monastic orders set up
residence, living on the produce of the river, its trade and its meadows. The Reformation meant
that few of their buildings still stand, but the river fairs remained commercially successful for
centuries afterwards, and have left the city with extensive common land.
We will visit the 12th-century Leper Chapel and walk across Sturbridge Common, where the
chapel's fair became the largest in Europe (here Sir Isaac Newton bought his prism), back
along the river into Cambridge. We visit the remains of Barnwell Abbey, founded on an ancient
sacred spring, and Midsummer Common, where the annual midsummer fair still takes place.
The mediaeval buildings of Jesus College are the former St Radegund's Nunnery, whose Garlic
Fair is marked by a road name at the end of the walk.
MASTERCLASSES (Booking required)
14.00 – 16.30 Bruce Scofield Training Room 3
The Astrological Logic of Childhood Development: The stages of childhood may be
structured by resonance between specific solar, lunar and planetary cycles which served to
open and close periods of imprint vulnerability. A case will be made that humans are shaped in
profound ways by planetary triggers during early childhood.
Jodie Forrest Training Room 4
The Ascendant: The Vehicle and the Territory: The Sun is who you are, the Moon what you
feel—but what’s the Ascendant? It's the territory through which your entire chart is travelling,
regardless of how foreign it might seem to you. It's also a vehicle custom-designed, via its ruler,
aspects and first house planets, to navigate that territory . . .
We would like to invite all new conference attendees for light refreshments to attend this
gathering and meet other people who have never attended an AA Conference before. Also, if
you are attending the conference on your own, please feel free to join us.
We would like to invite all speakers for light refreshments so everyone can meet each other and
so you can be briefed on the practicalities throughout the conference.
Please gather in the plenary room for the opening of the conference
17.30 – 18.15 PLENARY Conference Room 1
Darrelyn Gunzburg
How Do Astrologers Read Charts? Historically since the time of Ptolemy the literature on
reading a natal chart has tended to be technique-driven. However, the actual process of reading
a chart, the phenomenon experienced by the astrologer, is one that has not received much
attention. Part of my research over the last four years has been to investigate the personal
methodologies used by contemporary western astrologers to enable them to extract meaning
from a horoscope. This paper presents the similarities and contrasts of these personal
18.15 – 19.00 Light refreshments Conference Room 1
19.00 – 19.15 Charles Harvey Award Presentation Conference Room 1
19.15 – 20.15 PLENARY Conference Room 1
Wendy Stacey
Like That of Leaves is a Generation of Men – Carter Memorial Lecture
When Uranus and Pluto came to conjunction in the 1960’s, a new era and generation were
born. This generation is now in their 40’s and are living through the challenges that the present
cardinal Uranus-Pluto square brings. Along with the ingress of Neptune into Pisces we can
anticipate societal change on many levels, and can look forward to interesting times brought
forward from a new generation.
20.30 - late Dinner Restaurant
The bar will be open until 1am
07:30 – 08:15 Yoga Training Room 5
07.30 – 09.00 Breakfast
09.00 – 10.00 APAE STUDENT TRACK Training Room 2
Isabelle Ferreira de Sousa
One may wonder how Astrology can be introduced more effectively into society.
Graphology, Morphopsychology (character analysis based on facial features) and Astrology
complement one another. In the eyes of a scrutinizing public, studying their correspondences
can give an added credibility to astrological knowledge.
Christina Rose Training Room 3
Sun-Moon – Saturn-Moon
While the Sun/Moon phase of the Lunation Cycle describes the essence of our being, purpose
and development, the Saturn/Moon phase points to our adaptation to a world where boundaries
have to be encountered and conformities obeyed. How do these two interplay in the reality of
everyday life?
Dorothy Oja Training Room 4
Elections for Surgery
Electing a date in the future for a major event to unfold is one of the biggest challenges of
astrology. It is also the most creative. In the case of choosing a surgery date, it carries a huge
responsibility for the astrologer. We will study the rules and conditions necessary for electing
the best date possible, knowing that no one date will be perfect in all cases, but surely some are
more perfect than others.
Roy Gillett Training Room 7
Can Astrology Explain Everything?
Twin studies, karma, fate and free will, latitude and cultural characteristics, aware and unaware
uses of the birth chart: this session will seek to structure a systematic approach, within which to
discuss what can be reliably described and explained by astrologers. Is there ever an
environment for reliable prediction?
10.00 – 10.15 Tea break
10.15 – 11.15 Susan Swan Training Room 3
Three good reasons you should NEVER consult a Horary Astrologer!
It has been said that the Horary Astrologer must consider only the subject of the actual question
asked. However, this talk presents Horary charts which demonstrate how the real question may
remain unasked and reveals how to unearth and answer fully – if it’s in the head it’s on the chart
(and vice versa)!
Maggie Hyde
The Red Book of C.G.Jung
The Red Book, a large illuminated volume created by Jung between 1914 and 1930, was
considered by Jung to be his most important work. It chronicles his ‘confrontation with the
unconscious’. Published for the first time in 2009, it casts a new light not only on Jung, but also
on his importance for divination and astrology. We will look at the relevant charts and
progressions for this work.
Bernadette Brady Training Room 7
Nodes, the edges of our maps
A horoscope can be thought of as a map - not a map of a place but rather a map of cosmology,
and our place in that cosmology. In this way such a map needs gates to the places beyond
what is ‘ours’. These gates are the nodes.
11.15 – 11.30 Tea break
11.30 – 12.30 APAE STUDENT TRACK Training Room 2
Jane Lewis
Ask Not What Astrology Can do for You but What You Can do
Astrology helps people understand how personal fulfilment comes through service and how
Aquarian values become reality through our practical efforts. Astrology is about as relevant as
you can get to what is actually happening in the world today: mankind has to create the
Aquarian Age, and Brotherhood through Love is how we will do it.
Rose Elliot Training Room 3
Seizing the Moment
The cycles of the outer planets affect us all, coinciding with crucial stages in our life and
development. With many examples from ordinary people as well as of celebrities, we’ll look at
the effect of these cycles and see how it is possible to make the very best of them.
Sasha Fenton Training Room 4
Chinese and Western Astrology: Explore the connections and differences
Are there similarities between the two systems? Once you get past the Animal Year system,
which is the equivalent of our Sun Sign astrology, Chinese astrology is solar, lunar, complex
and varied. You can download free charts in an instant, and it’s easy to learn the basics of
Darby Costello Training Room 7
What Happens to Mars When Uranus is in Aries?
With Uranus in Aries, we expect revolutionary times on many levels. Mars, describing our raw
survival instinct, also describes our desire for excellence. Uranus speaks of disruption but also
liberation. We will focus on Mars in the birthchart, and guide its natural capacity for action
during this powerful transit.
12.30 – 13.30 Lunch Restaurant
13.30 – 14.00 Astrological Association Annual General Meeting (AGM) Conference Room 1
14.00 – 14.45 PLENARY Conference Room 1
Jodie Forrest
Venus Returns
If Jupiter returns signal a potential renewal of self-confidence and optimism, and Saturn returns
a call for increased maturity and integrity, what are the Venus returns that occur approximately
every fourteen months? Explore what this transit can mean for your creativity, relationships,
aesthetics, and pleasures.
14.45 – 15.30 PLENARY Conference Room 1
Bruce Schofield
The Mayan Calendar is Astrology
The imminent end date of the Maya Long Count (a.k.a. the Mayan Calendar) calls attention to
the indigenous astrological system of ancient Mesoamerica. Although much has been lost, the
outlines of a system based on synodic cycles is apparent and retrieved portions appear to
quantify personality and collective behaviours.
15.30 – 15.45 Tea break
15.45 – 16.45 Dr Mark Williams Training Room 2
Emulations and Envy: Exploring the Astrological Eris
The talk looks at some possible astrological dynamics of the new dwarf-planet Eris, from the
perspective of myth and psychology. It suggests that Eris is to be identified, on one level at
least, with Melanie Klein's concept of 'primal envy' and probes the implications of this in the
birth chart and the collective, looking particularly at economics and feminism.
Mark Woodley Training Room 3
The Astrological Trinity
The Astrological Trinity of the Sun, Moon and Ascendant are often explored in isolation in chart
synthesis. When examined in combination they can give us deep psychological insight into the
person’s character and sexuality. Quick assessment of the trinity can give you an immediate
understanding of a person’s drive and motivation.
Frank Clifford
The Astrology of Work, Vocation and Life Purpose
Birth charts reveal vocational options, work avenues and career choices. Focusing on specific
areas of the horoscope, Frank will show how the horoscope can help us pinpoint our calling,
identify our daily work needs and select the best way of making a contribution to the world
around us.
Christeen Skinner Training Room 7
Financial Astrology – Astrological Investing
Astro-trading is not new: e.g. Part of Fortune, and Part of Commerce. Thanks to new software
we can test these astro-techniques and many more. We will look at some of these strategies
and how they might be employed to protect and grow investments in 2012.
16.45 – 17.00 Tea break
17.00 – 18.00 APAE STUDENT TRACK Training Room 2
Claire Chandler
What goes around comes around
Astrology is based on the idea of cyclic time but what are cycles, and what do their different
phases mean? We will also look at how to weight cycles, matching the shorter with the longer
and consider how this information can be used on both a mundane and a personal level.
Richard Swatton Training Room 3
The Horoscope in Manifestation
In this talk we explore the practical application of the principles of manifestation and intuitive
interpretation. It is hoped, however, that this will not only be done by using prepared charts but
also the birth charts of those present at the talk.
Liane Thomas-Wade Training Room 4
Uranian Astrology
A simple explanation of the use of the 90 and 360 degree dials and planetary pictures used in
the Uranian System of Astrology, which was founded in the 1920's in Hamburg, Germany, by
Alfred Witte and others. Sample 90 degree dials will be provided to attendees.
Wanda Sellar Training Room 7
Astrology in Health and Spirituality
If we accept the idea of reincarnation and law of karma, then we might see our astrological
charts as a result of the way we may have lived in previous lifetimes. Indeed, we are likely to
inherit the body we once nurtured or abused, as well as thoughts and attitudes.
18.00 – 18.30 APAE Training Room 2 and Local Group Meetings Training Room 5
All welcome
APAE: The Advisory Panel of Astrological Education is a unique forum where the diverse
elements of UK Astrology schools come together to discuss current issues in astrological
education. Appreciation of different approaches has lead to creative ways of assessing
standards and assisting the move astrology has made into higher education in the UK. In this
meeting, Further information to come.
Local Groups: The AA Conference is a great place to network and meet other astrologers, but
astrologers don't just get together once a year – great astrology is happening all year round,
thanks to local astrology groups and the hard work put in by their organisers to promote
astrology in their areas. Come along and share your ideas at our informal and chatty cheese
and wine meeting, whether you're a local group co-ordinator, someone interested in setting up a
local group, or just a local group member who wants to see how the AA and local groups can
support each other. It's a great way of networking and meeting other astrologers too!
20.00 – late
Dinner Restaurant
After dinner—a chance to socialise in the courtyard or talk with friends in the lounge bar.
To prepare for the upcoming Uranus/Pluto Square, the Disco this year will revive
memories of the conjunction and its aftermath by dancing to 1960s and 1970s Rock n’
Roll – sounds and lighting organised in-house, with a special half hour Presidential
The bar will be open until 1am.
07.30 – 08.15 Yoga Training Room 5
07.30 – 09.00 Breakfast
09.00 – 10.00 APAE STUDENT TRACK Training Room 2
Christine Chalklin
Astrology for Success - Creating Wining Teams
Harmonious interaction is essential for successful relationships. In this interactive talk Christine
will share some of the techniques that she is currently applying to team and business
development. By mainly focusing on the dynamics of the four elements we will examine ways to
build greater working relationships and cooperation with partners and colleagues.
Paolo Cortucci
Natural disasters are painfully frequent occurrences and devastate the lives of many people.
Can astrology provide some meaning and help us to give some sense to events that are
beyond our control? This is what this presentation will try and do by analysing the charts of the
moment when natural disasters actually occurred.
Rose Elliot Training Room 4
Everyday Horary
While natal and progressed charts provide the broad sweep, horary astrology answers specific
questions such as ‘Will I get the job?’, ‘Should I buy the house?’, ‘Will we get together?’ We’ll
see how horary charts provide clear, detailed and sometimes surprising answers – and learn
how they worked out in practice.
Christeen Skinner Training Room 7
Quintiles and Septiles
It is unusual to be able to spot quintile and septile aspects with the naked eye. Yet these
aspects provide a rich field for further investigation. Through these aspects you may find the
key dates and even the important people in your life. I found business teams to form
spectacular 5 and 7 pattern shapes suggesting that our lives might in fact be described as
crystal shapes with extraordinary attraction points.
10.00 – 10.15 Tea break
10.15 – 11.15 APAE STUDENT TRACK Training Room 2
Janette Russell
Astrology and the Workplace
Using Astrology to get the job or career you want, from application to interview, how to
maximise your chance of success. We will look at the start date, the potential of the role,
whether you will fit in with colleagues or whether you are the catalyst for change? What will you
learn or develop on a personal level.
Wanda Sellar Training Room 3
Decumbiture Astrology
A chart is erected for the moment the astrologer/health practitioner meet, a tool for advice and
healing with herbs, once used extensively by Culpepper and Lilly. Are such charts still valid
today? If so, what can we deduce from such charts in terms of health and potential for
psychological growth?
Robert Corre Training Room 4
A Practical Two-Step Approach to Forecasting
We must answer two questions in every chart: During this lifetime, what can I expect and when
may I expect it? All prediction is based on the natal chart. All forecasting tools deal only with the
issue of timing. We demonstrate how 80% of forecasting is based on the nativity.
Darby Costello Training Room 7
Neptune Changing Signs
What does 'Real World' mean with Neptune in Pisces? As structures of the ‘real world’ change,
with Pluto in Capricorn, how does Neptune in Pisces colour our re-formation? We shall look at
times when these two were together for clues to emerging patterns; and our own charts, to
recognize and locate the deep sea changes signified by this combination.
11.15 – 11.30 Tea break
11.30 – 12.30 APAE STUDENT TRACK Training Room 2
Sharon Knight
Using Traditional Astrology in the Real World
Sharon will be speaking on the use of Triplicity Rulers as used by Dorotheus, Valens and other
ancient astrologers, and showing how they can be used today as an additional aid to assessing,
not only the overall quality of life, but also specific areas of life as related to the houses.
Mark Woodley Training Room 3
Real World Astrology
Thanks to the national obsession with celebrities there is now a wealth of material for
astrologers to learn and analyse through reality television and celebrity magazines. Through the
observation and exploration of this living textbook of people and events you can enrich your
astrological insight and bring your Astrology alive.
Richard Swatton Training Room 4
The Astrological Spectrum
During the 20thcentury the spectrum of application of astrology to human affairs has grown
enormously. In the 21st century, however, there is some danger in such a flood of information
that the teaching of essential astrological principles could drown in the detail of one
interpretation system or another. An awareness of the Astrological Spectrum and the way that
astrological symbols operate within it are vital to the training of the astrological mind.
Roy Gillett Training Room 7
Resolving the Issues of the 1930s and 1960s in the 2010s
The seeds of the economic, political and social delusions of our times were sown in the 1930s
and 1960s. We will explore how knowing the conjunctions and/or oppositions of Uranus,
Neptune and Pluto between each other and through these times can help us understand and
answer our contemporary problems.
12.30 – 13.30 Lunch Restaurant
13.30 – 14.30 Introducing New Speakers
Polly Wallace Training Room 2
The Versatile Courtesan: experiential session with strategies for incorporating rhythms of the
solar system into our everyday lives. Astrology offers many ways of interacting with our gods.
This session explores practical methods for engaging broad themes. Our involvement kindles
the magic of astrology so that it becomes ever more radiant in our lives.
Dr Gabriel Blass Training Room 3
Using Astrology in Clinical Practice: Experiences of a medical homeopath
An overview of my approach to the treatment of patients and integrating the information
provided by the natal chart. Its practical application in understanding the inner dynamic of the
patient, susceptibility to disease, remedy selection, and charting the outcome of treatment are
illustrated with clinical cases.
Ema Kurent Training Room 4
Progressed Moon
As an astrological consultant of 20 years, Ema has specialized in the predictive aspect of a
consultation practice. The Progressed Moon's indications - its passage through the
signs/houses and its aspects to planets (natal and progressed) - are most valuable in evaluating
the clients' emotional state together with important developments in their lives.
Anton D’Abreu Training Room 7
Cycles in Time: Verifiable Patterns in Recent History
The Ten Outer planetary cycles can be verifiably correlated with the seeding of new human
developments, their overcoming obstacles, a maximisation of influence and a terminal
challenge to their relevance. The approach taken is to strictly define the generic meaning of
each cycle and allowable orbs, research in detail the historical facts and deduce the cycle’s
focus from them.
14.30 – 14.45 Tea break
14.45 – 15.45 APAE STUDENT TRACK Training Room 2
Angela Cornish
Horary charts and relationships
William Lilly’s aphorisms and judgements on 7th house questions are as valid today as they
were in the 17th century just as our relationships are no less complicated than they were then.
Angela will be looking at some modern-day horary charts to explore some of Lilly’s techniques
in relationship questions.
Sasha Fenton Training Room 3
How to write an astrology book
How to write a mind, body and spirit book for pleasure or public consumption, and persuade a
publisher to accept your manuscript. Consider a specialist self-publishing firm, as this is now
thoroughly respectable and can cost less than £300. This gets books into shops and online
stores around the world.
Dorothy Oja Training Room 4
Mars and Planetary Resonance ~ Birth to Present ~
This innovative method created by Dorothy assesses the influence of the three
transformers: Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, with sub-cycles of Jupiter and Saturn, to your Mars -the development of your identify, your initiative and direction from birth to the present time.
What is the planetary resonance you are experiencing now and what is the one you were born
Darrelyn Gunzburg Training Room 7
Myths of the Constellations
Your chart exists not just along the ecliptic but in the sky. When your planets make a visual
connection to stars then their impact in your life is profound and changes the way aspects of
your chart are expressed. This lecture forms part of the body of work known as Visual Astrology
and considers some of the major myths of the constellations that underlie our natal charts.
15.45 – 16.00 Tea break
16.00 – 16.45 PLENARY Conference Room 1
Bernadette Brady
Dancing with Fate, the astrologer’s life.
A defining feature of astrologers is that we all engage in a dance with fate. Some of us do a
waltz, some a tango, others do a military two-step. Whatever the nature of this dance
astrologers, unlike many other people, have all accepted this invitation to dance.
Conference Close and Tea
Conference Speaker Biographies
Dr Gabriel Blass B.Sc., M.B. Ch.B., R.S.Hom graduated in Medicine in 1988 and in medical homeopathic
practice in Glasgow since 1998. His interest in astrology dates back to 1987. He holds the Certificate of the
Faculty of Astrological Studies and Roy Allin Award 1997. He has presented various seminars on natal
astrology, the astrology of relationships, as well as medical astrology and homeopathy.
Bernadette Brady M.A. ( Astro Logos Ltd). She is also a tutor for the MA in Cosmology and Culture at
University of Wales Trinity Saint David, UK and is reading for her doctorate at this same institution. Her
astrological publications are: The Eagle and the Lark – a Textbook of Predictive Astrology (1992), Brady's
Book of Fixed Stars (1998), Astrology a Place in Chaos (2006) and Star and Planet Combinations (2008) as
well as the software Jigsaw aimed at astrological research, and Starlight which is focused on returning the sky
to astrology.
Christine Chalklin is a professional astrologer and life coach with a busy practice in Camberley, Surrey. She
offers astrology, motivational coaching, Bach flower essence therapy and business development consultations.
Christine provides her clients with the opportunity to review their lifestyle on all levels and to gain a fresh
perspective on where change is necessary. With her new and innovative brand of business support she is
currently providing self-development and teambuilding seminars for a wide range of businesses. Christine is a
council member of the Astrological Association and tutor for The Mayo School of Astrology. For more
information please visit
Claire Chandler D.F.Astrol.S is a professional astrologer, software trainer and project manager based in
London, England and is particularly interested in mundane astrology and historical cycles. She was president of
the Astrological Lodge of London from 2002 to 2008 and is currently finishing the MA in Cultural Astronomy
and Astrology at University of Wales, Trinity St David. Her website is
Frank Clifford is an astrologer, palmist and writer who has been Principal of the London School of Astrology
since 2004. He runs courses, seminars and events on astrology and palmistry, including the annual Astrology
Student Conference and Hand Analysis Conference. Frank has written a number of books on both subjects,
including Palmistry 4 Today, British Entertainers and Getting to the Heart of Your Chart. He greatly enjoys
contributing columns to The Astrological Journal (Horoscope Snapshots), The ISAR Journal (Data
Compendium) and The Mountain Astrologer (Horoscope Detective). A data collector, researcher and
consultant, Frank’s websites are at and
Angela Cornish has practised and taught astrology for many years in Nottingham. She is currently a Tutor
for the School of Traditional Astrology (STA). Her special interests are forecasting and horary questions. In
the past, she has been Administrator for the Urania Trust, AA Honorary Secretary, AA Membership Secretary
and founder of the Nottingham Astrological Society. More details can be found on
and Angela can also be contacted by email on [email protected].
Robert Corre most recently produced ForumOnAstrology's pioneering
three-day Internet conference that featured 40+ international astrologers. Robert, a consulting astrologer,
practices and teaches in New York City. He focuses on helping students develop good work habits based on the
methods of Morin which were taught to him by his teacher, Zoltan Mason.
Paolo Cortucci has been a Diploma holder of the Faculty of Astrological Studies since 2007 but has been
interested in astrology since the early ‘80s. He is a member of the Faculty’s team of tutors as well as its Head
Tutor. He also serves on the Faculty Council. He is currently studying horary astrology and runs an astrological
practice in London. His website is:
Darby Costello studied psychology, philosophy and theology in New York and astrology in Boston in the
1960s. She then went to Africa and worked with tribal healers and diviners, while building her astrological
practice. Based in London since the early 1980s, she teaches and writes books for the Centre for Psychological
Astrology. She teaches at other schools in London and Europe and lectures around the world. She received her
M.A. in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology in 2007. Her international clientele is still the ground out of which
her astrological inspiration is nourished.
Anton D’Abreu for many years a leading media consultant & broadcasting conference producer, since 2004
has radically changed his focus to the cyclical analysis of historical development, reflecting long standing
interests in philosophy, history, psychology and astrology. He is just completing a major book correlating outer
planetary cycles with patterns in recent history. The book deals with the actualisation, implementation and
transformation of collective idealism, intellectual and technological change and social, political and economic
structures, covering long standing conflicts in Afghanistan, the Balkans, the Caucasus, N. Ireland, India &
Pakistan and the Middle East alongside Energy & Environment, Health & Genetics, the Economy, Science and
Space Exploration.
Rose Elliot learnt astrology aged 13 from her mother, Joan Hodgson, founder of the White Eagle School of
Astrology, and later gained the Diploma of the Faculty of Astrological Studies and QHP (Qualified Horary
Practitioner). Rose specialises in horary astrology, and also works with clients helping them to find and realise
their unique potential for energy, creativity, health and joy. With her husband Robert, Rose created Rose Elliot
Horoscopes, producing high quality computer horoscopes at reasonable prices. Rose has written several books
on astrology including the esteemed Life Cycles and is a Fellow of the Association of Professional Astrologers
Sasha Fenton became an astrologer in 1973. She has written 125 books and columns in several national
newspapers and magazines. She has broadcast regularly on radio and TV and lectured worldwide. She has
been President of BAPS (twice), and Chair of the APAE. Sasha is an internationally known publisher and
magazine owner.
Isabelle Ferreira de Sousa is a self-taught astrologer. She has Diplomas in Graphology, (Character analysis
based on facial features) Morphopsychology and Psychology. In Nice, France, she worked in partnership with a
recruitment consultant. It was her duty to analyse and write reports on job applicants, assessing their skills and
strengths using Graphology, Morphopsychology, Astrology, Psychometric testing and other Psychological
tests. For about five years, she has been researching in preparation for writing a book that will consider the
correspondences between Astrology, and the subjects of Graphology and Morphopsychology.
Jodie Forrest has been an astrologer, writer, teacher and publisher for 27 years. She wrote The Ascendant
solo, and co-authored two books and three computerized reports with Steven Forrest. She's currently writing
The Naked Eye Planets. Jodie also writes fiction, paints, and serves her feline masters. Her websites are and
Roy Gillett B.Ed (Hons) combines twenty years of experience in City of London business and school teaching
with nearly forty more as an astrologer and Buddhist. He is President of Britain’s The Astrological Association
and a Trustee of London’s Jamyang Buddhist Centre. He speaks for astrology on the media, is a regular
presenter at international conferences and writes The Astrological Journal’s mundane astrology news column.
His books Astrology and Compassion the Convenient Truth and Economy, Ecology and Kindness (2009) make
powerful cases for the central role of astrology in 21st century ideas and society.
Darrelyn Gunzburg is co-principal of Astro Logos Ltd. She is also a part-time tutor for the MA in Cultural
Astronomy and Astrology at the University of WalesTrinity St David, and a tutor in History of Art at the
University of Bristol. Her astrological publications include Life After Grief: An Astrological Guide to Dealing
with Loss (2004), AstroGraphology (2009), and Restoring The Heavens to Astrology (2001) (with Bernadette
Brady). She is currently reading for her doctorate in medieval art history and astrology at the University of
Bristol, England.
Maggie Hyde (MA) is a co-founder of the Company of Astrologers and director of the Media Cosmics agency.
Her books include Jung and Astrology and Introducing Jung. She is currently pursuing postgraduate research
in cosmology, astrology and divination at the University of Kent. See and
Prudence Jones is an astrologer, therapist and author based in Cambridge and a regular speaker at AA events.
A former Chair of the APAI and member of the AA Council, she has written on ancient and medieval
astrology, sacred city layout and the astronomical orientation of sites, in addition to pioneering modern
experiential astrology. Creative Astrology and A History of Pagan Europe (with Nigel Pennick) are currently in
Sharon Knight is a qualified astrologer with over twenty years professional experience. She studied with the
FAS gaining her Diploma, then qualified as a QHP under Olivia Barclay. She holds an MA in Cultural
Astronomy and Astrology. Sharon is a Fellow of the Association of Professional Astrologers International and
is Chair of the same. She also edits the quarterly newsletter of the Association. In the past, Sharon taught
astrology at Adult Education classes, tutored on the QHP course and currently runs monthly workshops on
Traditional Astrology. She has written columns for women's magazines, newspapers and various astrological
journals and has a regular slot on local radio. Email:
[email protected].
Ema Kurent (DFAstrolS, QHP, CMA, ISAR CAP) was born in Ljubljana, Slovenia, and has been a
professional astrologer since 1989. She specializes in traditional and predictive astrology. She is the head of
Slovenian Astrological Academy Stella and the author of a best-selling book Sonce in Luna (The Moon and the
Sun – 144 zodiacal combinations).
Jane Lewis (MA Cantab, Dip WESA) is an active member of the White Eagle Lodge and diploma holder of the
White Eagle School. Also a BWY Yoga teacher, Jane is an astrology practitioner and regularly contributes
articles and speaks at conferences as well as consulting on astro-yoga and leading workshops. The White Eagle
Lodge was founded to help mankind prepare for the coming Aquarian Age, the Star symbol its focal point.
Yoga is actually at the heart of WE teaching and Jane sees yoga and astrology as a way of life: nothing is more
practical and relevant to life in the ‘real world’ today. Email: [email protected].
Dorothy Oja - is a career astrological professional, certified ISAR C.A.P., with over three decades of study and
experience, and an international clientele, through her practice, MindWorks. Dorothy is an exciting,
knowledgeable lecturer and writer. She’s authored two computer interpretive reports: Compatibility & Conflict
for Romantic Relationships, and for Business or Friendship Relationships. Since 1997, she has published,
Planet Weather, a free weekly ezine and occasional Podcasts. Dorothy assists individuals with pragmatic
counsel, and eliciting the spiritual imperatives of the chart. Specialties: Research dates for surgery, business,
weddings, etc., relationship compatibility, political/mundane analysis, interpretations skills, and child profiles.
Community service: former Chair of AFAN’s Legal Information Committee, and ISAR’s Ethics Initiative
development, Chair of ISAR Ethics Committee, and currently ISAR Board member overseeing Ethics
Education and Training. [email protected]
Christina Rose spearheaded the development of counselling astrology from the 1970s and is the author of
Astrological Counselling (1982). She has taught extensively in many fields such as education, corporate
management, health, creating a fertile area of cross-referral and also presented a 3-hour TV documentary on
Astrology for Imperial College, London. Her current book, The Tapestry of Planetary Phases, presents an
innovative approach to the Lunation Cycle, extending its meanings into several planetary pairs beyond
Sun/Moon. These reveal a unique set of identifiable threads which lie at the heart of our lives weaving their
way to self-understanding in the real world.
Janette Russell has been an astrologer for over 30 years,. She is a Director of, and has
taught astrology since 1990, both as a correspondence tutor and giving talks and workshops. She is a registered
nurse and has an interest in medical astrology and combining astrology with Homeopathy, Hypnotherapy and
Past Life Regression work. She also works with Dynamic Theatre which is a combination of Psychodrama
Shamanism and Family Constellations, which further expands, her astrological practice. She also has a
particular interest in relationship dynamics, and the relevance of the Black Moon in synastry. Email:
[email protected]
Wanda Sellar was an Astrological Lodge of London committee member for twelve years: six as secretary, six
as President. She is the current editor of the Astrology & Medicine Newsletter, a post held for fifteen years.
Wanda has written two books on astrology: The Consultation Chart and Introduction to Medical Astrology both
published by the Wessex Astrologer. She has written extensively on astrology and has lectured in England,
Ireland and Japan. She is interested in both the traditional and spiritual aspects of astrology, accepting that
there is a place for each discipline. She holds a diploma with the Mayo School of Astrology and is a Qualified
Horary Practitioner (Olivia Barclay).
Bruce Scofield, Ph.D., is an author and practitioner of astrology, speaks at conferences, and is a strong
advocate for astrological education and certification. He currently teaches for Kepler College and at the
University of Massachusetts. His interest in Mesoamerican astrology has a web presence at
Christeen Skinner is author of ‘The Financial Universe’ published in 2004 and revised in 2008. Her
astrological interests focus on solar activity and harmonics. Christeen focuses on business and financial
astrology and has spoken at many conferences. She works closely with city traders and is delighted to be a
member of two future-casting teams who assist businesses in their long-term planning. Her website is
Wendy Stacey, BA, MA, Dip LSA is the principal of the Mayo School of Astrology, tutor for the London
School of Astrology and chairperson for the Astrological Association of Great Britain. She writes a regular
feature for students in the Astrological Journal and is currently completing a PhD which explores changing
birth time patterns. She has been studying, teaching, researching, writing and consulting in astrology for 24
years. email: [email protected]
Susan Swan discovered Astrology in 1983 and offers email consultations from her home in Edinburgh. Over
the years Susan has delivered various talks throughout UK and Ireland and believes that to attain a degree of
accuracy and precision, we must keep it simple, and find a balanced mix of Traditional and Modern techniques.
Richard Swatton’s astrology education began in 1976, learning traditional, horary, and occult-theosophical
approaches. After this (1981-85) he studied Tyl's modern approach to effective astrology, and then (1985-88)
onto psychological astrology with the CPA, gaining their Diploma in 1994. After teaching
astrology independently for 20 years, he is now on the staff at the LSA. As an accomplished jazz pianist and
composer, music had been his other profession up to 2000. During the 1990s Richard retrained as an integrative
psychotherapist, working for MIND, St Thomas's Hospital and now mostly privately, in London. His main
teaching in astrology stresses the importance of training the intuition.
Liane Thomas Wade is the Executive Secretary of the National Council of Geocosmic Research (NCGR), a
prominent astrology association in the USA. Since 2004 she has been President of The Uranian Society (a
Special Interest Group of NCGR) which hosted the 5th International Uranian Fellowship Conference in October
2010, in New York City. She has been a student and practitioner of astrology for over 25 years.
Polly Wallaces’s long fascination with astrology eventually led her to the FAS. She is now a distance learning
tutor and also teaches chart interpretation at Summer School. Locally Polly runs her own programme of
astrology classes and she co-founded Golden Arrows, an experiential astrology group. Polly's writing has been
published in various journals, including the AA Journal. Currently she writes a monthly astrology column for
Inside Time, the national newspaper for prisons. Polly is inspired by how astrology adds a whole other
dimension to life – one that is both magical and empowering.
Dr Mark Williams is a writer on astrology and literature, currently at Cambridge University where he teaches
a number of classical and medieval languages. He became interested in astrology as a child and has pursued it
ever since, maintaining a balance between the scholarly study of astrology's history and its use as a tool for
living and growing.
Mark Woodley, at the age of 29 had fulfilled all his teenage ambitions. What next you ask? He lost everything
he had worked for and that’s when he went looking for answers. He discovered astrology with the help of a
friend, which helped him to put the pieces back together, and the rest they say is history. Mark has been
practicing astrology for fifteen years and has been Director of Astrology for The British Astrological and
Psychic Society for the past two. He is also a Tarot Reader and Medium with the ability to read anything from
kitchen cupboards to parking manoeuvres. As a photographer by profession he say’s “observation is the key to