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Roach's Introductory Clinical Pharmacology, Tenth Edition (Susan M. Ford and Sally S.
Roach )
Lesson Plans
Chapter 8—Antibacterial Drugs That Interfere With Protein Synthesis
Goals of the Lesson:
Cognitive: Students will be able to explain the four groups of broad-spectrum antibiotics. They will be able to discuss the
nursing diagnoses, preadministration and ongoing assessment activities, how to manage adverse reactions, and educating
patients and their families about the reactions.
Learning Objectives:
The lesson plan for each objective starts on the next page.
8.1 Discuss the uses, general drug actions, adverse reactions, contraindications, precautions, and interactions of
antibacterial drugs that interfere with protein synthesis. ...................................................................................................... 2
8.2 Discuss important preadministration and ongoing assessment activities the nurse should perform on the patient taking
an antibacterial drug that interferes with protein synthesis.. ................................................................................................ 6
8.3 List nursing diagnoses particular to a patient taking an antibacterial drug that interferes with protein syntehsis.......... 8
8.4 Discuss ways to promote an optimal response to the therapy, how to manage adverse reactions, and important points
to keep in mind when educating patients about the use of antibacterial drugs that interfere with protein synthesis.. ........10
Legend: IR: Instructor’s Resource; SR: Student’s Resource; PPT: PowerPoint (IR); TG: Test Generator (IR)
Page 1 of 11
Copyright © 2014 Wolters Kluwer | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Roach's Introductory Clinical Pharmacology, Tenth Edition (Susan M. Ford and Sally S.
Roach )
Chapter 8 Antibacterial Drugs that Interfere with Protein Synethesis
Objective 8.1
Discuss the uses, general drug actions, adverse reactions, contraindications, precautions,
and interactions of antibacterial drugs that interfere with protein synthesis.
Lecture Outline
 Introduce the chapter by
explaining of antibacterial drugs
that interfere with protein
synthesis. In addition, also
explain their use, the general
drug action, adverse reactions,
and the precautions.
Figures, Tables, and
Resources and
In-Class Activities
Pre-Lecture Quiz
Written Assignment
Summary Drug
Table: Antibacterial
Drugs That Interfere
With Protein
pp. 92-93
Figure 8.1
p. 84
Page 2 of 11
Copyright © 2014 Wolters Kluwer | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Prepare a report on the
following antibiotics used
for the treatment of
 Tetracyclines should
infections: tetracyclines,
be given only after
having a proper meal.
 The macrolides inhibit macrolides, and
protein synthesis in
 Draw a comparison
susceptible bacteria,
chart stating their
causing cell death.
 In a patient taking an
List their adverse
aminoglycoside, if
reactions and
constipation occurs, the
nurse should save a
sample of the stool and
Web Assignment
test it for occult blood
Conduct online research on
using a test such as
antibacterial drugs that
interfere with protein
synthesis and prepare a
report on the following:
 Manufacturing
 __________ are
contraindicated in
infants younger than 1  Kit name
 Primary matrices
month old.
 Uncomplicated
urethral, endocervical, Test Bank
TG Questions 1–3, 5, 7–8,
or rectal infections
17–18, 21–23, 25, and 27
caused by Chlamydia
trachomatis can be
Instructor’s Notes
Roach's Introductory Clinical Pharmacology, Tenth Edition (Susan M. Ford and Sally S.
Roach )
Chapter 8 Antibacterial Drugs that Interfere with Protein Synethesis
cured using
__________ is a
disease that affects the
myoneural junction in
nerves and is
manifested by extreme
weakness and
exhaustion of the
A macrolide when
administered with
_________ causes
increased serum levels.
Discussion Topics
A patient admitted to the
hospital with an upper
respiratory infection was
treated with macrolides.
The patient was also given
 What are the adverse
reactions that the nurse
should check for?
 What could be the
effect of interaction of
digoxin with a
A patient is admitted to a
hospital with a skin and soft
tissue infection.
 Which antibiotic can
be used to treat the skin
and soft tissue
 What are the adverse
effects of the
Page 3 of 11
Copyright © 2014 Wolters Kluwer | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Spanish-English Audio
Roach's Introductory Clinical Pharmacology, Tenth Edition (Susan M. Ford and Sally S.
Roach )
Chapter 8 Antibacterial Drugs that Interfere with Protein Synethesis
Case Study
Maria Lopez is a 24-yearold Hispanic woman. She
presents to the physician’s
office today seeking
treatment for her acne. Her
only medication is Ortho
Tri-Cyclen Lo. The
physician writes Ms. Lopez
a prescription for
doxycycline (Doryx) 150
mg once daily.
 What should the nurse
tell Ms. Lopez about
taking oral
contraception with
 What adverse reactions
should the nurse
discuss with Ms.
Preparing for NCLEX-PN
Know Your Drugs
Clients sometimes know a
medication by the brand (or
trade) name and not the
generic name. To help you
recognize both names,
match the brand name with
the generic name of the
same medication.
Prepare for the NCLEX-PN
Build Your Knowledge
Question 1
Apply Your Knowledge
Question 8
Page 4 of 11
Copyright © 2014 Wolters Kluwer | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Roach's Introductory Clinical Pharmacology, Tenth Edition (Susan M. Ford and Sally S.
Roach )
Chapter 8 Antibacterial Drugs that Interfere with Protein Synethesis
Alternate-Format Questions
Question 9
Strategies for Effective
Legend: IR: Instructor’s Resource; SR: Student’s Resource; PPT: PowerPoint (IR); TG: Test Generator (IR)
Page 5 of 11
Copyright © 2014 Wolters Kluwer | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Roach's Introductory Clinical Pharmacology, Tenth Edition (Susan M. Ford and Sally S.
Roach )
Chapter 8 Antibacterial Drugs that Interfere with Protein Synethesis
Objective 8.2
Discuss important preadministration and ongoing assessment activities the nurse should
perform on the patient taking an antibacterial drug that interferes with protein synthesis.
Lecture Outline
 State the steps the nurse should
take before administering
antibacterial drugs that interfere
with protein synthesis. In
addition, state the signs and
symptoms of an infection.
 Explain the factors a nurse
should consider before
administering these antibiotics to
the patient.
 Discuss the vital changes that can
be observed during ongoing
assessment of a patient receiving
these antibiotics.
 Discuss the expected outcomes
of a patient’s treatment with
these antibiotics.
Figures, Tables, and
22, 23,
and 26
Resources and
In-Class Activities
Pre-Lecture Quiz
Clinical Assignment
Visit a health care center
and observe a nurse
administering antibacterial
drugs that interfere with
protein synthesis to
patients. Prepare a report on
the following:
 Steps taken by the
nurse before
administering an
 Information obtained
from the patient before
administering a drug
and its importance
 Information given to
the patient and family
about the prescribed
antibiotic course
Food impairs the
absorption of
Discussion Topics
A patient admitted to the
hospital with an upper
respiratory infection was
treated with macrolides.
The patient was also given
 What are the adverse
reactions that the nurse
should check for?
 What could be the
effect of interaction of
digoxin with a
Test Bank
A patient preparing for
abdominal surgery is
aminoglycosides. What
should the nurse monitor
for while caring for the
patient during treatment?
Page 6 of 11
Copyright © 2014 Wolters Kluwer | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
TG Questions 10–12
Spanish-English Audio
Instructor’s Notes
Roach's Introductory Clinical Pharmacology, Tenth Edition (Susan M. Ford and Sally S.
Roach )
Chapter 8 Antibacterial Drugs that Interfere with Protein Synethesis
Preparing for NCLEX-PN
Calculate Medication
Questions 1, 2
Prepare for the NCLEX-PN
Build Your Knowledge
Questions 2
Apply Your Knowledge
Questions 6, 7
Alternate-Format Questions
Question 10
Strategies for Effective
Legend: IR: Instructor’s Resource; SR: Student’s Resource; PPT: PowerPoint (IR); TG: Test Generator (IR)
Page 7 of 11
Copyright © 2014 Wolters Kluwer | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Roach's Introductory Clinical Pharmacology, Tenth Edition (Susan M. Ford and Sally S.
Roach )
Chapter 8 Antibacterial Drugs that Interfere with Protein Synethesis
Objective 8.3
List nursing diagnoses particular to a patient taking an antibacterial drug that interferes with
protein synthesis.
Lecture Outline
 Explain the nursing diagnoses for 89
a patient receiving an
antibacterial drug that interferes
with protein synthesis.
Figures, Tables, and
24 and
Resources and
In-Class Activities
Pre-Lecture Quiz
Group Assignments
Have a short discussion on
the nursing diagnoses
associated with
The minocycline
administering of
(Minocin) and
antibacterial drugs that
(Terramycin) drugs can interfere with protein
be taken with food
__________ is a drug
related to lincomycin
that can cause the
patient's eyes to have
difficulty focusing and
accommodating to
Case Study
Maria Lopez is a 24-yearold Hispanic woman. She
presents to the physician’s
office today seeking
treatment for her acne. Her
only medication is Ortho
Tri-Cyclen Lo. The
physician writes Ms. Lopez
a prescription for
doxycycline (Doryx) 150
Page 8 of 11
Copyright © 2014 Wolters Kluwer | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Test Bank
TG Questions 4, 6, 13, 16,
24, and 28–30
Spanish-English Audio
Instructor’s Notes
Roach's Introductory Clinical Pharmacology, Tenth Edition (Susan M. Ford and Sally S.
Roach )
Chapter 8 Antibacterial Drugs that Interfere with Protein Synethesis
mg once daily. How should
the nurse tell Ms. Lopez to
take the Doryx?
Preparing for NCLEX-PN
Strategies for Effective
Legend: IR: Instructor’s Resource; SR: Student’s Resource; PPT: PowerPoint (IR); TG: Test Generator (IR)
Page 9 of 11
Copyright © 2014 Wolters Kluwer | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Roach's Introductory Clinical Pharmacology, Tenth Edition (Susan M. Ford and Sally S.
Roach )
Chapter 8 Antibacterial Drugs that Interfere with Protein Synethesis
Objective 8.4
Discuss ways to promote an optimal response to therapy, how to manage adverse reactions,
and important points to keep in mind when educating patients about the use of antibacterial
drugs that interfere with protein synthesis.
Lecture Outline
 Explain how a nurse can help to
avoid adverse reactions from
these antibiotics during oral
administration in a patient. In
addition, state the tetracyclines
that may be taken with food and
the precautions to be taken
during oral administration of
antibacterial drugs that interfere
with protein synthesis
 State the ideal time for oral
administration of antibacterial
drugs that interfere with protein
 Discuss monitoring and
managing patient needs during
parental administration of
antibacterial drugs that interfere
with protein synthesis.
 State the category of patients
who are at risk of injury after
administration of antibacterial
drugs that interfere with protein
 Explain the importance of
educating the patient and family
about the prescribed therapeutic
Figures, Tables, and
Resources and
In-Class Activities
Patient Teaching for
Improved Patient
p. 91
Pre-Lecture Quizzes
Clinical Assignment
Visit a health care center
and observe a nurse
administering antibacterial
drugs that interefere with
protein synthesis to
patients. Prepare a report on
the following:
 Steps taken by the
nurse before
administering an
 Information obtained
from the patient before
administering a drug
and its importance
 Information given to
the patient and family
about the prescribed
antibiotic course
Page 10 of 11
Copyright © 2014 Wolters Kluwer | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Food impairs the
absorption of
Preparing for NCLEX-PN
Prepare for the NCLEX-PN
Build Your Knowledge
Questions 3, 4, 5
Strategies for Effective
Test Bank
TG Questions 14, 15, 20,
and 26
Journal Articles
Heart Matters: Hearts
Afire: Infective
Instructor’s Notes
Roach's Introductory Clinical Pharmacology, Tenth Edition (Susan M. Ford and Sally S.
Roach )
Chapter 8 Antibacterial Drugs that Interfere with Protein Synethesis
regimen of antibacterial drugs
that interfere with protein
Kim McCarron MS, CRNP
Free Nursing Made
Incredibly Easy!
May/June 2012
Volume 10 Issue 3
Pages 44–48
Spanish-English Audio
Legend: IR: Instructor’s Resource; SR: Student’s Resource; PPT: PowerPoint (IR); TG: Test Generator (IR)
Page 11 of 11
Copyright © 2014 Wolters Kluwer | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins