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Giana Iannacone
Plants use it to take in energy and building materials.
Humans depend on photosynthesis to get energy and protein
On this planet, there is no way to get energy and protein without photosynthesis.
The sun gives the energy and building materials to the plant, and the plant uses photosynthesis.
On this earth over 90% of energy and protein comes from the sun and photosynthesis process.
Stomata are holes in a leaf that CO2 gas enters the leaf
You and I depend on photosynthesis to get our energy and building materials
Now that the plant has used photosynthesis, it has energy and building materials it can send on.
This process is very important because without it no animals would get energy and protein.
How does photosynthesis work? With many types of gas forming and making other things.
Every plants uses photosynthesis.
So, the process starts with water from the soil or leaf molecules, then with energy it got from
the sunlight, the oxygen leaves.
In the process of the oxygen leaving, CO2 enters
So, without photosynthesis, no other animals would survive.