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EQs: What are personal, social, and
political functions of religion?
Key Concept 2.1
Drill #3: Why do people practice
religion? What are some effects of
Key Concept 2.1 (cont)
 Emergence of Classical Religion (cont)
At Home
Chapter Notes for Unit 2 (9-12, refer to
calendar for specific due dates)
 Complete the Illustrative Examples &
Empires Map Packets using the provided
PPT on WHAPWeebly (will be on
 Study Guide/Study for Test
Religion Groups
Hinduism - Group 1
 Buddhism - Group 2
These two are parts 1 & 2 of a 3
 Judaism - Group 3
part series - but due to size I have
 Christianity - Group 4 separated them
 Confucianism - Group 5
These are the Chinese
 Daoism - Group 5 Philosophies, they are easier
to understand together as
 Legalism - Group 5 opposed to separately
Religion Notes to Add
The following slides have some brief
lecture notes to add to your Religions
Packet (there is a specific spot - please
record this information there)
What are the characteristics and
core teachings of Daoism?
In the major Daoist writings(such as the
Daodejing), the core belief of balance
between humans and nature assumed that
the Chinese political system would be
altered indirectly. Daoism also influenced
the development of Chinese culture.
 • medical theories and practices •
poetry • metallurgy • architecture
What are the characteristics and
core teachings of Confucianism?
Confucianism’s core beliefs and writings
originated in the writings and lessons of
Confucius and were elaborated by key
disciples who sought to promote social
harmony by outlining proper rituals and
social relationships for all people in China
including the rulers.
What are the characteristics and
core teachings of Legalism?
Legalism is incredibly strict – rules the empire by
force. A key principle is that the state’s strength is
in agriculture & military force.
Punishments for crimes/wrong doing is what
maintains a well ordered society. This included
even minor infractions.
Humans are naturally evil (Thomas Hobbes > the
It discouraged commerce, education and the arts.
If you control things like education (information)
in the empire you control the people.
It put an end to the warring states period – it was
practical but not popular.
What are the characteristics and
core teachings of Hinduism?
The core beliefs outlined in the Sanskrit scriptures formed
the basis of the Vedic religions—often known as
Hinduisms—that show some influence of Indo-European
traditions in the development of the social and political roles
of a caste system and in the importance of multiple
manifestations of Brahma to promote teachings about
Quick Stuff to Know:
Vedas & the Rig Veda
castes (brahmin, kshatriya, vaishya, shudras, dalit)
Bhagavad Gita (is a 700-verse scripture that is part of the
Hindu epic Mahabharata)
Lawbook of Manu – laws of social classes, life, etc
Karma - “the sum of a person's actions in this and previous
states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future
Dharma - “the principle of cosmic order.”
What are the characteristics and
core teachings of Buddhism? How
and where did Buddhism spread by
600 CE?
The core beliefs preached by the historic Buddha
(Siddhartha Gautama) and recorded by his followers into
sutras and other scriptures were, in part, a reaction to the
Vedic beliefs and rituals dominant in South Asia.
 Buddhism changed over time as it spread throughout Asia,
first through the support of the Mauryan Emperor Ashoka,
and then through the efforts of missionaries and merchants
and the establishment of educational institutions to
promote its core teachings
 The four Noble Truths, the Eight Fold Path - Nirvana
 ALSO karma, dharma
What are the characteristics and
core teachings of Judaism?
The association of monotheism with Judaism was
further developed with the codification of the
Hebrew Scriptures which also showed
Mesopotamian influences. Around 600 BCE and
70 CE, the Assyrian and Roman empires
respectively created Jewish diaspora communities
and destroyed the kingdom of Israel as a
 Hebrew Monotheism – first instance of
 Abraham first Jewish prophet – but was still
polytheistic – Moses is the first one who
describes ONE GOD
What are the characteristics and
core teachings of Christianity?
The core beliefs preached by Jesus of
Nazareth drew on the basic monotheism
of Judaism, and initially rejected Roman
and Hellenistic influences.
 Despite initial Roman imperial hostility,
Christianity spread through the efforts of
missionaries and merchants through many
parts of Afro-Eurasia, and eventually
gained Roman imperial support by the
time of the emperor Constantine.
Religion Groups
Hinduism - Group 1
 Buddhism - Group 2
These two are parts 1 & 2 of a 3
 Judaism - Group 3
part series - but due to size I have
 Christianity - Group 4 separated them
SO what’s
 Confucianism - Group 5
These are the Chinese
 Daoism - Group 5 Philosophies, they are easier
to understand together as
 Legalism - Group 5 opposed to separately
What are the characteristics and
core teachings of Islam?
The term Islam means "submission," while the
name Muslim, applied to the followers of Islam,
means "one who submits."
Muhammad viewed his revelations as a
completion of those of Judaism and Christianity
and perceived himself not as a deity but as the
last in a series of prophets of the one god, Allah.
He considered Abraham, Moses, and Jesus also
among the prophets of Allah. According to the
teachings of Islam, the faithful must follow a set of
regulations known as the Five Pillars.
Use the Koran – God is called Allah
Follow Sharia Law
What are the characteristics and
core teachings of Islam?
Five Pillars of Islam
They include:
 Faith. In order to be considered a follower of Islam, a person must
proclaim in the presence of a Muslim the following statement:
"There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet."
 Prayer. The Muslim must pray at five prescribed times daily, each
time facing the holy city of Mecca.
 Fasting. The faithful must fast from dawn to dusk during the days of
the holy month of Ramadan, a commemoration of the first
revelation to Muhammad.
 Alms-giving. The Muslim is to pay the zakat, or tithe for the needy.
 The hajj. At least once, the follower of Islam is required to make a
pilgrimage to the Ka'aba in the holy city of Mecca. The faithful are
released from this requirement if they are too ill or too poor to
make the journey.