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Aquatic Communities
Marine Ecosystems
Marine Ecosystems
 The
marine ecosystems includes
the Earth’s oceans which contains
many other ecosystems.
 The marine ecosystems cover
more than 70% of the Earth’s
 Abiotic
factors such as: water,
water depth, and the amount of
sunlight shape the marine
 Some of the largest animals and
unique plants live in the oceans.
 The
temperature of the oceans
decreases as the depth of the
water increases.
 Animals must have adaptations to
survive the temperature of the
water they live in. Any sudden
change in the temp can cause
sudden death.
4 Zones of the Ocean
 Intertidal
Zone- where the oceans
meets the land (crabs, clams,
snails, sea stars live in this zone).
 Neritic Zone- water is getting
deeper. The water is warm and
receives lots of sunlight. (corals,
sponges, dolphins, fish live in this
 Oceanic
Zone- contains the deep
water of the ocean floor. (whales,
squid, and fish that glow live in this
 Benthic Zone- this is the ocean floor
where there is NO sunlight and is
VERY cold. (bacteria, worms, and
sea urchins live in this zone)
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