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CS 122 – Lab 14 – April 17, 2012 – Tree Traversals
The purpose of today’s lab is to look at a simple implementation of a binary tree, and make iterators
that enable us to traverse the tree. The files you need for lab are contained in the on-line directory
lab14 located on the class Web site.
In the directory you will find several Java files:
 – implementation of (binary) tree
 – specifies what each node of a tree contains (data plus pointers)
 – same as in our linked list example, basically holds a string
 – main function
You will be making modifications to If you run the program now, you’ll notice that it will
print an expression using a preorder traversal. This is because the toString method in the Tree class
automatically uses a preorderIterator object.
Look at how the PreorderIterator class was implemented. It has a similar structure to other iterators
we’ve written in class. What’s distinctive about this iterator is that it is recursive – it makes use of an
addNext() method that calls itself on each of its children. The base case of the recursion occurs when
the node is null.
How can we tell that the PreorderIterator really performs a preorder traversal? _______________
We need to add 2 more iterators – one for an inorder traversal, and another for a postorder traversal.
These 2 iterators are similar to the existing one for the preorder traversal. So similar, in fact, that it
would be a good idea to employ some inheritance. Implement the following inner classes and
methods… I have inserted comments in to guide you.
Step 1: Write a GeneralIterator class which contains declarations for the 2 attributes (the ArrayList
and its index), as well as the 3 methods required by the Iterator interface. Hint – you can copy this
stuff from the existing PreorderIterator class.
Step 2: Change the declaration of PreorderIterator to say that it extends GeneralIterator. Take out
the attributes and functions that you incorporated into GeneralIterator. What you’ll notice is that
inheritance will make your code less repetitive. For example, the PreorderIterator constructor just
needs two statements: a call to the parent constructor, and a call to addNext() to begin the
recursion. And addNext() is the only other method that needs to be implemented in the inner class.
Step 3: Create analogous inner classes for InorderIterator and PostorderIterator – these classes will
be similar to PreorderIterator except for how they handle addNext().
Step 4: Finally, we need functions that will call the appropriate inner class constructors so that we
can create iterator objects.
 preorderIterator(Node start) – this method is given.
 inorderIterator(Node start), and
 postorderIterator(Node start) – write these analogous functions.
Also implement 3 more methods:
 preorderIterator() – this method is given.
 inorderIterator()
 postorderIterator()
that take no parameter. The intent here is that if the user doesn’t specify where to start, then we
begin at the root.
Modify the main() function in so that we can see the output of these 3 traversals. Your
output should look like the following:
+ - 1 2 * 3 4
1 - 2 + 3 * 4
Postorder: 1 2 – 3 4 * +
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Finally, let’s make our Tree implementation a little more flexible. Up until now we have been using
the Tree to model a mathematical expression. And in this case, every interior node has exactly two
children. But in general, a binary tree could allow for a node to have just one child, either a left child
or a right child. In other words, one of the two children could be null. If you compile and run, you will see a problem at the point where we try to add Q.
The current implementation of does not handle the case of inserting a subtree with just one
child. This will be the last thing you need to modify today.
Based on the logic given in, draw what you think the tree should “look like” when the
program is finished. Also, for practice, write down its preorder, inorder and postorder traversals.
Now, modify the 2nd Tree constructor in, so that it can handle these situations:
 The left subtree could be null.
 The right subtree could be null.
In these cases, we need to set the appropriate root’s child to null, and make sure that some of the
existing statements are avoided.
When you are done fixing the Tree constructor, run Driver2 again. Verify that the 3 traversals of the
tree are correct.