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World History Simulation
African Societies
Go to the following website:
Click on “New Encounters” Read the paragraph, and then click on “An African”
Part 1:
Click on “East Africa”
Read through the simulation, responding to the questions below as you go.
1. When did migration to East Africa occur?
2. What language developed with the arrival of Arab traders?
3. Where do the Arabs sail in the winter? Summer?
4. How long does this journey take?
5. Why did the Arabs make the long journey?
6. Name the new coastal African society formed from the intermarriage of the Arab and
African traders.
7. What goods are produced in East Africa?
8. What goods do the Arab traders bring for trade to East Africa?
Click on “Kilwa”
1. Describe your city using three words
2. What fruit is grown in Kilwa?
3. What resources are traded in Kilwa?
*Click on the first link
Who purchased the island and built a mosque in the city?
4. Describe the life of a eunuch (beginning with capture):
5. Describe characteristics of a eunich:
6. What type of ship is used by the Arabs?
7. How is Swahili both an Arab and African culture?
8. What roles and purposes did slaves play in African and Arab society?
Go to!mansa-musa/crul or
Read about Timbuktu, Mali
1. What items were traded in Timbuktu?
2. What two empires controlled the city?
3. Why did Muslim scholars travel to Timbuktu?
4. What two things led to the fall of Timbuktu?
Read about Mansa Moussa (also spelled Musa)
1. Who was Mansa Moussa and when did he rule?
2. What was Timbuktu’s wealth based on? What was traded?
3. What did Moussa do in 1324 AD?
4. Describe this event and the results.
Part 2:
Click on “East Africa”
Read through the simulation, responding to the questions below as you go.
Click on “Mombasa”
1. Who leads/controls the city?
*Click on the link
a. What is this area called today?
b. Which Portuguese explorer suppressed the Arab influence on Mombasa?
c. Who overthrew the Portuguese rule in Mombasa?
2. What is the main source of trade for Mombasa?
3. Describe Fort Jesus:
4. What do the Portuguese use to make the slaves’ skin shine?
World History Simulation
African Societies
Click on
Click on “Religion” Click on “Christianity”
1. How did Christianity first arrive in Africa?
2. What happened in the 7th Century? 15th Century? 19th Century?
Go back to the “Religion” page. Click on “Missionaries”
1. When and why did missionaries first come to Africa?
2. Where were the first missionaries located?
3. What was the Soyo’s position on baptized slaves?
4. In the 18th Century, what was the reaction to Christianity by West African rulers?
5. What happened in 1807 and 1834 in the British Empire and how did this affect Christian
missionaries in Africa?
Go back to the “Home” page link on the left. Click on “West African Kingdoms” Click on
“Ancient Ghana”
1. Where was Ancient Ghana located? What is the relation to “Modern Ghana”?
2. How did Ghana gain its wealth and power?
3. What other goods did Ghana trade?
4. What was Islam’s role in Ghana?
5. Describe the decline of Ghana. Who took their place?
Go back to “West African Kingdoms” Click on “Mali”
1. Who was Sundiata Keita?
2. What city did he conquer from the Tuareg?
3. Where was Mali located?
4. How did Mali gain its wealth?
5. Compare Ancient Ghana and Mali.
Part 3:
1. What animal allowed increased trade across the Sahara Desert?
2. Most people in Africa speak a form of what language?
Click on “West Africa”
1. What empire developed in West central Africa?
2. What great empire did it replace?
3. Who ruled this new empire and what was his religion?
4. The trade of what resource allowed his empire to grow?
*Click on the link. Read the Songhay introduction.
a. What were the rulers of the Songhay called?
*Click on “Mali” on the left under Regional Histories
a. What did Europeans in the Middle Ages know about Mali?
*follow the link “Kings, Gold, and Islam” on the bottom of the page
a. Who was Mansa Musa? What did he do in 1324 AD?
b. What did Mansa Musa do in Timbuktu and other cities?
c. How is Islam practiced in Mali?
d. Considering what you know about Islam, why does this seem strange?
5. What Songhay city is a center of trade, learning, and religion?
6. Why would an African choose to take part in the slave trade?
7. How did the Moroccans defeat the Songhay Empire? Why?
8. Describe the experience of an African taken into slavery. Give details about the capture,
journey to the coast, and voyage to the new world.
9. How many Africans were sold into slavery? What percent went to the Caribbean? Brazil?
10. How were slaves put to work in the Caribbean? Brazil?