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Springlake BizFiles Professional
Server Configuration
Copyright ®xSpring Pte Ltd, All rights reserved
Server Setup Application
• From the Windows Start menu launch the Springlake
Server Configuration application by clicking on the
[Programs->Springlake BizFiles->Server Configuration]
• The Server Configuration application is a simple
application to change the settings for the Springlake
server. However, for most installation, the default
settings can be used.
• 3 main items to setup:
– Data Path
– Database source
– Service settings
Copyright ®xSpring Pte Ltd, All rights reserved
Server Configuration
Copyright ®xSpring Pte Ltd, All rights reserved
Server Setup
Server Tab
• Specifying the Server Name
Server Name
The virtual server name for Springlake server. The name
should be using characters from A-Z or 0-9
Server name should NOT be changed after the system
has go live.
Server Data Path
Specify the data path.
Specify Log Path
Specify the log files path. Default is unselected.
Specify Fulltext Path
Specify the fulltext files path. Default is unselected.
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Server Setup
• Server Data Path
Where the main data is stored (apart from database)
Root key
Content File
C3 File
Fulltext Indexes
– Normally this path shall be configured inside a large
storage like SAN/NAS/Disk Array
– This data directory needs to be backed up regularly!
Copyright ®xSpring Pte Ltd, All rights reserved
Server Setup
• Content File Storage:
– Directory Hierarchy
– All content has extension:
– All content is read-only: can be configured as incremental backup by
Service dir
Cache dir
Content Root
Server Name
DocType Name
By Server
Time Stamp
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Content File with unique object ID,
timestamp and type extension
Server Setup
• Database
o In Springlake, the database is used to store metadata
such as document properties, user profiles, role
profiles, security profiles, etc.
o Springlake supports the following databases
Microsoft SQL Server (version 2005 and above)
Oracle (version 10g and above)
Other database, please contact vendor *
o The database connection is by way of an ODBC
connection. It is assumed that the ODBC connection
has already been setup.
o Specify the Data Source Name (DSN), Login User and
Login Password, and then test the database
Copyright ®xSpring Pte Ltd, All rights reserved
Server Setup
• Specifying the Database connection
It is assumed the MS SQL Server 2008 and the ODBC data
source name has been setup.
o Database Type
Specify the database type from the list of supported
o DSN Name
The ODBC data source name
o DSN Login
The database login user used to access this
o DSN Password
The corresponding password for the login user.
Copyright ®xSpring Pte Ltd, All rights reserved
Server Setup
• Database
o The [Test DB] button test the database connection. A
message prompt will be shown if the test is successful.
If the connection test is successful, click on the [Save]
button to save the connection setting.
o The [Init DB] button initialize the database for use by
Springlake system. This is usually done once only,
immediately after system installation.
o The [Export DB..] and [Import DB..] buttons are for
exporting and importing the existing Springlake
system documents’ and/or system audit records from
the database. E.g. a Springlake server is setup and
configured on a staging server. By using the export
and import function, the configuration can be
imported to the production server quickly.
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Test Database
Test Failed!
To test the database connectivity,
click on the [Test DB] button.
Test OK!
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Option Setup
Copyright ®xSpring Pte Ltd, All rights reserved
Option Setup
Option Tab
o TCP Port
In Springlake, services such as Query Service and Content
service communicate with each other across TCP/IP.
Therefore, the TCP/IP port number used needs to be
o Login Service Count
The number of processing thread to service login request.
o Query Service Count
The number of processing thread to service query request.
o Content Service Count
The number of processing thread to service content
Copyright ®xSpring Pte Ltd, All rights reserved
Option Setup
Option Tab
o Default Idle Session Timeout
This is the session time out between the client and the
server services. If there is no activity (service request) from
the client for a X minutes, the session will be terminated
by the service.
o Web Idle Session Timeout
Similar to Default Idle Session Timeout but this is only for
client connecting from WebView client.
o Client Call Server Timeout
The period of time to wait for a server response before
calling a timeout. For slower performing server, this can be
increased to prevent timeout. This option should be use
with care.
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Option Setup
Option Tab
o Keep Server Log for x Days
Specify the how long the log files should be kept before
being cleared.
o Disable System Audit Trail
Disable the system audit trails logging. Normal user action
is still capture in audit trails.
o Proxy Service List
This is the broker service address list. In Springlake, clients
can only connect to the server services through the broker
o Web Server URL
For forming the URL address in emailing document link
function (“Send as Link”)
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Services Setup
Copyright ®xSpring Pte Ltd, All rights reserved
Services Setup
Workflow/Capture Services Tab
• Not in used for Springlake BizFiles Professional
• Workflow Setup
This option is for workflow related task only. It is used
for the calculation of the next business day during
workflow task’s due date calculation.
• Capture Setup
This option is for batch capturing task only. The [Enable
Capture Backend Process Engine] enable the capture
service to start running and perform recognition or
sorting task during batch capture.
• Install/Uninstall Springlake Service in Windows Service
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SSO Setup
Copyright ®xSpring Pte Ltd, All rights reserved
SSO Setup
Single Sign On (SSO) Tab
• Not in used for Springlake BizFiles Professional
• Apart from the standard user id and password
login, Springlake also supports other login
options listed below:
– Third Party Login
– SSO with AD
– SSO with Web Server
Refer to the Springlake Fundamentals slides on
the mechanics for each of the options.
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Email Setup
Copyright ®xSpring Pte Ltd, All rights reserved
Email Setup
Email Tab
• Not in used for Springlake BizFiles Professional
• Springlake uses SMTP email for forwarding
notification (such as workflow task overdue)
to users.
• The email option also allow administrator to
customize the message footer in the email.
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License Setup
Copyright ®xSpring Pte Ltd, All rights reserved
License Setup
• License
It is assumed that a valid server license has
been obtained after installation.
If there is no valid license, the system can still
be run for 60 days and after which, the user
can no longer login into the system.
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• If any error, check the Server.yyyymmdd.log
log file for more info
• For login error, check the Login.yyyymmdd.log
and Login1.yyyymmdd.log
• For connection error, check the
RPCServer.yyyymmdd.log log file for more info
• And many other logs…
• Check network connectivity.
• Check firewall setting. The port number
specified must be open.
Copyright ®xSpring Pte Ltd, All rights reserved
• Database
– Use SQL Server 2008 backup function for online
backup or
– Detach and perform cold backup
• Content Files
– Files never changed, only new files created.
– So, each file only needs to backup once
• Root key file
– In same directory as content files.
– Created during installation. Will never change.
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Quarterly Check
• 1. Check system health – check current CPU
and RAM usage.
• 2. Check storage space for content files. Make
sure still have ample storage space.
• 3. Check and clear log files. Log files are
suppose to be auto clear. And also, if any log
file size is big, identify the reason.
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Copyright ®xSpring Pte Ltd, All rights reserved