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Special Problems Course Descriptions
Courses Ending in 70970
Fall 2015
MARK 70970
Special Problems in Marketing – Digital Marketing and Social Media
Pre-requisites: MARK 60010
This elective explores the digital and social media and marketing landscape, including best practices in analytics,
media planning, consumer insights, social and mobile marketing, search marketing, email marketing, and integrated
campaign development. Course outcomes will have students being able to delineate the various types of digital and
social marketing, explain the value of these channels in an overall marketing plan, integrate digital and social media
approaches into a marketing communication strategy, develop creative problem solving and critical thinking skills,
and enhance presentation and communication skills.
MANA 70970
Special Problems in Management – High Engagement Leadership
This course is designed to give the student an introduction to leading, as that term applies to 21st century business
and long-term organizational effectiveness. As such, we will cover topics related to the new challenges that
businesses face with engaging their people, newer forms of leadership that speak to that challenge, some skills that
support leading in this environment, and being the person who steps up to lead. Since each of these topics can
constitute a course in itself, the coverage will not be in great depth. Rather, the intent is to introduce each topic and
familiarize students with current understandings, some skills and application to today’s organizational settings.
This course will combine lecture, discussion, skill development and guest speakers. The authors of Make Waves and
Heart-Centered Leadership will be in class to talk about their books and why their ideas about leadership are relevant
in today’s business world. They will also be available to answer questions and help students see how to embed their
lessons into students’ lives and work.
MANA 70970
Special Problems in Management – Corporate Entrepreneurship
Sounds like an oxymoron doesn't it? It's not. Corporations today are under pressure from the "Entrepreneurial
Imperative". The rate of change is now so rapid, and the competitive and disruptive threats so great that
corporations must learn to move beyond merely managing improvement to actively managing innovation. Existing
companies need managers who understand how to manage innovation without destroying value. This is a course
about thinking like an entrepreneur and leveraging that to smartly manage innovation within organizations. In
today's world understanding this is a requirement for thoughtfully managing your own career.
Corporate Entrepreneurship is the practice of seeking innovative uses, markets, or owners of the organization’s
existing products, services, and technologies. It draws the creativity of the organization’s personnel to new business
possibilities that go beyond the current business model of the organization. It engages the entrepreneurial spirit in
spawning a new vision from within the organization. This requires a different set of skills than the typical startup
entrepreneur. By equipping yourselves with these skills, you will gain significant competitive advantage over your
corporate colleagues. This course will focus on helping you understand these skills and the risks and rewards of using