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Validation and Verification of CDM
Climate Change Kiosk on CDM/DNA, COP9
December 6, 2003
Marco van der Linden
SGS Climate Change Programme
Contents of presentation
 Introduction to DOE’s
 Brief introduction to SGS
 Input of DOE in the CDM project cycle
 Validation of CDM projects
 Monitoring Plan
 Verification of CDM Projects
 Final remarks
 More information and contact details
Introduction to DOE’s
 Kyoto Protocol requires an independent third party to be
involved in CDM project cycle
 Independent party is referred to as a Designated
Operational Entity (DOE)
 DOE is legal entity with two basic functions:
 Validation and subsequently request for registration of a
proposed CDM project activity
 Verification and certification of the emission reductions of a
registered CDM project activity
 Core task of a DOE is to protect the environmental integrity
of the CDM and facilitate the trade in emission reductions
by providing confidence
Brief introduction to SGS
 SGS is the worlds largest inspection, verification and
testing company, providing services in over 140 countries
 In house expertise: metering, calibration, laboratories,
industrial inspection, environmental impact assessments,
air and water quality, land contamination, ISO 14001
certification, EMAS Verification…..
 SGS Climate Change Programme
 Started in 1997 with “sinks” projects, since then, expanded
into all GHG sectors / all gases
 Validated more than 30 potential JI and CDM projects;
(preliminary) verification of around 10 potential CDM and
voluntary projects
Input of DOE in the CDM project cycle
Project idea
Write Project Design Document
Validation / registration
Implementation/ Monitoring
Verification / certification
Project Developer
Project Developer
Validation of CDM projects
 Projects are required to use a methodology that is approved by the CDM
Executive Board to establish the project baseline, additionality and
monitoring methodology
 The purpose of a validation is to have the DOE assess the project design,
in particular the use of the approved methodology and the project’s
compliance against the requirements of the Marrakech Accords and the
host party
 Main criteria are:
 Completeness of documentation
 Host country acceptance and host country eligibility
 Applicability and correct use of the approved methodology
 The project reduces emissions below those in absence of the project
 Environmental and social performance
 Development of an effective monitoring plan
 National and international stakeholder consultation
Monitoring Plan
 During implementation of the project, the project manager
will have to monitor the GHG emissions
 Monitoring plan must show how the data are going to be
 During validation:
 The parameters used to predict the emissions will be crosschecked against the monitoring plan to ensure that those
parameters which have a very strong influence on the
reported results will be collected with the highest accuracy.
 The assessment team will be particularly interested to see
how data will be collected and how quality of data will be
 The monitoring plan must also cover environmental and
social impacts as required by any Social / Environmental
Impact Assessment and any other regulatory requirements
Monitoring Plan (cont)
 During project implementation:
 The project managers must collect data exactly as specified
in the monitoring plan
 The Verifier will verify that the Monitoring Plan has been
implemented as specified in the validated Project Design
 Changes to the Monitoring Plan need to be approved by a
Validating Operational Entity
Verification of CDM projects
 Verification is the periodic independent review of the
monitored project emissions during the implementation
 By comparing these with the baseline emissions, it results
in an opinion of the number of emission reductions
 The Verifier “certifies in writing” the number of avoided
emissions and submits a Certification Report.
 At this stage a high level of certainty is required
Final remarks
 DOE has to be independent of the project, this means they
can not consult on the development of the project or the
writing of the project design document
 Except for small scale projects, the DOE performing the
validation must be different from the DOE performing the
verification in order to ensure there is no conflict of interest
More information and contact details
UNFCCC website:
CDM project cycle:
Role of DOE:
Contact details SGS:
Marco van der Linden
Tel: +31 (0)181 693293
Email: [email protected]
Corporate Website: