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Classical Roots
Lessons 15 and 16:
Lesson #15
APIS <L. “bee”
1. apiary
n. A place where hives
or colonies of bees are kept
for their honey
apiarist, n.
AVIS <L. “bird”
2. aviary
n. A house, enclosure, or large cage for
I love
aviarist, n.
BOS, BOVIS <L. “cow,” “ox”
3. bovine
adj. Having the quality of a cow or ox:
sluggish, dull.
bovinity, n.
CANIS <L. “dog”
4. canine
n. Member of the family of dogs
adj. Pertaining to the family of dogs,
and especially the qualities associated
with them
caninity, n.
CAPER (m.), CAPRA (f.) <L. “goat”
5. caper
n. 1. A playful hop, leap, or skip.
2. A prank or wild escapade
intr.v. To leap, frolic, or frisk about
6. caprice
n. A sudden impulse, whim, or unmotivated change
of mind
7. capricious
adj. Subject to whim; impulsive; unpredictable or
capriciously, adv.; capriciousness, n.
EQUUS <L. “horse”
8. equine
adj. Pertaining to a horse; belonging
to the family of horses and zebras
9. equitation
n. The art of riding horses
10. equestrian
adj. Pertaining to a rider of horses, or
skill in riding
equestrianism, n.
Lesson #16
FELIS <L. “cat”
1. feline
n. A member of the family of cats,
lions, tigers, and jaguars
adj. Belonging to the cat family;
having characteristics of a cat, such as
gracefulness and independence
felinity, n.
LEO, LEONIS <L. “lion”
LEON <G. “lion”
2. leonine
adj. Pertaining to a lion; having
characteristics of a lion, such as
fierceness and majesty
3. lionize
tr.v. To regard or treat a person as a
lionism, n.; lionization, n.; lionship, n.
PISCIS <L. “fish”
4. piscine
adj. Typical of fish
piscinity, n.
PORCUS <L. “swine,” “pig,”
5. porcine
adj. Pertaining to or resembling a pig
porcinity, n.
“serpent,” “snake”
6. serpentine
adj. 1. Resembling a serpent
in form or movement:
sinuous, winding.
2. Having qualities
of a serpent:
subtle, sly,
sometimes even evil
SIMIA <L. “monkey,” “ape”
7. simian
adj. Pertaining to or resembling an ape
or monkey
n. An ape or monkey
simianity, n.
URSA <L. “bear”
8. ursine
adj. Pertaining to or characteristic of a
ursinity, n.
ZOION (plural ZOA) <G.
“living being,” “animal”
9. zoology
n. The science dealing with animals
zoologic, adj.; zoological, adj.;
zoologically, adv.; zoologist, n.