* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Teaching Plan for the Session 2014-2015 Name :- Dr. Tejinder Kaur Department : - Zoology Designation : - Associate Professor B.Sc I B.Sc II B.Sc III MONTHS Paper II Cell Biolohy & Genetics Paper IV Chordata 2days/week AUGUST ---------- UNIT I Paper VIII Endocrinology and Applied Zoo 2days/week UNIT I SEPTMBER UNIT I UNIT I & II UNIT I & II OCTOBER UNIT II UNIT III UNIT II & III NOVEMBER UNIT II UNIT III UNIT III DECEMBER UNIT III UNIT IV UNIT IV JANUARY UNIT III UNIT IV UNIT IV FEBRUARY UNIT IV UNIT V UNIT V MARCH UNIT V UNIT V UNIT V Practical for all the batches & all the papers from SeptFeb Practical for all the batches & all the papers from SeptFeb Practical for all the batches & all the papers from SeptFeb Teaching Plan for the Session 2014-2015 Name :- Dr. Tejinder Kaur Department : - Zoology Designation : - Associate Professor Class :- August :- ----------------- B.Sc I Paper II Cell Biology & Genetics 2days/week September : - UNIT I - Introduction to Cell Theory; Comparison of a gerneralised Pro-& Eukaryote cell. Elementary idea of cell fractionation; Usage of radioisotopes & antibodies in Cell biology; Light & Phase Contrast Microscopy; Brief introduction to application of Chromatography and Electrophoresis. Elementary knowledge of the structure & function of plasma membrane. October : - UNIT II - Introduction to the organelles constituting endomembrane system(Endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex, Lysosome, Peroxisome). Nucleus & nucleolus; Ribosome; Mitochondria; November : - Unit II - Chloroplast, Introduction to cytoskeleton. Basic features of Cell cycle; Mitosis & Meiosis. Elementary idea of cell transformation and cancer. December : - Unit III - Mendel’s law; Exceptions to Mendle’s Law. Sex linked inheritance & genetic disorders. January :- Unit III - Physical basis of heredity. Linkage & Crossing over. Sex determination. February :- Unit IV - Chromosome structure; Euchromation; Heterochromatin; Histones. Polytene & lampbrush chromosomes. Fine structure of gene. Interaction of genes. March :- Unit V- Pedigrees and their applications, population and evolution genetics, Eu genesis. Immuno-genetics and cancer genetics. Teaching Plan for the Session 2014-2015 Name :- Dr. Tejinder Kaur Department : - Zoology Designation : - Associate Professor Class :- B.Sc IInd Paper IV Chordata 2days/week August :- Unit I –General Characters and outline classification of Chordates. Hemichordata: Classification; General organization with special reference to Balanoglossus; and affinities. Sepetmber :- Unit I - Urochordata: Classification; General organization with special reference to Herdmani; and affinities. Unit II- Cephalochordata: Classification; Generation organization with special reference Branchiostoma(=Amphioxus) and affinities. Cyclostomata: Classification; External features of Petromyzon and myxine; Comparison between Lampreys and hagfishes. October :- Unit III - Pisces: Origin; General Characters; and affinities. External features, Digestive, Blood vascular, Nervous and Urinogenital system of Scoliodon. November :- Unit III - Teleosts: Scales and fins of fishes, Aquatic and aerial respiratory organs, Air bladder in fishes; Hill stream adaptations; Fish migration. Dipnol: Distributio: General characters; and affinities. December :- Unit IV - Amphibia :Origin; Parental care; Neoteny and paedogenesis. Gymnophiona : General characteristics. January :- Unit IV - Reptilia: Orgin;Terrestrial Adaptations; General organization, distribution and affinities of Chelonia, Rhynchocephalia, Ophidia and Crocodilia; Poisonous and non-poisonous snakes; Biting mechanism in snakes; Venum and antivenum. Febraury :- Unit V - Aves: Orgin and General characters; External features, Digestive, Respiratory and Urinogenital System of Columba; Feathers in Birds; Flightless birds and their distribution; Adapations for aerial mode of life; Migration in Birds. March :- Unit V- Mammalia : Orgin; Gereral organization, distribution and affinities of Prototheria Metatheria and Eutheria; Aerial and aquatic adaptation in mammals; Dentition in mammals. Teaching Plan for the Session 2014-2015 Name :- Dr. Tejinder Kaur Department : - Zoology Designation : - Associate Professor Class :- B.Sc IIIrd Paper VII Endocrinology and Applied Zoology 2days/week. August :- Unit I – Basic idea of endocrine, paracrine & autocrine secretion; Endrocrine system as a regulatory device; Role in homeostasis. Nature of hormones, transport and salient features of action (amplication specificity, diversity, Hormonal ineteractions, feedback). September :- Unit I-Brief introduction to the mechanism of hormone action(cellular and sub-cellular); Steroid harmones & Peptide hormones. Hypothalamo-hypophysical complex. Integration of hypophysiotrophic and hypophysical hormone action, Pinea. Unit-II-Peripheral endocrine glands; Morphology of the following endocrine glands and chemical structure , biological actions and control of secretion of their hormones: Thyroid, Parathyroid, October :- Unit II - Adrenal cortex, Adrenal Medulla, Islets of Langerhans, Testis & ovary. Estrus cycle; Menstrual cycle. November :- Unit III - Elementary knowledge of hormonal dysfunction and human diseases: Pituitary dwarfism, Gigantism, Acromegaly. Cretinism, Myxoedema Grave’s diseases, Addison’s diseases , diabetes mellitus. Brief introduction to Environmental Endrocrinology(interaction of environment & endocrine system): Environment and reproduction; Environment iodine deficiency and thyroid. Brain-harmone relation in sexual behavior, Harmonal control of migration. Unit-IV- Elementary knowledge of sericulture, apiculture & lac culture. Fish culture, Poultry keeping. Elementary knowledge of Animal Husbandry. Integrated Pest Management (IPM). February :-Unit V - Introduction to Medical Zoology Parasitic Protozoa, Helminthes and human diseases March :- Unit V-Arthropods and vector of human diseases(mosquitoes, files). Mode of transmission of pathogens by vectors; Preventions and cure. 9. Extension Activity The College has a women’s cell which is currently working on a project “Swayamsiddha”. This project mainly focusses on development of women with special reference to girl child and causes related to women. The proposal for the same is enclosed herewith. 8. Field work and study Tours. College proposes to organize local and outstation study tours involving field work which in some departments is a part of the curriculam. The main objective of these will be. Objectives: a) To make teaching more innovation and the syllabus more alive. b) To generate interest for the subject genuinely in a student and to develop analytical thinking and broaden horizons Proposed Expenditure under the head per annum will be for local tours Rs 70,000/- and for outstation tours per annum will be two lakhs. The separate proposals for local and outstation study tours are enclosed herewith. Teaching Plan for the Session 2014-2015 Name :- Dr. Tejinder Kaur Department :- Zoology Designation :- Associate Professor Class :- B.Sc IInd Paper IV Chordata 2days/week August Unit I –General Characters and outline classification of Chordates. Hemichordata: Classification; General organization with special reference to Balanoglossus; and affinities. September Unit I - Urochordata: Classification; General organization with special reference to Herdmani; and affinities. Unit II- Cephalochordata: Classification; Generation organization with special reference Branchiostoma(=Amphioxus) and affinities Cyclostomata: Classification; External features of Petromyzon and myxine; Comparison between Lampreys and hagfishes. October Unit III - Pisces: Origin; General Characters; and affinities. External features, Digestive, Blood vascular, Nervous and Urinogenital system of Scoliodon. November - Unit III - Teleosts: Scales and fins of fishes, Aquatic and aerial respiratory organs, Air bladder in fishes; Hill stream adaptations; Fish migration. Dipnol: Distributio: General characters; and affinities. December Unit IV - Amphibia :Origin; Parental care; Neoteny and paedogenesis. Gymnophiona : General characteristics. January Unit IV - Reptilia: Orgin;Terrestrial Adaptations; General organization, distribution and affinities of Chelonia, Rhynchocephalia, Ophidia and Crocodilia; Poisonous and non- Febraury March poisonous snakes; Biting mechanism in snakes; Venum and antivenum :- Unit V - Aves: Orgin and General characters; External features, Digestive, Respiratory and Urinogenital System of Columba; Feathers in Birds; Flightless birds and their distribution; Adapations for aerial mode of life; Migration in Birds. Unit V- Mammalia : Orgin; Gereral organization, distribution and affinities of Prototheria Metatheria and Eutheria; Aerial and aquatic adaptation in mammals; Dentition in mammals. Teaching Plan for the Session 2014-2015 Name :- Dr. Tejinder Kaur Department :- Zoology Designation :- Associate Professor Class :- B.Sc I Paper II Cell Biology & Genetics 2days/week August Septmber October ---------------------- UNIT I - Introduction to Cell Theory; Comparison of a gerneralised Pro-& Eukaryote cell. Elementary idea of cell fractionation; Usage of radioisotopes & antibodies in Cell biology; Light & Phase Contrast Microscopy; Brief introduction to application of Chromatography and Electrophoresis. Elementary knowledge of the structure & function of plasma membrane. UNIT II - Introduction to the organelles constituting endomembrane system(Endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex, Lysosome, Peroxisome). Nucleus & nucleolus; Ribosome; Mitochondria; November Unit II - Chloroplast, Introduction to cytoskeleton. Basic features of Cell cycle; Mitosis & Meiosis. Elementary idea of cell transformation and cancer December Unit III - Mendel’s law; Exceptions to Mendle’s Law. Sex linked inheritance & genetic disorders. January Unit III - Physical basis of heredity. Linkage & Crossing over. Sex determination. February :- Unit IV - Chromosome structure; Euchromation; Heterochromatin; Histones. Polytene & lampbrush chromosomes. Fine structure of gene. Interaction of genes. March Unit V- Pedigrees and their applications, population and evolution genetics, Eu genesis. Immuno-genetics and cancer genetics Teaching Plan for the Session 2014-2015 Name :- Dr. Tejinder Kaur Department :- Zoology Designation :- Associate Professor Class :- B.Sc IIIrd Paper VII Endocrinology and Applied Zoology 2days/week. August Unit I – Basic idea of endocrine, paracrine & autocrine secretion; Endrocrine system as a regulatory device; Role in homeostasis. Nature of hormones, transport and salient features of action (amplication specificity, diversity, Hormonal ineteractions, feedback). September Unit I-Brief introduction to the mechanism of hormone action(cellular and sub-cellular); Steroid harmones & Peptide hormones. Hypothalamo-hypophysical complex. Integration of hypophysiotrophic and hypophysical hormone action, Pinea. Unit-II-Peripheral endocrine glands; Morphology of the following endocrine glands and chemical structure , biological actions and control of secretion of their hormones: Thyroid, Parathyroid, October Unit II - Adrenal cortex, Adrenal Medulla, Islets of Langerhans, Testis & ovary. Estrus cycle; Menstrual cycle November Unit III - Elementary knowledge of hormonal dysfunction and human diseases: Pituitary dwarfism, Gigantism, Acromegaly. Cretinism, Myxoedema Grave’s diseases, Addison’s diseases , diabetes mellitus. Brief introduction to Environmental Endrocrinology(interaction of environment & endocrine system): Environment and reproduction; Environment iodine deficiency and thyroid. December January February March Unit IV- Elementary knowledge of sericulture, apiculture & lac culture. Fish culture, Poultry keeping. Unit IV-Elementary knowledge of Animal Husbandry. Integrated Pest Management (IPM). Unit V- Introduction to Medical Zoology Parasatic protozoa, Helminthes and human diseases Unit V-Arthropods and vector of human diseases(mosquitoes, files). Mode of transmission of pathogens by vectors; Preventions and cure.