Download Construct a cladogram depicting the currently accepted

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Final Exam
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BIO 142-4 December 2000
Name ____________________________________
Put your name on every page
Before you begin please check to see that you have all 4 pages of this exam. Read
through the entire exam to determine how to allocate your time. For compare and
contrast questions and essays, (1) think about the answer and how you will write it before
you begin writing, (2) write in complete sentences, (3) be as succinct and concise as
possible without omitting critical information, and (4) do not feel that you must use all of
the space allotted. For logic or mathematical problems, please indicate your final answer
clearly and be sure to show your work so you can get partial credit. If there is work on a
separate sheet, please indicate so, so that we will be sure to see it when grading. For all
questions, be sure you explicitly answer the question that is asked.
You may explain answers to multiple choice questions if you think there is reason to
interpret more than one answer as correct.
Multiple Choice (2 points each = 20 points)
1. Which of the following is unique to the angiosperms?
A. Seeds
B. Pollen
C. Vascular tissues
D. Alternation of generations
E. Triploid endosperm
2. In protostomes
A. The endoderm surrounds the mesoderm
B. The first invagination in the developing embryo becomes the anus
C. The first invagination in the developing embryo becomes the mouth
D. There is not a true coelom
E. There are only two germ layers
3. The beaks of ground finches on the Galapagos islands illustrate
A. Continental drift
C. Competitive exclusion
D. Keystone species
E. Species richness
F. Even a bird with a big beak can get lucky now and then!
4. Which group of fishes is thought to be the most closely related to tetrapods?
A. Cartilaginous fishes
B. Lobe-finned fishes
C. Jawless fishes
D. Boneless fishes
E. Ray-finned fishes
5. The logistic equation models
A. A J-shaped growth curve
B. A K-shaped growth curve
C. An R-shaped growth curve
D. An S-shaped growth curve
E. None of the above
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6. Which of the following is not an emergent property of populations?
A. Age structure
B. Evenness
C. Population density
D. Population growth rate
E. Sex ratio
7. Hypergeometric population growth, as in the human population of Earth, can be
recognized because
A. Doubling time is constant
B. Doubling time increases over time
C. Doubling time decreases over time
D. Doubling time levels off over time
E. dN/dt increases over time
8. The largest store of carbon in the Earth ecosystem is:
A. In the atmosphere
B. In the bodies of living things
C. In chalk and limestone
D. In fossil fuels
E. In the ocean
9. Diplosegments are found on
A. Millipedes
B. Centipedes
C. Crustaceans
D. Insects
E. Tetrapods
10. Predators may:
A. Decrease local species richness
B. Increase local species richness
C. Reduce per capita growth rates of their prey
D. Be strict vegetarians (herbivores)
E. All of the above
Essays, etc. (variable: total = 26 points)
11. Construct a cladogram depicting the currently accepted classification of the six
kingdoms of living things. (5 points) (2 points extra credit: Which kingdom is almost
certainly not monophyletic?)
12. Most modern biologists agree on what constitutes a species. Explain what this
concept of a species is and what criteria we use to determine if two populations of
similar-looking organisms represent a single species or two different species. (5 points)
13. An individual bearing the genotype AaBb produces gametes during meiosis. Produce
a set of diagrams illustrating the formation of gametes during meiosis. Assume that the
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And B loci are linked and a single crossing over occurs between the two loci. Show each
of the following: (5 points)
A) The cell or cells before and after the synthesis phase of interphase,
B) The outcome of meiosis I, and
C) The gametes that outcome will produce after meiosis II.
14. What are the basic tenets of the theory of evolution by natural selection? In other
words, explain the logical argument for natural selection. What conditions are required
and what will the consequences be? (5 points)
15. Discuss studies of song acquisition in white-crowned sparrows. In your essay, be
sure to address how song learning illustrates the following: Innate behavior, critical
periods, social influences on behavior, and the importance of sensory feedback in
(6 points)
Compare and Contrast. For each of the pairs of terms below, explain how the
structures, processes, or concepts are similar to one another and how they are different.
(6 points each = 30 points)
16. Fruit and seed
17. Polygyny and polyandry
18. Logistic growth and exponential growth
19. Energy pyramid and biomass pyramid
20. Population and community
21. (See the specimens on display at the front desk)
To which phylum and class do these organisms belong? (4 points)
22. True or False (1 point)
Tape worms and earthworms are members of the same phylum.
23. WARNING! Be able to do all of the genetics problems I gave out the first week
of class!!! There will be genetics problems on this final!!!!
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23. On the cladogram below, fill in one evolutionary novelty (a “synapomorphy”, or
“shared, derived characteristic” of the clade) for any 12 of the points indicated by a
crossbar (there are 15 options – you may leave 3 blank). (2 points each = 24 points)
Extra Credit (2 points each = 6 points)
24. Sign stimuli or releasers elicit:
A. Learning
B. Sign language
C. Optimal foraging
D. Dominance hierarchies
E. Fixed action patterns
25. Succession refers to:
A. Change in a community over time
B. Change in a population over time
C. Change in a species over time
D. Change in birth rate over time
E. Changing your mind over time
26. The human population will peak at
A. 7.8 billion in the year 2050
B. 10 billion in 2050
C. 13 billion in 2050
D. 11 billion in 2075
E. No one really knows. Every prediction depends on the assumptions of the model. We
don’t even know the Earth’s carrying capacity for humans.
27. Super bonus Limerick! Finish the following limerick (1 point –write small!)
“As we burn fossil fuel for our autos…”