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Jatropha Project in West Kalimantan
(Stage 1: Nursery to plantation)
Who are we?
We are AMR Plantation S/B, a normal Plantation Company. For the last 2 years, we are actively
involving in Jatropha propagation in West Kalimantan. Now we have our nursery setup at
Sanggau Ledo. All the seedlings are growingly healthily.
Left picture is one of the mother plants that supply seedling for our
nurseries. At the moment, we are cultivating 50HA of nurseries.
The target of first year seeds bank is 30 HA to cater for 2,000HA and
follows. The capacity will be double up until we have reached the
seed bank for 1 million hectare of idling land. Target is to supply
1,000,000 seeds to the farmer for every 3 months.
After 3 years of studies, researches and trials, we have obtained the
Know-How to deal with Jatropha Curcus plants.
Followings are some of our nursery photos.
Why West Kalimantan, Indonesia?
30 years ago, deforestation activities happened to the virgin
forest and left it behind now is nothing but empty land.
Currently, Indonesian Government has resolved illegal
logging substantially.
Million hectares of land are bold with no tree standing. The
mission of “Jatropha Project” is to work hand in hand with
the people to cover back the GREEN to all the deforested
areas by Jatropha Curcus which have more economic value
to people and environmental friendly to the Mother Nature.
Even thought, many lands are flat and fertile but yet many
people are still living under poverty line. Many are living
with USD 1/day. God shows no mercy. They are living
with no hope and direction.
When we proposed to the people and the authorities,
“Jatropha Program” they accepted with high enthusiasm. As
long as we buy back all the harvestings, they will commit
and plant.
Why Indonesia?
1) Locality is optimal, environmentally is perfect for Jatropha plants eg. Sunlight hour is long
2) Rain is ample
3) Land is redundant and almost free.
4) Manpower is the cheapest within South East Asia Zone and supply is ample
5) Many are living below poverty line
6) Road and Transportation is improving
7) Local Government is stabilizing prominently
8) Local Authorities and her people welcome foreign investment
Jatropha Program?
When our Jatropha Nursery is ready. The mechanism is as followings;
by Local Authorities
We give Seed
Organic Fertilizer
Management Program
The Farmers Plant + Lands
Fruits and Harvest
$$ to Investor
Biofuel to reduce
CO2 emission
We will Buy
Back all the
Extra seeds to be
or process into
From day 1, this above mechanism will be used and duplicate and will never stop until rejection of
the people. If we pay them sincerely, they will continue and live out of poverty soon.
Why Jatropha Curcus? It helps in many ways.
Improve social GDP
Jatropha is a perennial plant which will fruit and generates income at all time. It is also a draught
resistance tree. With a little bit more of moisture, it will help to have better yield per hectare.
Where else Indonesia is directly on the tropical zone, moisture supply is a definite. Therefore, the
fruiting will continue from day to day basis. Everyday is a harvesting day!!!!
We only plant on the emptied lands where deforestation has happened 30 years back. Damage has
already been done and on poor quality soils where is not viable for any other cash crop. The
remedy is to plant something useful and most important is environmental friendly, helpful and if
can be GDP leveraging to the locals will be extra another bonus. The Jatropha plants can at least
sustain 35 years before replanting.
Sustainable and Renewable
Jatropha tree is a nitrogen-fixing plant. It will not destroy the quality of the soil after cycles of
harvesting and replanting. Moreover, we choose to use organic fertilizer to save the earth for our
next generation.
Amidst, replanting and generate more Oxygen back to the ozone, we will be accreditated and
recognized for earning Carbon Credits and Clean Technology.
Climate Change
Stopping deforestation can only slow down the global warming and climate change from CO2
emission, however, replanting can produce more Oxygen. Therefore, is the only answer.
Cutting down the emission of CO2 will imitigate and help and give enough time for mankind to
save our earth, where you and me live on.
Food for Poor
Nowadays, with the escalation of fossil fuels price, the poor have to fight for survival with
machines. The tension of food racing between human and machine have never being so high
especially at third world and developing countries. More and more fuel crops like corn and oil
palm have been conversed into biodiesel. The poverty boundary will not be able to be accounted
for at that poverty stage MRT≠ MRS. More will be trapped under poverty boundary. Things get
worsen when food and fertilizer are getting more expensive. Mankind is loosing the race to the
machines. Hunger leads to Chaos. Hope it never happen.
Our Goal?
We are neither angel nor evil. The climate change is happening already. It is the consequences
that we have to face and pay for ours luxury.
We want to join the call of earth saving by joining the pace of modernization. To pay back simply
put is to produce more oxygen back to mother earth, to slow down the green house effect.
bring the awareness of deforestation and climate change to the people and the world.
Our Financial Aids?
Investment Risk factor- Lands and seeds are provided by us (AMR plantation S/B)
Type of Investments?
1) Joint Us as Management Group
Earn the monetary and accreditation from biofuels, carbon credits, Clean
Technology (future stage)
Win Win for the local population and for us also
Build a Biofuel industrial empire
Lets produce the fuel of future together with the people and the environment
2) Be come our buyer for all our Jatropha products.
Total buy back from Joint venture company
Fine, other company to buy back.
Build a Biofuel industrial empire
Lets produce the fuel of future together with the people and the environment
We would to delegate the Jatropha Program to the Polar Bear
Discovery Channel
We, Human Being, still can wait,
But, The Polar Bear CAN’T