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Test Unit Five (345 pts)
Directions: DO NOT WRITE ON THIS TEST! Choose the best answer and write the correct letter
on your answer sheet. Letters can be use more than once. Please be careful to put the right
answer with the right question number. The following terms will be used for questions 1 to 19.
180 pts (3 pts each)
A. Herando de Soto
B. Vasco Nunez de Balboa
C. Francisco de Coronado
D. Juan Ponce de Leon
E. Samuel de Champlain
F. Hernan Cortes
G. Bartholomeu Dias
H. Vasco da Gama
I. Sir Francis Drake
J. Henry Hudson
K. Christopher Columbus
L. Amerigo Vespucci
M. Francisco Pizarro
N. Jacques Cartier
O. Ferdinand Magellan
P. John Cabot
1. He was a Spanish explorer that was looking for the fountain of youth. In 1512, he explores the
islands of Puerto Rico. In 1513, he discovers and names Florida.
2. He was a Spanish explorer who, in 1532, conquers the Inca Empire, securing Peru for Spain.
3. Portuguese explorer, who, in 1487-88, sailed from Portugal to the Southern tip of the African
continent. He discovered the sea route into the Indian Ocean.
4. This explorer's men suffered hideously from cold and scurvy. He orders one of his dead men to
be dissected to find this disease. The Indians cured his men and when the ice melted they
(explorer's men) went home.
5. French explorer, who in 1534, discovered the St. Lawrence River. He claimed eastern Canada
for France.
6. Portuguese explorer who made the first voyage to India in 1497-98. It was the greatest
navigational feat of the 15th century.
7. English explorer, who, in 1497, explored Newfoundland. He "opens the door" for possible later
English claims in North America.
8. This Spanish explorer went bankrupt trying to run a sugar plantation. He escaped his creditors
by stowing away in a biscuit barrel with his dog that went everywhere with him. He was the first
European to see the Pacific Ocean.
9. English explorer who took a voyage into the Hudson's Bay in 1607.
10. French explorer who discovered the Ottawa River, Lake Champlain and Ontario.
11. Spanish explorer credited with the discovery of the Mississippi River in 1539. He was one of
the most famous gold seekers in history. No other European explorer explored a greater area of
the new world.
12. Spanish explorer who was the first European to see the Grand Canyon. He was looking for
the seven golden cities (seven cities of Cibola). In three years he covered 3500 miles; however,
his expedition was regarded as a failure because he found no gold.
13. His expedition was the first to circumnavigate the world. It was the boldest undertaking of the
Age of Exploration.
14. Italian explorer who was the first to describe America as a continent.
15. Italian explorer that wanted to find a westward route to Asia. In 1492, he sails to the
Caribbean Islands.
16. He completed the second circumnavigation of the globe.
17. This Spanish explorer burns his ships and tells his men "conquer or die." He is outnumbered
500 to 1. He conquers the Aztecs in 1521.
18. This Spanish explorer gets two rooms of silver and one room of gold for the ransom of
Atahualpa, which is the highest ransom ever paid in world history.
19. This explorer's ships were filled with gold, silver, spices, jewels, and silk. His investors yielded
a 5000 percent return. Queen Elizabeth was able to pay off England's national debt and invest the
rest of her money into the East India Company.
Multiple Choice: Choose the answer which best describes the following questions. Be sure to
write the correct letter in the space provided for each question on the answer sheet.
20. The purpose of the Treaty of Tordesillas was to
A. divide the non-Christian world between Spain and Portugal
B. give Portugal an advantage in westward exploration
C. divide the non-Christian world among all European nations
D. give Spain trading rights with India
E. None of the above
21. A ship that most explorers sailed in.
A. Caravel
B. Submarine
C. Cross mass
D. Astrol
E. None of the above
22. A set of imaginary grid lines that run from the North Pole to the South Pole. The lines
measure distances east and west.
A. Longitude
B. Latitude
23. A set of imaginary grid lines, always the same distance apart, that encircle the globe from
east to west. They measure distance north and south.
A. Longitude
B. Latitude
24. A disease caused from a lack of vitamin C.
A. Scurvy
B. Cross Staff
C. Calabash
D. Al-kemal
E. None of the above
25. The differences between Spain and France during the Age of Exploration.
A. Spain was mostly concerned about the welfare of the Indians, where as France was
only concerned with gold.
B. Spain was mostly concerned about the fur trade in the America's, where as France
was mostly concerned about exploring the new world.
C. Because of the constant fighting between France and Spain, the Treaty of Tordesillas
was established, which divided the America's between Spain and France
D. France was more concerned about establishing the fur trade in America for profit.
Spain was more concerned about getting gold.
E. None of the above
26. What is the politically correct name for Eskimos?
A. Iroquois
B. Nootka
C. Inuit
D. Choctaw
E. None of the above
27. Year Canada gained its complete independence.
A. 1967
B. 1867
C. 1931
D. 1776
E. None of the above
28. What nation was Canada controlled by?
A. France
B. Great Britain
C. United States
D. Spain
E. None of the above
29. What state has about the same population as Canada?
A. Alaska
B. New York
C. Washington
D. California
E. None of the above
30. Only province in Canada that has French as their official language.
A. Manitoba
B. Ontario
C. Alberta
D. Saskatchewan
E. None of the above
31. A person of mixed European and American Indian ancestry
A. Mestizo
B. Mulatto
C. Creole
D. Mexican
E. None of the above
32. A person of mixed Caucasian and Negro ancestry
A. Mestizo
B. Mulatto
C. Creole
D. African
E. None of the above
33. What year did most Latin American Indians lose their independence to Spain and Portugal?
A. 1800's
B. 1400's
C. 1500's
D. 1600's
E. None of the above
34. What year did most Latin American countries gain their independence?
A. 1964
B. 1742
C. 1500's
D. 1824
E. None of the above
35. What is the dominating religion in most Latin American countries?
A. Protestant
B. Roman Catholic
C. Islam
D. Hinduism
E. None of the above
36. What was a Spanish soldier known as?
A. Contras
B. Conquistadors
C. warrior
D. Creole
E. None of the above
37. What is the capital of Canada?
A. Quebec
B. Montreal
C. Ottawa
D. Edmonton
E. None of the above
38. Ruler of the Aztecs that was stoned to death by his own people. Many of his warriors had
fallen ill with smallpox. They were eventually defeated by the Spanish conquistadors.
A. Cuauhtemoc
B. Tenochtitlan
C. Montezuma II
D. Hernan Cortes
E. None of the above
39. With the Aztec civilization, it was believed that the sun would not shine if this human organ
was not sacrificed.
A. liver
B. lung
C. head
D. heart
E. None of the above
40. He was the Incas ruler during the time Pizarro conquered the Incas.
A. Atahualpa
B. Cuauhtemoc
C. Montezuma II
D. Grambozuma
E. None of the above
41. What was the amount of the ransom that was set by Pizarro to free the Inca king?
A. one room full of gold
B. one room full of silver filled twice
C. one room full of diamonds
D. A and B
E. All of the above
42. Name the Aztec king that took over after Montezuma II.
A. Atahualpa
B. Cuauhtemoc
C. Montezuma II
D. Grambozuma
E. None of the above
43. The slave girl that helped Cortes was known as?
A. Dona Marina
B. Michelle Gramboleno
C. Dona Cortes
D. Quipu
E. None of the above
44. It wiped out 85 percent of Mexico's population from 1500 to 1650.
A. Spain
B. Chicken Pox
C. Small Pox
D. Cortes and his men
E. None of the above
45. It was the capital of the Incas.
A. Tenochtitlan
B. Teotihuacan
C. Cuzco
D. Inca
E. None of the above
46. An economic policy that stressed the accumulation of gold and silver, the founding of
colonies, and profit from foreign trade.
A. Mercantilism
B. Capitalism
C. Inflation
D. Market economy
E. None of the above
47. Inca engineering skills developed as a response to
A. an abundance of land
B. the rugged terrain
C. the practice of human sacrifice
D. a desire to protect the empire
E. None of the above
48. Which practice was originated by the Aztecs?
A. Growing crops on terraces
B. Growing crops on floating gardens
C. Sacrificing humans
D. Gathering sap from rubber trees
E. None of the above
49. Who ruled their empire from an island city?
A. Olmecs
B. Teotihuacan
C. Mayas
D. Anasazi
E. Aztecs
F. Incas
G. Mississippians
H. Northwest Coast people
I. Eskimos
50. A city located in Mesoamerica known as an island city
A. Tenochtitlan
B. Teotihuacan
C. Picchu
D. Mexico city
E. Cuzco
F. Lima
G. Quetzalcoatl
H. None of the above
51. They felt education was important. All of their children were required to go to school.
A. Olmecs
B. Teotihuacan
C. Mayas
D. Anasazi
E. Aztecs
F. Incas
G. Mississippians
H. Northwest Coast people
I. Eskimos
52. They were descendants of Spanish or Portuguese colonists in the Americans
A. Mestizo
B. Mulatto
C. Creole
D. Europeans
F. None of the above
53. Who was the most feared tribe in all of North and South America.
A. Grambo's 4th period class
B. Aztecs
C. Incas
D. Olmecs
E. None of the above
54. He was a German publisher that published a new map of the world. He labeled this new land
America, to honor the explorer Vespucci.
A. Martin Waldseemuller
B. Jacques Cartier
C. Sieur de la Salle
D. Samuel de Champlain
E. None of the above
55. What was the goal of Columbus' first voyage?
A. Find gold in Africa
B. Find a water route through the Americas
C. Find a westward route to Asia
D. Find gold in the Americas
56. What type of government did the Aztecs have?
A. Limited Monarchy
B. Absolute Monarchy
C. Dictatorship
D. Democracy
E. Republic
57. The Aztecs felt this god would return and reclaim his kingdom in 1519.
A. Quetalcoatl
B. Moctezuma
C. Cuauhtemoc
D. Atahualpa
E. None of the above
58. Who did the Aztecs sacrifice the most?
A. slaves
B. prisoners of war
C. children
D. Aztec nobles
E. None of the above
59. What was the location of the Inca civilization?
A. Mesoamerica
B. 2500 miles along the coast of South America
C. 2500 miles along the coast of North America
D. Latin America
E. None of the above
60. What was the location of the Aztec civilization?
A. Mesoamerica
B. 2500 miles along the coast of South America
C. 2500 miles along the coast of North America
D. Latin America
E. None of the above
Essay 165 pts
How has the Age of Exploration effected the world as we know it today? 115 pts
Name and explain the navigational instruments necessary for sailing in the 16th century. Explain
what each instrument measured, as well as, how it was used? 50 pts
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