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Spring and Autumn Period
722 BC – 403 BC
_______________: China was carved up into many small ______________ Each
of these kingdoms had an aristocracy, an army, and peasants to work the land.
People did not think of themselves as being Chinese, they thought of
themselves as being a part of their kingdom. Throughout China, people spoke and
wrote in different languages, had different calendars and used different currency.
The infrastructure was different place to place.
These kingdoms all got along for the most part, yet there were not many
advancements because China was so________________.
_________________: Eventually the larger kingdoms wanted more power and they
began absorbing the smaller kingdoms either peacefully, or violently.
This would of course lead the larger kingdoms to fight over some of
the smaller kingdoms and this would of course be the main cause of the
The Warring States Period
403 BC - 221 BC
At the end of the Autumn period there were ___ major kingdoms in China.
These 7 then began to fight each other for total control of China. These wars lasted
nearly___________________. Millions and millions of people were killed.
Military battles became much more deadly. Whereas before the Warring
States Period, only the aristocracy and trained soldiers fought on chariots with
weapons of bronze, NOW they fought with armies of hundreds of thousands with
new easy to make_____________________.
Because there were 7 different kingdoms, it was nearly impossible for armies
to conquer all of China. Also, if one kingdom became more powerful than the
others, the other kingdoms would band together to defeat the more powerful
kingdom, and then resume fighting each other.
Throughout the Warring States Period, people were in such despair that
many began to change the way they thought and searched for new ways to live,
_________ _________________ _________________ ____________ _____________
___________ _______ _________ ___ ___________.
Even though this time period was one of the worst and most violent in world
history, strangely it is also known as the ____________________________________
____________________, or more commonly as the “Hundred Schools of Thought”.
The three most popular schools of thought were ________________,
__________________ and ______________________.
The Qin Dynasty
221 BC – 206 BC
The end of the Warring States Period finally came
when_____________________, king of the kingdom Qin brutally conquered the rest
of the 6 kingdoms and took control of all China, thus giving it its name.
For the first time all of China was united. To keep it that way Emperor Qin
used__________________. He felt that the only way to stop China from returning to
the Warring States Period was make many laws and brutally enforce all of the laws
- - if people were scared of the laws, they wouldn’t dare fight against the Emperor.
Qin Shih Huang Di outlawed books about _________________ and
_______________________ for example.
To stop people from keeping loyalty to their old kingdoms, Qin Shih Huang
Di used strict laws to unite everyone. For example, there was only one official
language, one type of __________________(money). There was also a large nation
wide_______________, he built many roads that went all through China, and he
began the building of the Great Wall of China.
The Taoist Han Dynasty
206 BC – 220 AD
After Qin Shih Huang Di’s death, the Chinese ________________his son as
the emperor. They did not want __________________ anymore. However, they did
want to stay united. The roads and other things Qin Shih Huang Di had done had
made China the most advanced, and richest place in the world.
The short reign of the Qin Dynasty was replaced by the Taoist Han Dynasty.
The Hans promised to keep the country_____________, but they would not be cruel
like Qin would. To change the government they went back to the ____________
________________________ and selected Taoism assuming that it was the best way
to rule.
The Confucian Han Dynasty
206 BC – 220 AD
Han Emperor Wu Di felt that ruling with Taoism made China too
____________. Wu Di thought China was becoming divided without a strong
government. He also wanted to make China stronger________________, and take
power away from the ____________________.
Wu Di changed China from _______________to________________. He
created a new _____________________system in which boys would take a test. The
tests were all about Confucianism. The ones that did the best got the best
government jobs, no matter how ____________ their family was.
The Confucian Han Dynasty
206 BC – 220 AD (continued)
The system worked very well for a long time, and China again became very
strong and advanced. However, the _________________formed armies and
conquered the Confucian Han Dynasty in 220 AD to get their ____________back.