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 Definition: Process by which atmospheric and
environmental agents disintegrate and decompose
 Two Types of Weathering
 The process by which rocks break down into smaller
pieces by PHYSCIAL means.
 NO CHANGE in composition!!!
Mechanical Weathering
 The grinding and wearing away of rock surfaces
through the mechanical action of other rocks or sand
 Causes: Gravity, Running Water, and Wind
Mechanical Weathering
Mechanical Weathering
When BIOTIC factors like tree roots break down rocks
 Process by which rocks break down as a result of
chemical reactions
 Composition of rock is CHANGED
Chemical Weathering
 Process where
elements combine
with Oxygen
 Result Rust
or other Oxides
Chemical Weathering
 Hydrolysis: Chemical reaction between water and the
rock that forms two or more new substances.
 Carbonation: The conversion of rock into a carbonate.
 Organic Acids
 Produced naturally by organisms like Lichen and Moss
Chemical Weathering
 Precipitation that contains a high concentration of
acids due to pollution in atmosphere.
 What are the forms of precipitation?
 Chemical vs. Physical weathering
Mechanical or
Specific Type of
Reasoning for
Water + Metal=
Rust. The change
is chemical
because a new
substance is
 Write an answer on the back of your chart:
 Write your own journal entry. The
entry must be a minimum of 5
sentences, and at LEAST 4 examples
of weathering must be used. This
CANNOT be the same as ‘Dear Diary’.
 Write the name of a student in this class you would
like to be your shoulder partner for the remainder of
4th core (or if you would like to sit alone)
 Write WHERE in the room you would like to sit
 Keep in mind that I will consider your preference, but
the final decision is up to me.