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Download Quiz Chapter 5 : Transformer The results of the Open circuit and
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Quiz Chapter 5 : Transformer The results of the Open circuit and Short circuit tests are shown in Table 1 for a 20 kVA, 1900/240 V transformer. This test is to determine its excitation branch components, its series impedances and its voltage regulation. Table 1 Open circuit Short circuit VOC = ? VSC = 50V IOC = 0.45A ISC = ? POC = 60W PSC = 250W PF=0.07 Өsc = 55.94° a) Calculate the open circuit voltage, Voc, short circuit current, Isc b) Calculate the approximate equivalent circuit of this transformer referred to its primary voltage side and sketch the approximate equivalent circuit referred to primary side of the transformer. c) Calculate the full load voltage regulation at Power Factor 0.8 lagging. d) Calculate the efficiency of the transformer at full load with a Power Factor 0.8 lagging. e) Given the transformer's efficiency at rated condition is 95% with total power loss is 60W. Calculate the power factor.