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Water and Electrolytes
Katrina Krebs
 In a normal adult, water accounts for around 60% of total
body weight.
 Within the body, it is put into two main compartments
 Intracellular fluid (ICF)
 Water within cell membranes
 Extracellular fluid (ECF)
 All water excluding intracellular water
 Divided into:
 Plasma (intravascular fluid (IVF))
 Interstitial fluid (ISF) (allows nutrients and metabolic
products to move between the cells and blood)
Water Sources
 Beverages (80% of total water intake):
 All beverages including coffee, soda, and alcohol
 Caffeinated and non-caffeinated
 Food (~20% of total water intake):
 Lettuce, grape fruit, broccoli, and yogurt
 Metabolism (~300-400 mL per day)
Input and output
 Input:
 Diet: 2,300 mL
 Metabolism: 200 mL
 Output:
 Urine: 1,400 mL
 Sweat: 100 mL
 Feces: 200 mL
 Insensible loss: 600 mL
 Diffusion through skin
 Evaporation from breathing
Hydration Recommendations
 Institute of Medicine (IOM) recommends:
 Women: 11 cups/day (90 ounces)
 Men: 16 cups/day (125 ounces)
 Caffeinated beverages like coffee and tea and alcoholic
beverages count as water.
 Diuretic effect from both caffeine and alcohol, but not
enough to make a huge impact on hydration.
Water’s Role
 Essential for life:
 Solvent
 Dissolves nutrients in blood and dissolves waste products.
 Transport Medium
 Once nutrients and waste products are dissolved, water can
transport them into cells or out of the body.
 Lubricant
 GI tract, skin, reproductive system, respiratory tract
 Regulator of internal body temperature
 High specific heat (hard to change temperature)
 Evaporative cooling (sweating to release heat)
 Involved in hundreds of chemical reactions
 Hydrolysis reactions
 Condensation reaction (produce 1.5 cups of water per day)
 Lack of sufficient water has a detrimental effect on the body.
 A 2% decrease of body weight by water loss poses severe issues:
 Inability to regulate body temperature
 Mental confusion
 Decreased muscle function
 Fatigue
 Long and short term memory loss
At Risk for Dehydration:
 Children & Elderly—
symptoms may be
 Dehydration in
elderly is sometimes
mistaken for
 Athletes who
perspire a lot
Water Toxicity
 Over consumption of water leading to low sodium in blood
 Rare
 Most commonly seen in endurance athletes
 Causes hyponatremia—low sodium in blood
 Dilutes the concentration of electrolytes
 Symptoms:
 Confusion
 Seizures
 Coma
Water Regulation
 Vasopressin or Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH)
 Synthesized in hypothalamus
 Stored & secreted by posterior pituitary glands
 Secretion triggered by:
 Increased ECF water osmolarity
 Decreased IVF volume
 Increases thirst
 Increases water reabsorption in kidneys
 ADH attaches to V2 receptors Synthesis of cAMP aquaporins on
distal portion of ascending loop of Henle and collecting ducts
 Aquaporins: water channels
 Increases Na+ excretion in kidneys
 Same mechanism as above except with Na+ channels
 Anions (-) and cations (+)
 Present in the water compartments of the body
 In each compartment (mentioned earlier), electrolytes maintain
electrical neutrality.
 Cations in extracellular fluid:
 Sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium
 Anions in (ECF):
 Chloride, bicarbonate and negatively charged proteins
 Maintaining electrolyte
and pH balance in the
body are almost
completely regulated by
the Kidneys.
Kidney’s Role
 Nephron—the functional unit of the kidney
 Around 1 to 1.5 million nephrons
 Excretion starts in the Bowmans’s capsule (a component of the
 Glomerulus (the capillary network in Bowman’s capsule)
 Act as a filter for:
 Water, electrolytes, metabolic waste products, glucose, and
amino acids.
 Filtered substances are known as glomerular filtrate.
 Most glomerular filtrate substances need to be used by the body
 Tubular reabsorption (active or passive)
Sodium (Na+)
 Sodium:
 30% located on surface of bone crystals
 Remainder is found in the extracellular fluid
 Primarily the plasma
 93% of cations in body
 Sources:
 Added salt (NaCl)
 1 tsp= 2,300 mg of sodium
 Processed foods
 Canned soups, meats, condiments, canned vegetables
 Low amts in milk, and lower amts in meat, fish poultry, and
Na + Absorption
 95%-100% of ingested sodium is absorbed
 Three pathways for absorption:
1. Na+/glucose cotransport system *Most important*
Involves a carrier on the apical membrane
Requires glucose
2. Electroneutral Na+ and Cl- cotransport system
Sodium uptake requires chloride
3. Electrogenic sodium absorption
In colon
 Serum concentrations are highly regulated (~135-145 mEq/L) by:
 Aldosterone, atrial natriuretic hormone, and vasopressin
Sodium’s Role
 Maintenance of fluid balance
 Regulating osmotic pressure
 Increased sodium increases ECF volume and blood pressure
 Nerve Transmission and muscle contraction
 Part of the Na+/K+ ATPase pump
 Exchange of Na+ for K+ and hydrolysis of ATP= nerve
 Excretion:
 Excess excreted through kidneys and sweat
 Deficiency:
 Not common
 Abundance of sodium in food
 Extreme sweating—at risk
 More than 3% decrease of body weight
 Over hydration with little sodium consumption
 Symptoms
 Nausea, vomiting, muscle cramps, shock and coma
Sodium Regulation
During low blood pressure and
hyponatremia, Aldosterone is secreted
from the adrenal glands, which decreases
sodium excretion.
Renin-Angiotension-Aldosterone System
(RAAS) is discussed later.
How much?
 Adequate Intake (AI)
 1,500 mg
 Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL)
 2,300 mg
 Avg. American consumes between 3,000-5,000 mg of sodium
each day.
Assessment of Nutriture
 24-hour urinary sodium excretion
 Most often measured
 Ion-selective electrode potentiometry
 Measures Na+ like pH meter measures protons
Potassium (K+)
 Intracellular cation
 95-98% of potassium is found within cells
 Sources:
 Unprocessed foods
 Fruit: apricots, avocados, mangos, bananas, cantaloupe
 Vegetables: leafy green vegetables, winter squash
 Legumes, nuts and seeds
 Yogurt and milk
 >85% of potassium from diet is absorbed
 Absorbed in the small intestine & colon
 Actively or passively (concentration dependent)
 Diffuses from enterocyte through basolateral membrane
 K+ Channel
 Transport into nonintestinal cells occurs actively
 Na+/K+ ATPase pump
 Stimulated by insulin and some catecholamines
Potassium’s Role
 Electrolyte balance
 PH balance
 Contraction of:
 Cardiac, smooth, and skeletal muscle
 Nerve excitability
Interaction with other Nutrients
 Decreases calcium excretion from urine
 Consuming potassium citrate reduces:
 Bone turnover
 High bone turnover is commonly seen with high sodium diets.
Most excreted from the kidneys (90%)
Small amount in feces
80% of glomerular filtrate is reabsorbed
 Does not occur due to dietary reasons
 Most often seen in people with:
 Extreme fluid loss
 Severe vomiting and diarrhea
 On medications for high blood pressure
 Cause high excretion of potassium in the urine
 Refeeding syndrome
 Causes Hypokalemia (low serum concentrations)
 <3.5 mEq/L
 Symptoms:
 Muscle weakness, irritability, glucose intolerance, irregular heart
beat, hypercalciuria
 Hyperkalemia
 Seen in people with:
 Renal impairments
 Symptoms:
 Irregular heart beat
 Cardiac arrest
 *Potassium supplements should only be used under the
advisement of a doctor
 Too much or too little can cause death
How Much?
 Adequate intake (AI):
 4,700 mg per day (Age 14+)
 No UL has been established for food sources, only for
 Average American intake ~ 3,300mg
 Even if consuming a diet high in fruits and vegetables
 DASH diet
 Boiling depletes potassium—roast or steam vegetables
 Assessment:
 Serum potassium levels (3.5-5.0 mmol/L)
 Ion-selective electrode potentiometry
Sodium & Potassium Regulation
 Renin-Angiotension-Aldosterone System (RAAS)
 Renin is released by granular cells of the juxtaglomerular
apparatus of the kidney.
 Stimulated by a decrease in pressure sensed by the
 Renin hydrolyzes angiotensinogen (synthesized in the liver) to
angiotensin I.
 Angiotensin I is converted into angiotensin II by ansiotensinconverting enzyme.
 Hypertension drugs act on this enzyme.
 Angiotensin II: Vasoconstricter, reduces glomerular filtrate,
stimulates thirst, vasopressin and aldosterone synthesis and
 Aldosterone increases Na+ ion channels on the apical
membrane and Na+--K+ pumps in the basolateral membrane.
 Increases water and Na+ retention.
“Diets containing foods that are good sources
of potassium and low in sodium may reduce
the risk of high blood pressure and stroke”.
Sodium & Hypertension
 Reducing the consumption of sodium decreases blood pressure .
 In both hypertensive and normotensive subjects, a decrease in
both blood pressure and urinary excretion of sodium occurred
when individuals had moderate decreases of sodium intake.
 Sodium increases Ca+ excretion, which is linked to hypertension.
Potassium & Hypertension
 High intake of potassium has been associated with lowering both
systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
 Potassium increases Na+ excretion and decreases excretion of
calcium and magnesium.
 Increases vascular smooth muscle relaxation and decreases
platelet aggregation and arterial thrombosis.
 Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension
 Diet to help prevent high blood pressure
 Reduce sodium intake and increase nutrients such as potassium
magnesium and calcium
 Also follows dietary recommendations to prevent diabetes,
osteoporosis, stroke, heart disease and cancer
DASH Cont…
 The 2,000 calorie DASH diet includes:
 Grains: 6-8 servings per day
 Whole grains—higher in nutrients and fiber than refined
 Vegetables: 4-5 servings per day
 Tomatoes, carrots, leafy greens, broccoli
 Fruit: 4-5 servings per day
 Strawberries, blueberries, peaches, pears
 Leave skin on when possible—fiber
 Dairy: 2-3 servings a day
 Low-fat or fat free
 Lean meat, poultry, and fish: 6 servings or less per day
 Trim fat when possible
 Nuts, seeds, and legumes
 Lentils, almonds, peas
 Oils and Fats: 2-3 servings a day
 Limit saturated fats and avoid trans fats
Tips to Reduce Sodium Intake
 Foods incorporated into the DASH diet are naturally low in
 Tips:
1. Use sodium free spices and herbs to season foods.
2. Rinse off canned foods (rinse canned beans, corn, peas etc.).
3. Purchase “low-sodium”, “no salt added” or “sodium free”
4. Avoid adding extra salt to food.
Cool it down: five water-rich foods to keep you hydrated. Eat Right. Accessed October 4, 2013.
DASH diet: healthy eating to lower your blood pressure. Mayo Clinic. Updated May 15, 2013.
Accessed October 4, 2013.
Drinking enough water. WebMD. Updated January 27, 2011. Accessed October 13, 2013.
Gropper SS, Smith JL. Water and Electrolytes. In: Gropper SS, Smith JL. Advanced Nutrition and Human
Metabolism. 6th ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth; 2013.
Home remedies for high blood pressure that really works. Health clop. Revised October 1, 2013. Accessed October 14, 2013
McGuire M, Beerman KA. The Major Minerals and Water. In: McGuire M, Beerman KA. Nutritional Sciences:
From Fundamentals to Food. 3rd ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth; 2013.
Soong J. What counts as water? How to stay hydrated. WebMD. Revised September 9, 2011. Accessed
October 10, 2013..
The urinary system. Napa Valley College.
Accessed October 14, 2013.