Download Smile Esthetics, "The Orthodontic-Surgical-Restorative

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Smile Esthetics, "The Orthodontic-Surgical-Restorative Perspective”
Smile design is a term used frequently in cosmetic dentistry, but not that much
in other dental disciplines. Actually the goals should be the same in terms of
smile and appearance, but many of us practice what we term “diagnosis by
procedure”. In other words, a gummy smile to the orthodontist needs incisor
intrusion, to the periodontist it means crown lengthening, and to the oral and
maxillofacial surgeon, maxillary impaction. What about inadequate tooth display,
the “aged smile”? What are our options there? Orthognathic maxillary downgraft? Veneers? Orthodontic extrusion? Or a combination of all?
Dr. Sarver will present the expanded esthetic diagnosis, which includes differential
diagnosis of smile presentation, with attention to facial presentation, smile
design, and tooth design. This will truly be a multidisciplinary presentation
designed to span the different disciplines of dentistry in an effort to help us
maximize interdisciplinary planning and provide maximum benefit to our patients.