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GCE Applied ICT Unit 2
Importing Data into a Relational Database using Append Queries.
Data can be imported into a database from a text file using append queries. This method
is a good way of finding any invalid data (rejected records) and is also used when a
primary key is missing in the text file.
Create the database tables required and set any validation rules. Create the relationships
between the tables.
The following example uses the Bike database:
Import the Bike Data text file into a new table which is a temporary table created by the
import wizard.
Select Next to the next two screens and do not select a primary key:
Continue to the last screen, name your table Bike Sales 2005_temp and select Finish.
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GCE Applied ICT Unit 2
Creating an Append Query
An Append Query needs to be created to add the Bike data from the Bike Sales
2005_temp table into the Bikes table.
Create a query in design view; select the temporary table – Bike Sales 2005_temp.
Select Append Query from the Query menu. Enter the name of the table to append the
data to, e.g. Bikes.
Select the fields required for the Bikes table:
Save and close the query giving it a suitable name, e.g. Append Bikes. Run the query by
double-clicking. Check the all of the records and the fields have been added to the Bikes
Customers Table
An Append Query needs to be created to add the Customer data from the Bike Sales
2005_temp table into the Customers table. The Customer ID (primary key) is not found
on the Bike Sales 2005_temp table but it will be created when the data is appended
because the Customer ID field has been set as an Autonumber.
Run the query and check the records and fields on the Customers table.
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GCE Applied ICT Unit 2
Creating an Update Query
Before any data can be added to the Orders table a Customer ID has to be added to the
temporary table with the correct generated Customer ID from the Customers table.
Open the temporary table in design view and add a Customer ID field to the design – set
the data type to Number.
Create a query using the Customers table and the Bike Sales 2005_temp table. The
tables should show a link between them on Customer ID. This link will not work because
there the records will not match on this field. Remove this link and re-link the two tables by
dragging and dropping the Title, First Name, Last Name, Address Line 1, Town,
County, Post Code fields.
Convert the query to an Update Query by selecting Query – Update Query.
Drag the Customer ID field from the Bike Sales 2005_temp table onto the layout (into the
Field position) and add the code to update this field to the Customer ID from the
Customers table:
[Customers].[Customer ID]
Save the query as Update Customer ID and run the query.
Check the Customers table to make sure that the correct Customer ID has been added
to the records in the Bike Sales 2005_temp table.
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GCE Applied ICT Unit 2
Create an Append query to add the orders from the temporary table – you should have all
of the fields that you need now on the Bike Sales 2005_temp table.
Check the Orders table to make sure that the correct data has been added.
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