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NINETIETH NATIONAL CONVENTION OF THE AMERICAN LEGION Phoenix, Arizona August 26, 27, 28, 2008 Resolution No. 88: Cold War Victory Medal Origin: Florida Submitted by: Convention Committee on National Security Consolidated with Resolution 16 (DC) WHEREAS, The United States Armed Forces engaged the forces of international communism continuously from the end of World War II until the disintegration of the former Soviet Union; and WHEREAS, The United States, during this extended period, relied for its manpower source on a national service Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps made up of citizens performing their obligated duty to serve and defend the United States; and WHEREAS, The defeat of the former Soviet Union and its Warsaw Pact allies constituted the greatest success of American Armed Forces since the end of World War II; and WHEREAS, Many American citizens served the nation in assigned duties without receiving tangible recognition for that service; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, By The American Legion in National Convention assembled in Phoenix, Arizona, August 26, 27, 28, 2008, That The American Legion urge Congress to authorize and provide funding for the award of a COLD WAR VICTORY MEDAL to all Armed Forces members who served on extended active duty during the period of September 2, 1945 through December 26, 1991, thereby commemorating service in the Cold War to eliminate the threat of a determined enemy to overpower the freely elected democracies of the world.