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Life Cycle of a Star
(Direct Instruction)
A _______ is a huge sphere of very hot glowing gas.
A group of stars is called a __________________
The ______ is the only star in our solar system.
 It is a __________, medium sized star.
Stars are classified according to their _________________ and __________________.
 Hot stars are __________ or _____________
 Cooler stars are ____________ or ______________
A young star is called a __________ star.
 They can be colored _______, _________, or ___________.
Older stars are called _________________.
 They can be colored __________ or ___________.
Stars are born in ____________, a place in space where there are huge clouds of hydrogen and helium
and dust. This is the first stage of star creation.
The second stage of star creation is called _______________.
 At this stage, the star begins to contract a little and becomes stable. It is called a _______
_____________ star.
 A star will remain in this stage, shining for __________ or ___________ of years to come.
When the ___________ supply in the core begins to run out, the core becomes unstable and the star
reaches the _______ __________ phase.
During the ________ __________ stage, gravity causes the star’s matter to collapse inward and
 The star shines a _________ ______ light.
 The star will remain in this phase ______________.
A ________________ occurs when a massive star reaches the red giant phase.
 This is when _________ is eventually released in a powerful explosion.
 It can light up the sky for _________.
 The supernova then becomes either a __________ star or a ________ _________.
A ________ _______ spins rapidly giving off radio waves.
A ________ _______ is a hole that readily attracts any matter and energy that comes near it.
A Sequence of Events
________________ process of steady growth of an object by a steady accumulation of material
________________ theory about the origin of the solar system that agrees with the nebular theory, but
stresses the importance of interstellar dust in planet formation
________________ among or between stars
________________ enormous cloud of gas and dust in space
________________ theory about the origin of the solar system that suggests our Sun and planets formed from
a nebula, a cloud of dust and gas
________________ a nuclear reaction where nuclei combine and release intense energy
________________ the centers of atoms which contain most of their mass
________________ a planet in its first stage of development
________________ a star in its first stage of development
_______________ cloud of gas and dust from which our solar system formed
_______________ the life cycle of a star
_______________ an explosion of a star that emits large amounts of matter and energy
Stellar Evolution (video or transcript)
Put the steps in order:
______ A nebula condenses into smaller regions of matter.
______ A protostar is formed and begins to heat up due to pressure.
______One of these regions collapses under the force of its own gravitational attraction.
______ Protostar continues to grow and its core continues to heat until nuclear fusion begins
______ Eventually, when the nuclear energy runs out, the star dies.
______ Clouds and matter begin to rotate around the protostar and flatten.
What is a Star?
A _______ is a huge ball of gas held together by its own force of gravity and nuclear fusion.
Nebular Theory
(video or transcript)
According to the _________ _________, about 4.5 to 5 billion years, this solar nebula collapsed when another
supernova explosion hit it. The second explosion initiated the sequence of the formation of our Sun. Dust and
gases that remained orbiting the Sun began to collide and combine with each other; this process is called
____________, which are the beginning stages of the development of our planets, began to form as these
orbiting pieces gradually grew.
The Condensation Theory
The ____________ ____________ suggests that interstellar dust was a very important and essential factor for
the formation of the planets.
The Other Theories
The other theories about the origin of the solar system are _____ consistent with some observations
about our solar system.
 all planets go in the same circular direction
 all planets look as though they lie along a flattened circular plane or disk
 the Sun and planets rotate in the same direction
Evidence of the Nebular Theory
 the structure and motion of the solar system
o flat, _____-like plane
o All of the ________ lie along this plane
o All the planets also _______ in the direction of the spinning disk, in the same direction as the
rotation of the Sun.