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MARKS: 100
Internal Moderator
Miss K Frames
Mrs M Claassens
1. Please ascertain that this paper has four (9) pages, including the cover.
2. Answer all questions in the answer book provided.
3. Number the questions correctly.
4. Answer each question on a new page.
5. Write neatly.
6. Good Luck
Multiple Choice: Choose only ONE option that best describes each of the following and
write only the letter:
1. High Myofibrillar Atp-ase is related to…
A. Red Fibres
B. Slow-twitch Fibres
C. High Glycolytic
D. High Oxidative
2. A form of physical activity in which a person performs skilled movements to achieve
a goal in a manner specified by rules, usually in competitive contexts:
A. Training.
B. Kinesiology.
C. Therapeutic.
D. Sport.
3. The unipennate muscle attachment…
A. Origins from a large area of bone and run obliquely to a single tendon
B. Origins from a single tendon and run obliquely to a large area of bone
C. Origins from a single tendon that is attached to both borders of the central tendon
D. Origins from a large area of bone and run to the borders of several tendons
4. Developing a model of a skill allows a coach to observe, analyse and then correct
technique. This is also known as:
A. Comparing performances between amateur and advanced athletes
B. Comparing a model to sporting performance
C. Comparing only a numerical model to amateur and professional performances
D. Comparing a technical model to professional performances
5. A type of muscle contraction where joint movement is visible, the muscle lengthens
and the muscle moves due to gravity, is commonly known as…
A. Isotonic Contraction
B. Eccentric Contraction
C. Isometric Contraction
D. Isokinetic Contraction
6. Newton’s second law can be explained as:
A. The angular acceleration of a body is proportional to the torque causing it and takes
place in the direction in which the torque acts
B. For every torque that is exerted by one body on another, there is an equal and opposite
torque exerted by the second body on the first
C. A rotating body will continue to turn about its axis of rotation with constant angular
momentum unless an external force is exerted upon it
D. None of the above
7. Synarthrodial is a...:
A. Fibrous immovable joint also known as syndesmosis and suture
B. Slightly movable joint with epiphysis as an example
C. Freely movable joint also known as enarhrosis and trochoid
D. Immovable joint with the intercarpal joint as an example
8. Exercise specifically to develop or maintain a sound working body, free of disease
and able to perform daily tasks and deal with emergencies:
A. Skilled movement.
B. Health related.
C. Exercise.
D. Sport.
9. A measurement in a certain direction:
A. Acceleration.
B. Vector.
C. Speed.
D. Scalar.
10. Irregular bones...:
A. Are used for protection
B. Are complex and varied shapes
C. Are equal in length and width
D. Are long and thin
11. The rate at which an object is moving and does not depend on direction:
A. Acceleration.
B. Scalar.
C. Velocity.
D. Speed.
12. How many bones are there in the human body?
A. 202
B. 208
C. 204
D. 206
13. The patella is an example of a ...:
A. Short bone
B. Flat bone
C. Irregular bone
D. Long bones
14. The discipline or body of knowledge that studies physical activity through
performance, scholarly analysis and professional practise:
A. Biomechanics.
B. Developmental skills.
C. Kinesiology.
D. Health related studies.
15. Trajectory can be defined as:
A. The study of movement of an object that is in the air.
B. The flight path of an object such as a ball.
C. The horizontal distance of an object.
D. The angle at which the object is projected in the air.
Give one word that describes these sentences the best.
2.1 The force caused by the pull of the earth’s mass . Gravity
2.2 Closer to the midline of the body. Medial
2.3 Lying face down. Prone
2.4 Father away from the attachment of a limb or an extremity of the trunk. Distal
2.5 Moving the shoulders to an inferior position. Depression
2.6 Vertical plain that divides the body into left and right.
Sagittal plane
2.7 Moving towards the midline of the body. Adduction
2.8 Increase the angle between two points. Extension
2.9 Rotate the arm medially. Pronation
2.10 Lifting the medial border of the foot. Inversion
Differentiate between the following:
2.1 Short bones and flat bones, give an example for each one.
Short bones
About equal in length and width
Example: bones of the wrist and foot
Flat bones
Used for protection
Example: they make up the vault of the skull, scapula and sternum and ribs
2.2 Arthrology and osteology .
Osteology the study of bones.
Arthology the study of joints.
2.3 Balance and stability.
An individual’s ability to control stability
A resistance to a disruption in the equilibrium of the body
2.4 Osteoblasts and Osteoclasts.
synthesize and secrete collagen and other organic compounds to build up bone matrix
Function to break down the bone matrix
2.5 Anterior and posterior.
Anterior front
Posterior back
3.1Name muscle: 1, 3, 12, 14, 17, 20, and give the function each of these muscles. (12)
Eg 1_______________________________ function _______________________
1. Sternocleidomastoid – flexion and lateral rotation of the neck
.3 Deltoid-
Abduction of the arm
.12. Gluteus maxsimus
Extension of the leg
.14. Bicep femoris
Flexion of lower leg
.17 Gastrocnemuis
Plantaar flexion of foot
.20 Vastis Lateralis
Extension of lower leg
3.2 Explain the 4 properties of muscles.
Irritability: Muscle Has The Capability Of Receiving And Responding To Various
Contractility: When A Stimuli Is Received The Muscle Has The Capability Of
Extensibility: Able To Lengthen – Passive Or Active
Elasticity: The Ability To Return To Normal Resting Length Or Shape
3.4 Name the 3 synovial/ diarthrodial joints. And give an example of each one. (6)
Planar joint: Gliding joint
Hinge joint: Ginglymus joint
Pivot joint: Trochoid joint
axis of the skull
Condyloid Joint: Ellipsoidal joint
scaphoid and lunate bone in the hand
Saddle Joint: Sellaris Joint
Ball and Socket Joint: Spherio Joint
1. A cyclist rapidly picks up speed as he cycles down a hill. As he starts down the hill,
his speed is 10m/s. But 4 seconds later, at the bottom of the hill, his speed is 32m/s.
What is his acceleration?
(32-10)/4 = 5.5 m/s²
2. A cross country runner, approaches a hill with a speed of 8.2m/s, he reaches the top
of the hill 9 seconds later with an acceleration of -0.478m/s².
a. What was his final velocity at the top of the hill?
Acceleration =
Final Velocity – Initial Velocity
-0.478 m/s²
Final Velocity – 8.2 m/s
Acceleration x Time
(Final Velocity – Initial Velocity) x Time
(Acceleration x Time) + Initial Velocity = Final Velocity – Initial Velocity + Initial Velocity
(Acceleration x Time) + Initial Velocity
= Final Velocity
(-0.478m/s² x 9s) + 8.2 m/s
= Final Velocity
-4.302 m/s + 8.2 m/s
= Final Velocity
3.90 m/s
Final Velocity =
Final Velocity
3.90 m/s
b. Why is his acceleration negative?
He was decelerating or slowing down
3. A truck's speed increases uniformly from 15 km/h to 60 km/h in 20 s. determine the
15000/60x60 = 4.17m/s
60000/60x60 = 16.7m/s
. a=Vf-Vi/t
= 16.7-4.17/20
=0.6265 m/s²
You are coaching the South African Olympic Team for Gymnastics. Your gold medallist
female is on her last item, the standing bar. To finish off, she performs a triple somersault
jump on to the mats on the floor. Answer the following questions.
4.1 Through what angular distance does her body go during the triple somersault? Give your
answer in degrees.
360 degrees x 3
1080 degrees
4.2 It takes her 2.4 seconds to complete 1 somersault. What is her total angular speed for the
triple somersaults?
Speed = Distance/Time
4.3 To start her performance, she had to run and jump on the bar. During her run, she reaches
a final velocity of 1.5 m/s before she jumps on to the bar. What is the acceleration if she took
5 seconds to run?
Acceleration = (VF - VI)/Time
(1.5m/s – 0m/s)/5 sec
What class lever is applicable when doing the following movements? Support your answer
by identifying the different parts of the lever.
a. Doing a squad.
Quadriceps = Applied Force
Knee = Fulcrum
Upper body = Resistance
Thirs Class Lever because the fulcrum is between the resistance and applied force
b.Doing a push-up
tricep= Aplied Force
elbow = fulcrum
upper body = resistance
Resistance always closer to fulcrum
NB for strength!!!!
Poor for ROM and speed
E.g. Standing on toes:
toes = fulcrum
Calf muscle = effort
Resistance = mass of body