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Molloy College
Division of Education
Teacher Candidate: Danielle Rosenberg
College Supervisor: Barbara Maliszewski
Content Area: Mathematics
Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Dinolfo
Grade: 5
Lesson# 2
Topic: Classifying Triangles
Date: April 8, 2014
School District: Oceanside
School: Elementary School #4
Instructional Objective
Following the students learning about descriptions of the different types of triangles, the
students will be placed into groups of two and play a game to classify different types of triangles.
Students will then work independently to complete a worksheet to classify and identify 4 out of 5
triangles correctly.
CCLS/ +NYS Standards and Indicators
CCLS.Math.5.G.3- Understand that attributes belonging to a category of two-dimensional figures
also belong to all subcategories of that category. For example, all rectangles have four right
angles and squares are rectangles, so all squares have four right angles.
Indicator: This will be evident when students classify triangles based on their attributes.
CCLS.ELA.SL5.1- Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in
groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 5 topics and texts, building on others’
ideas and expressing their own clearly.
Indicator: This will be evident when students work in pairs to correctly classify different
The teacher will draw different looking triangles on the board.. The teacher will ask the
students if they notice any similarities or differences about the shapes of each triangle.
 Triangle classification worksheet
 Individual white boards
 Direct Instruction- students will experience direct instruction when the teacher puts
different pictures and descriptions of triangles on the white board.
DJ will have preferential seating and be refocused back on task throughout the lesson.
Differentiation of Instruction
Since all learners do not learn in the same manner, the lesson will be tiered.
Tier I- Students will complete the triangle classification worksheet with a photo reference and a
word bank.
Tier II- Students will complete the triangle classification worksheet with a word bank.
Tier III- Students will complete the triangle classification worksheet with no assistance.
Developmental Procedures
1. Students will view pictures and descriptions of different types of triangles on the white
board. (How can we tell these 3 types of triangles apart? What is an angle? What types of
angles exist in a triangle? What is a side?)
2. Students will be put into groups of two and play a game to classify triangles. The teacher
will put a triangle on the board and each group will correctly identify the type of triangle
is it. (How do you know what type of triangle this is? What clues did you use to help you
classify the triangle? Do you find this easy or difficult? Do you prefer to see triangles
when classifying them or read descriptions of them?)
3. Students will then work independently on a worksheet to classify triangles with written
descriptions. (How do we make sure that we read the description carefully? What are
some strategies that we can use when we read word problems? What are some key words
in the descriptions that can help us classify these triangles? How did you get your
4. As an exit ticket, students will draw a triangle on the white board and tell me what kind
of triangle it is and explain their reasoning. (What kind of triangle did you draw? How
did you know to draw it in this way? What kinds of angles does this triangle have? How
would you describe the sides of this triangle?)
The teacher will collect the worksheets to be graded.
Independent Practice
For homework, students will find an item in their home and identify the type of triangle
that item is.
Teacher Follow Up:
Academic Intervention
The student who does not meet the objective will work one-on-one with the teacher to fill
in a chart based on the different types of triangles.
Academic Enrichment
The student who exceeds the objective will search around the room and find 3 triangular
items and identify the type of triangle each item is.
Math is Fun. (2013). Triangles. Retrieved from
New York State Education Department. (2009). Mathematics Core Curriculum. Retrieved March
23, 2014, from
New York State Education Department. (2013). NYS P-12 Common Core Learning Standards.
Retrieved March 23, 2014, from
Name: ______________________________________
Classifying Triangles
1. When measured, all of the sides of this triangle are equal to 11 inches. All angles are
equal to 60 degrees. What type of triangle is this?
2. The lengths of the sides of this triangle are: 9 inches, 12 inches, and 15 inches. What type
of triangle is this?
3. Which of the following correctly describes the triangle shown?
This triangle has a right angle.
This triangle has three acute angles.
This triangle has one obtuse angle
This triangle has 3 equal sides.
4. One of the angles of this triangle is 200 degrees, while the other two angles are 30
degrees and the other is 70 degrees. What type of triangle is this? Explain your reasoning.
5. The measures of two angles of a triangle are 23 degrees and 67 degrees. Is this triangle
acute, right, or obtuse? Explain your reasoning.