Download 1: The flat, bony structure that joins with the ribs at the front of the

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1: The flat, bony structure that joins with the ribs at the front of the chest is called the:
A: scapula.
B: clavicle.
C: sternum.
D: xiphoid process.
2: A displacement is an injury to:
A: a joint.
B: a bone.
C: a muscle.
D: a tendon.
3: When skeletal muscle is stimulated by nerves, it will:
A: extend.
B: expand.
C: contract.
D: tremble.
4: The tough, connective tissues that attach bone to bone are called:
A: tendrils.
B: tendons.
C: ligaments.
D: myocardia.
5: An air splint should be inflated to the point at which:
A: the wrinkles in the splint are about to disappear.
B: the wrinkles in the splint have just disappeared.
C: you cannot dent the splint with thumb pressure.
D: you can press the walls of the splint together with a firm pinch between the thumb
and index finger.
6: Which of the following is the most reliable sign of a suspected fracture:
A: bruising
B: swelling
C: point tenderness
D: decrease in sensation
7: A patient has a "silver fork deformity" after falling on her outstretched hand.
Immobilization should extend from the middle of the hand up to and including the:
A: wrist.
B: elbow.
C: shoulder.
D: middle of the forearm.
8: A 17-year-old boy is suspected to have dislocated his shoulder in a game of touch
football. The patient is in extreme pain and shouts for you to do something. Your first
step in caring for the patient should be to:
A: give him pain medication.
B: give him supplemental oxygen.
C: immobilize the shoulder in the position in which you found it.
D: attempt to reduce the shoulder or "put it back in place."
9: A splint is applied to a patient with a fractured elbow. 5 minutes later, the radial
pulse in the injured arm is very weak, and the patient states that he has no feeling in the
arm. Because the nearest hospital is 30 minutes away, the appropriate cours
A: transport the patient immediately.
B: position the splinted arm lower than the patient's body.
C: position the splinted arm higher than the patient's body.
D: contact medical control for a decision on realigning the limb.
10: Which of the following statements about caring for a patient who has a closed
fracture of the femur is true?
A: Supplemental oxygen is of little value.
B: Direct pressure will control the bleeding.
C: A tourniquet should be applied above the fracture site.
D: The patient should be monitored for signs and symptoms of shock.
1. C
2. A
3. C
4. C
5. D
6. C
7. B
8. C
9. D
10. D