Download Around the Globe and Back Again: Shakespeare

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By: Haley Baker
Teacher View
Student View
 Overview
 Target Audience
 Learning Objectives
 Instructional Activities
 Learning Environment
Within this presentation, the students will become
familiar with the history and design of the Globe
Theater. Also, the students will learn about the
people of the Elizabethan Era.
The activities within this presentation are intended for
8-10th graders in an English classroom.
To be informed about the theater entertainment
during the late 1500’s.
2. To learn about the history of the Globe Theater
3. To learn about the people during the Elizabethan Era
and their culture.
4. To learn at a self pace where the evaluation at the end
of the presentation is a completion grade.
In order to motivate the students I am going to encourage
them with Mr. Book, and with positive feedback.
In order to connect this lesson to previous experiences, I
will present the learners with information that they have
been exposed to before.
In order to effectively inform my learners the facts will be
interesting and connected.
In order for application I am going to sum up the
information that they have learned after each section and
ask a couple of TRUE/FALSE questions.
In order to evaluate their application the students will
take a quiz at the end.
The learning environment for the students will be
during class time and in the school’s computer lab.
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I will be there along the way to
encourage you while you learn
about the Globe and Elizabethan
Elizabethan Era
The Globe Theater
 Queen Elizabeth I ruled from
She held reign for 45 years
Her reign is known as one of
the most glorious times in
England History
She was believed to be God’s
representative here on earth
This time frame is called the
Elizabethan Era
Social Order and class was important to their daily life
The Monarch
The Nobility
The Gentry
The Merchants
The Laborers
The social rankings were said to be formed by God, in which
he showered blessings on each rank.
Candle makers
Music during this era was considered a significant part of
their life.
Music was always incorporated into the theater
performances in the Globe Theater , the most famous
theater during this time.
 Church music
 Street music
 Court music
 Theater music
 Town music
 Next, you will watch a short video about
a few of the key instruments used during
the Elizabethan Era.
 Notice that some of the instruments are
very similar to the instruments that are
used by musician today!
 This era is extremely significant
because Shakespeare took the lead
in advancing the country’s
literature writing numerous
amounts of great works.
 The theatrical performances were attractive to all
different Elizabethan people.
 From the commoners to the wealthy people, the
audience was packed!
 The women in the audience
would be spotted wearing masks
to cover their face in order to
hide their identity.
Unlike your typical supermarket that has everything
from dairy products to fruit, each market in England
offered something different from the other.
Dairy Markets
Vegetable Markets
Fruit Markets
Livestock Markets
 Festivals and celebrations
often including a feast with
a variety of food.
 The Elizabethan’s worked
extremely hard to make
sure the food was
appealing, by the taste and
 Decorative items were used
to garnish the plates, such
as peacock feathers!
 Queen Elizabeth ruled from 1558-1608 which is called
the Elizabethan Era
 Social ranking was extremely important to their daily
 Acrobats, Apothecary's, Blacksmiths, Candlemakers,
Carpenters, and cooks were some of the occupations of
the Elizabethan people.
 There are many varieties of music; court, church,
town, street, and theater
 Theater performances attracted all sorts of people
 Different types of food was sold in specialized markets
 The presentation of food was significant
 Shakespeare’s plays were performed during this era!
Time to review…
Yes, William Shakespeare was a play writer during the Elizabethan
era who wrote plays to entertain a large group of people.
Yes, William Shakespeare was a play writer during the Elizabethan era
who wrote plays to entertain a large group of people.
Q: No one was allowed to listen to
music because it was against the law.
The answer is false, correct! Music was a part of the Elizabethan’s
every day life.
The answer is false, no thy people during this era were not banned to
listen to music. The music played a big role in the people’s every day
Q: The Elizabethan Era was also called the
Golden Age.
Yes, the Elizabethan Era was also known as the Golden Age.
The answer is true, yes the Elizabethan Era is also known as The Golden
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 Click on the question mark if you are
ready to take the quiz!
Plays were a popular form of entertainment in the late
Play writers such as William
Shakespeare wrote plays in order
to entertain a large group of people.
 In 1576, The Theatre and The Curtain were the first two
theaters built in England.
 Within 23 years, the most famous Elizabethan playhouse
was built in 1599, the Globe Theatre.
 The Globe Theatre was often referred to as the
Shakespearean Globe.
 The Old Globe Theater was built by carpenter Peter
Smith and his workers in Southwark, London.
 There are not any existing pictures
of the Old Globe, but a sketch of
the Swan Theater exists in which
resembles The Globe.
 The Globe held several thousand
people and didn’t just show plays.
It was reputed to be a brothel and
a gambling house.
 As for Elizabethan advertising, different colored flags
would tower over the Globe representing the different
varieties of plays.
 Black flags represented a tragedy
 White flags represented a comedy
 Red flags meant a history
On the right side of
the image is an
example of the
Globe’s crest and
motto that was flown
on the day of their
first performance,
Julius Caesar.
 “Totus mundus agit histrionem”
is translated to “The whole world is a playhouse”
 William Shakespeare slightly reworded this in
his play As You Like It, to “all the world’s a
As You Like It was also performed
in The Globe Theater.
The Globe Theatre was
owned by the Lord
Chamberlain’s Men; a group
of entitled men which
included William
These men were actors
whom also performed on
the stage at the Globe.
The Globe burned to the ground in 1613. In
1614 it reopened, but Shakespeare moved back to Stratford,
England to live the last couple of years of his life.
In 1616, William
Shakespeare died, was
buried at the Holy Trinity
Church in Stratford,
 The majority of Shakespeare’s Plays were performed in
the Globe beginning in 1599.
Twelfth Night
 The Globe remained opened for a total of 43 years.
 In 1642, the English Parliament was under the force of
the Puritans.
 During that year, the Globe was shut down because the
English Parliament issued an ordinance suppressing
all stage plays in the theaters.
 Plays were a popular form of entertainment during the
late 1590’s and 1500’s
 The Globe was built in 1599, where Shakespeare’s play
were mainly preformed.
 Flags were used to advertise what genre of play was
going to be performed at Oakland.
 The Globe was owned by the Lord Chamberlain’s Men
 In 1616, Shakespeare died.
 In 1942, The Globe was forced to close by the
parliament which was controlled by the Puritans.
Time to review…
Correct the answer is FALSE; the first theater built was The
Theatre in 1576.
No, the answer is FALSE; the first theater built was The Theatre in 1576.
Correct the answer is TRUE! Black flags did represent a tragedy.
Incorrect! The answer is true, black flags did represent that a tragedy was
being performed.
Correct the answer is FALSE! The Lord Chamberlain’s Men owned
The Globe, not The Curtain.
Incorrect! The answer is false because The Lord Chamberlain’s Men owned the
Globe, not The Curtain.
Now I am going to quiz you on the some of the
information that I have presented to you!
1642; The English Parliament ordered to Globe to shut
down because they issued an ordinance suppressing all
stage plays in the theaters
1616; The Globe was unable to stay open without the help
from William Shakespeare
It is still open.
1613: It closed when it burned down, and never
The Globe closed down in 1642 because The English
Parliament ordered to Globe to shut down because they
issued an ordinance suppressing all stage plays in the
Hint: It wasn’t the year that
Shakespeare died….. Try again
Queen Theresa
Queen Mary
Queen Elizabeth II
Queen Elizabeth I
Queen Elizabeth I ruled from 1558-1603, the Elizabethan
Hint: She is named after
this era….
The Laborers, The Merchants, The Gentry, The Nobility,
The Monarch
The Monarch, The Nobility, The Gentry, The Merchants,
The Laborers
The Nobility, The Gentry, The Monarch, The Merchants,
The Laborers
The Monarch, The Nobility, The Merchants, The Gentry,
The Laborers
 The Monarch, The Nobility, The Gentry, The
Merchants, The Laborers is the correct order!
 HINT: The
Queen is in
The Monarch social
The Big Globe
The Globe on the Bankside
The Shakespearean Globe
None of the above
The Globe was also referred to as The Shakespearean
Globe because his plays were often performed there!
Hint: This is also a name because
this particular play writer’s plays
were often performed in The
Globe. 
Bankside in Southwark, London
Paris, France
Rome, Italy
The Globe is located on the bank in Southwark, London.
Hint: It is IN England.
Plastic fruit
Peacock feathers
No decoration, just the food.
Peacock feathers were used to decorate the plates during
this time!
Hint: It comes from a
Computer software programmer
Computers weren’t even invented yet!!
Hint: Computer’s weren’t even
invented yet….
Romeo And Juliet
Henry VII
Julius Ceasar
The Globe Theatre’s first performance was Julius Caesar!
Hint: it is someone’s
FULL name.
“The whole world is a playhouse”
“Everyone is listening”
“Playhouse, Play what??”
“Totus mundus agit histrionem” is translated to “The
whole world is a playhouse”
Hint: it’s translation is 6
At the Globe Theater
In the graveyard next to the church
Inside the Holy Trinity Church in Stratford, England.
He is still living.
William Shakespeare was buried at the Holy Trinity
Church in Stratford, England.
Hint: It isn’t where normally
people are buried
You have finished the quiz!
If you feel as if you need to go through the
presentation once more, then click the home
If you would like to take the quiz once more, click
the question mark.
But, if you are done with this presentation then
click the next button.
This presentation is over! I hope you have learned
more about the Elizabethan Era and The Globe