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A Simple Client Attraction Guide
Mike Rafati
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All content © Mike Rafati 2016.
Please do not copy, edit, reproduce or sell any part of this ebook.
Send your feedbacks and questions to [email protected]
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STEP 1: GAIN CLARITY & CREATING A COMPELLING VISION ................................................................5
STEP 2: BUILDING THE CLIENT ATTRACTION FOUNDATION ......................................................................6
Define Your Target Market and Their Needs ....................................................................................................7
Define Your Authentic Niche .............................................................................................................................8
Build a Brand.....................................................................................................................................................9
Ideal Client - Who Is Your Ideal Client? ............................................................................................................9
Authentic Message..........................................................................................................................................10
STEP 3: DEVELOP YOUR SERVICES & PRODUCTS .................................................................................11
STEP 4: SET BIG GOALS ...............................................................................................................................11
STEP 5: PICKING MARKETING STRATEGIES & TACTICS ...........................................................................13
STEP 6: DEVELOP A CLIENT ATTRACTION SYSTEM ..................................................................................14
STEP 7: MONITOR RESULTS AND STAY FOCUSED, BUT FLEXIBLE .........................................................15
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This e-book is for visionary entrepreneurs and heart-centered business
owners. It is designed to help you attract clients, market your expertise, and create
your dream business.
It will benefit all coaches, consultants, trainers, counselors, healers, and other conscious
professionals, who are starting their business, struggling to grow, or lost their passion
and excitement about their business.
Attracting clients and marketing your services and products are frustrating for many
heart-centered entrepreneurs. Even if they are passionate about their business; they
may not be attracting clients and getting the results they want.
In this short eBook, I am going to help you realign and focus on what’s
important to you, plan for your dream business and create a fulfilling business
that you enjoy.
For more information please visit: or contact Mike
Rafati at [email protected]
TIP #1: Many entrepreneurs suffer from perfectionism, and they hold back.
For example, here is how they think:
“I must finish this class, task, or …, in order to get started.”
“I need a business card or a website to get started.”
“I am not ready yet, what if I fail? What if I make a mistake?”
“I don’t know enough; I need to learn more.”
“Why would anyone work with me? I cannot charge for this …”
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Your dream business starts with your thoughts, and your success and happiness
are more about you than the marketing strategies or tactics you use. Nothing can
grow without strong roots!
Most heart-centered entrepreneurs start with their passion and a deep desire to create
their dream business; however, they lose their motivation and alignment as they get
involved in building their business.
Consequently, most entrepreneurs work very hard but they are unable to build their
dream business. Ultimately, the ones that succeed end up creating another job that they
feel unsatisfied with. There are only a small number of entrepreneurs that successfully
create a dream business that is fulfilling and
financially rewarding.
Creating a fulfilling and financially
rewarding business is only possible when
you are passionate and have a compelling
vision that drives you to do whatever it
takes to make it. You can only create a
fulfilling business when you stay aligned with
your purpose and values, and stay connected to
your passion.
Tap into Your Potentials
Although entrepreneurs focus more on new marketing strategies and tactics, they often
overlook their potentials, strengths and mindset
While, clarity about your dream, purpose, passion and vision, or lack thereof,
can help you build your dream business,
lack of clarity, limiting beliefs, mental blocks,
bad habits, and low self-confidence will only
cause frustrations and misalignments which will
VISION - We all have big
discourage your clients from working with you.
visions but afraid of
The key is to gain clarity about what you
want to do, where you want to go (your
vision) and the purpose of your journey.
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expressing it. What is your
big vision for your business?
You must define it for
yourself and write it in
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Another important factor in building a fulfilling
business is to know your strengths and
identifying the experiences and skills that
can benefit you in your business.
Starting and growing a business requires hard
work and a strong desire to push through
difficulties. Otherwise, you’ll stop pursuing your
dreams as soon as you hit the first bump on the
Here is how you can get started to gain more clarity
about your intentions, passion, and purpose:
TIP #3: You are the X Factor
in your business. People
come to you to work with you.
Your business is about you
first and then about your
services. Your authenticity,
energy, and intentions show
up in your interactions with
your clients, and so does your
confusion and lack of
alignment. So, be present
and fully express yourself.
1. What’s the purpose of your business? What
do you want to do?
2. What’s your vision? What’s the outcome
that you expect to achieve?
3. Why is this business important to you? What is your motivation for doing this? Is
it your dream? Are you passionate or you are just doing it because you need
money? There is no right or wrong answer, but knowing your motives will help
you plan better.
4. List your strengths, weaknesses, experiences, special skills, and knowledge? What
do you know and have that will help you do this? What’s missing?
5. What’s holding you back from starting or expanding your business? What is
stopping you from getting out there and sharing your message? What are your
fears? What do you need to do to move forward?
Most entrepreneurs, particularly heart-centered business owners, suffer from one or
more of the following:
start with a broad target market and they are unwilling to narrow it down.
are chasing clients and work with anyone that pays them.
don’t know enough about their client’s needs
are generalists and lack an irresistible offer or solution
lack a strong message
lack goals, effective strategy and focus to attract their ideal clients.
It is extremely difficult to develop a good marketing plan and create an
effective client attraction system without a strong foundation.
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Here is what you need to clearly define to get started:
Target Market – who are your clients?
Authentic Niche - Decide on your niche and unique selling points.
Ideal Client - Who are your ideal clients?
Develop a Brand – Build a core message.
Authentic Message – why should they work with you? What’s the benefit?
Don’t get discouraged if you have a difficult time clarifying your target market, niche,
brand or anything else. Do your best, get help, but most importantly, get started.
You’ll learn more as you engage your clients. Marketing is a process that consistently
has to be refined.
Define Your Target Market and Their Needs
Let’s get clear on who you want to serve and why.
Your target market is the group of people
that you want to serve.
You may think your services are suitable for
anyone!!! However, your services are more
appealing to certain groups of people.
Your Target Market wants to work with you,
because you understand what they need, and how
to help them solve their problems. Therefore, you
need to clearly understand your client’s needs and
wants. That is why you are in business and they
come to you.
Imagine, you want Chinese food, would you look
for Italian restaurant? The same concept is true about other businesses. A career coach
is appealing to people who are looking to change or advance their career. A commercial
real estate agent is appealing to people that are looking for commercial property and not
residential and so on.
To define your target market Start by answering these questions:
Who do you want to work with? Who do you want to serve -- individuals, businesses or
both? List the groups that you are most passionate about.
Use the following criteria to narrow them even more:
Demographics (age, gender, income,)
Geography (location, country, state, and city)
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Psychographics (lifestyle, interests, and attitude)
What do you know about them? What do you have in common with them? What keeps
them up at nights? What do they need?
It is ok to identify multiple segments that you want to work with. But, start with the
group (segment) that you know and have the best solution.
Here are the last criteria you need to consider before picking your target market, the
best group (segment) is:
Big enough to support your business
Easily accessible
Able to pay for your services
Define Your Authentic Niche
Niches are confusing to many entrepreneurs. There are too many definitions for a niche
out there.
Here is how I want you to think about your niche. Your niche is where your services
(solution/offer) and target market’s needs intersect.
Your Authentic Niche is a very specific service that you offer to your market.
In another words, your Authentic Niche is the specific service (your gift and expertise)
that you offer to solve your client’s problems.
Clients value experts with specialized services more than generalists. Experts focus on
solving deeper and more difficult problems. While generalists may identify deeper
issues and problems, they lack knowledge and expertise to provide solutions and solve
those problems in the same manner as the experts.
For example, a coach can coach anyone about anything; however, a career coach has
more in-depth knowledge of his client’s needs and challenges and can offer better
solutions to those professionals in transition. The same goes for other specialists. A
commercial real estate agent knows more about commercial properties, a web designer
knows more about designing a website, and so on.
Your niche will also help you to differentiate yourself better by setting you
apart from other service providers (generalists). The more specialized you are,
the more valuable you will become and your knowledge and expertise will allow you to
relate and communicate differently.
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Additionally, you will gain more visibility in
your specific field because people rely on
your expertise more and more.
For example, what types of cars grab your
attention? Most people either see the unique
cars or the cars that they are planning to or
want to purchase. The same is true for service
professionals, people notice and get attracted to
the information and service professionals that
are relevant to what they are interested in.
TIP #4 - Keep in mind that
you don’t need to stay a
specialist in one market
forever. You can always use
that success as a springboard
to jump into other markets.
Finally, specialists make more money and receive greater financial rewards.
Specialists are perceived more valuable than generalists, due to their in depth
knowledge and expertise.
Build a Brand
Building a brand helps you differentiate in the mind of your clients and partners. People
remember brands more than they remember
services or products.
Branding is a process and goes beyond the color of
your logo, business card or your website. For the
time being, start by creating a core message that
you can communicate with your audience.
For entrepreneurs and solo-professionals, their
brand is the same as their personal brand. You are your business. Therefore, you can
use your personal story, why you do what you do and your vision to create a powerful
and memorable brand message.
Ideal Client - Who Is Your Ideal Client?
Most clients work with you because of the benefits they know they will receive from
working with you; however, your ideal clients fall in a different category. There is a
perfect match - a very special connection between you and your ideal client. They
prefer to work with you and you do your best work with them.
You both energize each other and enjoy working together. They make you feel great and
spending time with them feels more like playing than anything else.
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Ideal clients pay you well with no questions asked. They know they are receiving a great
value and a high return on their investment. They understand and value your
contribution and they believe you deserve what you charge for your services. Client
Attraction Message - What do you tell your clients?
What do you tell people when they ask you “what do you do?” Particularly, what do you
say to attract your ideal clients?
Authentic Message
Most professionals answer by saying what they have been trained to do, or have gone to
school for. For example, I am a coach. I am a
therapist. I am a consultant. However, we
forget to tell people how we benefit our clients.
You want to go beyond labeling what you do.
What you say shows your clarity about
what you do and how your clients benefit
from working with you. It shows how much
you understand your client’s needs and pain.
Also, it shows the level of your confidence and
credibility. Your goal is to get your prospects to
say, “Oh WOW! Tell me more!!”
Here is how you create your message: In the message you want to tell them
Who do you serve?
What their needs are?
What you do to solve their needs?
What’s the result? What they gain or benefit?
How do they feel by working with you?
Here is an example:
I work with ___________ that are suffering from (or frustrated with) ____________
assist them by ____________, so they can ______________ and feel _________.
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If you are starting your business, you may not have a product. Therefore, you need to
package your services in a way you can clearly explain the benefits and market to your
ideal clients. Also, you need to be clear about your enrollment process and what your
clients will receive. Finally, you need to pick a relevant and memorable name for your
You can clarify your services by creating a
process or system and defining a set of
deliverable and benefits that your clients will
receive. Also, you can increase your value
and differentiate your services by providing
workbooks, checklists and other tools that
guide and support your clients.
Delivering one-on-one services is difficult, but
you can make it easier and profitable by building a solid enrollment and delivery
process. Furthermore, you can turn your services into products and programs when you
are ready.
Products and programs are easier to market and sell because they are tangible and
clients know what they receive. The biggest challenge with selling services is the way
clients tie your services to your time and your hourly price. On the other hand, most
clients perceive the value of programs and products differently.
It is time to set financial and marketing goals
Goal setting, and particularly achieving your goals, is very important. Goals are what
you want to accomplish.
Goals clearly define what you want to do and the deadline by which you want
to accomplish it. Many entrepreneurs work hard but have no direction. Just wanting
to make money is not a goal.
You need a direction to know where you are going and a vision for your
business that motivate you. Goal setting helps you identify where you are, where
you want to go and the timeframe for what you want to achieve in your business.
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In my opinion, the process of goal setting should
be simple and goals must be achievable.
I know many people who spend a lot of time on
setting their goals but don’t follow their plans to
achieve them.
The best way is to set SMART goals. SMART goals
TIP #5: Some professionals
ignore their strengths and
try to do something totally
new only because others
are doing it. For example,
they may try social media
when they are really great
at networking
1. Specific – Get as specific as you can about
what you want to do and by when. Use
numbers to be real specific and dates for
your deadline. For example: “I want to grow my list to 5000 by June 30.”
2. Measurable – Make sure you can track your goals. For example, you can track
how many people have signed up in your list every week.
3. Attainable – You should stretch yourself but set goals that you can achieve. For
example, it is difficult to build a list of 5000 people in a month if you are starting
your business but it is definitely possible to do it in 12 months.
4. Realistic – Do you believe it’s possible? Be honest with yourself. If you don’t
believe it you cannot do it. You can only expand your list to 5000 if you believe
you are ready and it is possible to build and grow your list to 5000. Otherwise,
you’ll be fighting with yourself along the way and most likely you’ll give up. Start
with something you believe is possible.
5. Time-bound – Set a specific date. You need a deadline to motivate and help you
track your progress.
Are you ready to set your goals now? I suggest you decide on your 5 year vision and set
your 3 and 1 year goal. Also, create a one year financial goal. Focus on one big goal
that you want to achieve and tie it to your financial goal.
Finally, create a 90/7 day plan. Set your goal for the next 90 days and pick up to 3
strategies to achieve your goals.
Make it simple. You don’t have to achieve 20 goals to be successful. Focus on one big
goal and 3-5 objectives.
Follow a 7 days action plan and monitor your progress on weekly bases.
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Let’s define the strategies and tactics first.
Marketing strategy is how you are planning to
achieve your big goals. Tactics are what you
will do to implement your strategies and
TIP #6: Start with 1-3
marketing strategies and
become great at it. Each
strategy requires your
resources to work. You can
always add new ones or find
help to manage some of
your work.
For example, if your goal is to reach 100,000
people, you may decide to use speaking as the
strategy to reach more people and decide to join
more podcasts and telesummits to implement your
strategy and speak to larger audiences.
You should always choose your marketing
strategies and tactics based on your strengths.
You’ve identified your strengths in step One. If you are good at networking and writing,
go to networking events and write blogs and articles. You must always learn new
strategies and tactics.
Certain strategies are more effective than others.
your skills.
So, continue learning and building
Here is a list of marketing strategies and tactics you can use to create awareness
about your offerings, establish relationships with your potential clients, and create trust.
Marketing Strategy
Marketing Tactics
Word of mouth, refer a friend
List building event, Webinars
Public speaking, Podcasts, Webinar, Teleseminar,
Sales Calls, Email , Newsletter, Email marketing
Events, Social Media, Groups, Forums
Content Marketing, Books, Reports, Articles, Blogs,
Guest blogs, eBook
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Marketing Strategy
Marketing Tactics
Social Media, Webinars, Telesummits, Email
marketing, Content Marketing, Podcasts, Blogs,
Guest Blogs, List building, and…
Google and Facebook ads, Newspaper, mailer,
inserts, postcards, …
“The Know, Like, and Trust Factor”
The goal of a great client attraction system is to create visibility, attract clients,
and generate leads regularly. Additionally, you want to engage, build relationships
and trust with your prospects, and convert
potential prospects to clients.
The core and the foundation of a great system
are your target market and niche, which is
what you’ve defined on step 2.
People that know, like and trust you will
do business with you. So, the core of an
Authentic Marketing system is you!
If you are like most service entrepreneurs,
your clients will engage with you before
signing up for your services. So, the most
Authentic Marketing Strategies and Tactics are
those that allow you share your gift and engage with your prospects directly.
There are many marketing strategies like speaking, networking, Web, and others for
connecting with your target market. Always, choose marketing strategies and tactics
that position you in front of your ideal clients. You want your prospects to know, like
and trust you. Thus, choose the marketing strategies that your clients would best
respond to.
Also, always use your strengths and start with strategies that you know and like, while
learning others.
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It is important to track your plans and stay focused on your goals. You should make
changes and adjust your strategies and tactics as
Running a business is like playing a game. Don’t
get hooked on the strategies. Detach yourself and
focus on the results you want to create.
TIP #7: Detach from the
HOW and only focus on
WHAT you want to create.
Detachment allows you to be more flexible and
make better decisions. You don't have to defend
your decisions instead, you can focus on what
Listen to your heart. You will know what to do. When doing business feels tough
and stressful. It is time for rethink your approach and realign. It is important, to be
honest with yourself and follow your heart. Your emotions tell you everything. You'll
know when you are afraid and when you are being stubborn. You know when your ego
is talking and when you are on the right path.
Trust yourself and move forward. Take baby steps and enjoy the ride. Yes,
enjoy the process or find something else that you enjoy more!
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About A. Mike Rafati:
A. Mike Rafati helps conscious entrepreneurs and business professionals to follow their
dreams and create the fulfilling life and business they desire.
Mike has a passion for entrepreneurship and draws from his 25 years of business and
marketing experience, along with his own personal journey, to help conscious
entrepreneurs and business owners shift their mindset, own their brilliance, make a
bigger impact and generate more money doing what they love.
Working together, Mike brings a new empowering vision to his clients to show them how
to customize an effective marketing system based on their strengths and channel their
energy towards strategies and activities that create greater results.
He is the creator of Incredible Coach, IncredibleTalks, Authentic Client Attraction,
Marketing Breakthrough, and MFactor.
In his free time, Mike enjoys walking by the ocean, watching sunsets even on cloudy
days, reading great books, discovering new restaurants and experiencing great food,
having deep conversations, and exploring new places
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