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Invertebtares (2)
(Bio 352)
Exercise (1) for mock test 1(Lecture 1+2+3+4)
Dr. Manal Shafi
Question 1: insert (√ ) for correct sentence and ( x ) for wrong sentence
1. The Arthropod is an animal having internal skeleton.
2. The body cavity in Arthropods is hemocoel.
3. The arthropods having closed circulatory.
4. The larvae of Arthropod development in process called anamorphosis.(
5. In Arachnida (spiders) they are having three distinct body regions.
6. All Crustacean they have lungs which use them in their respiration.
7. The nervous system in Crustacean consist of dorsal brain and ventral nerve cord
and ganglia.
( )
8. In Penaeus japonicas it has a small cubical heart.
9. The common name of Neptunus pelagicus is Red crab.
10.The Neptunus pelagicus has sessile eyes.
11. In Neptunus pelagicus, the 3rd mixillipeds are greatly flatted and cover all
The appendagaes in the middle side.
( )
12. In Neptunus pelagicus, the abdomen in female smaller than in male. (
13.In the male of Neptunus pelagicus, the reproductive system creamy to whitish
( )
14.In the female of Neptunus pelagicus, the reproductive system green to bluish
( )
15.The Neptunus pelagicus, inhabits found on sandy and muddy bottoms.(
16.The Neptunus pelagicus, are excellent swimmers due to a pair of flattened legs.
( )
17.The life cycle in Neptunus pelagicus is dependent on estuaries, Prior to hatching,
the female moves into shallow marine habitats, releases her eggs.( )
18.Neptunus pelagicus larvae are feeding on microscopic plankton and progress to the
final larval stage of megalopa.
( )
19.The common name of Pagurus tinctor is the Hermit Crab.
20.In Pagurus tinctor, They lives on the Red Sea shore inhabiting full gastropod shells.
( )
21.In Pagurus tinctor, The last 2 pairs of thoracic appendages are large and chelate.
( )
22.In Pagurus tinctor, The abdomen is calcified and they use snail shells as
portable homes.
23.Panulirus penicillatus is a large lobster of a greenish-brown colour, common in the
Red Sea.
24.Panulirus penicillatus, these species commonly inhabits depths of 1 to 4 m
(maximum 16 m), on sandy substrates.
25.In Panulirus penicillatus, There is a rostrum, the stalked eyes do not lie in sockets.
26.In Gammarus, the first thoracic segment is fused with the head.
27. Ligia is commonly known as sandy lice or sea slaters.
28. In Ligia, they have gills and can exchange gas out of water.
29. In Ligia, On their head, they has long antennae.
30. Artemia populations are found worldwide in inland saltwater lakes, and in oceans.
31.In the Artemia male the antennae converted into large, powerful, 2-segmented
32.Daphnia inhabits in various terrestrial environments.
33.The head in Daphnia carries a stalked compound median eye.
34.In Daphnia, the animal feeds by sieving off suspended organic matter and micoorganisms from surrounding water.
( )
35.I Daphnia remains in its burrow during the day and comes out at night to hunt, and
in the winter to mate.
( )
36.Squilla is a marine crustacean, It remains in its burrow during the day and comes out
at night to hunt, and in the summer to mate.
Question 2: fill in the gaps:
1. The nervous system in arthropoda is ..................................with paired of
ventral nerve cord.
2. The body in arthropod is ............................. symmetrical.
3. In insects have ...........pair of antennae, and ............pairs of legs and
................body regions.
4. In insects the body regions consist in to ......................and..................
and ......................
5. In Arachnida, they have ...............pairs of appendages and they do not have
6. The appendages in Crustacea consist of ...........pairs of antennae and
.............pairs of head appendages are .............................
7. The gills in penaeus japonicas arranged in 3 series:
 ...................branchiae arise .......................
 .................... branchiae arise in .................
 ..................... branchiae arise ....................
 While Epipodites arising ...........................
8. In penaeus japonicas female, the reproductive system composed of ...............
ovaries, each ovary consist from......................portion and
The two oviducts open on the ..................................
In the .......... th pair of ........................... appendages.
9. In the Neptunus pelagicus have small pair of .........................and
...........................and ..........................and............................and 3pairs of
10. During the daytime Neptunus pelagicus stay buried under ................or ............
11. The reproductive system in Neptunus pelagicus male consist of a pair of
..................., a pair of ...................................and a pair of ......................
ducts internally and a pair of ..................................externally.
12.In Pagurus tinctor , the left chela is much ..................... and serves to close the
opening of the shell.
13.The abdomen in Pagurus tinctor is .................and................... and somewhat
twisted as to fit inside the shell.
14.The abdomen appendages in Pagurus tinctor are ..................... and
....................... on the right side.
15. In Panulirus penicillatus, They feeding on ...............and.......................... and
.......................and ..........................
16.The eggs in Panulirus penicillatus, are cemented to the ........................of the
17. Panulirus penicillatus , have .......... walking legs the front two adapted to
............... move by slowly walking on the ................... of the sea floor.
18.The body in Gammarus , is elongated , ........................... compressed and
without a .............................
19. in Gammarus, the first 3 pairs of abdominal appendages are typical
............................... turned forwards and each has 2 jointed bristle-fringed rami.
The last 3 pairs are ............................, used for ...............................
20.The telson in Gammarus, is ......................... and ......................and there is no
21. In Gammarus females fertility is thought to increase with size and a variable
number (………..-………..) of eggs can be produced.
22. Coastal Ligia exhibit a mixture of ………………. and …………
characteristics, drying out easily, needing moist air and proximity to water to
retain water.
23. In Ligia, They emerge at ………….. to feed on seaweed and detritus.
24.The body colour in Artemia, is ................ in and gives the water rosy tint.
25. In Artemia, the thorax is formed of ......... distinct segments and carries ...........
pairs of leaf-like appendages or phyllopodia.
26.The head in Daphnia is flexed ......................and produced into a beak-like
27.The globular heart in Daphnia with ……………. pair of Ostia.
28. Squilla is generally ……………………. in coloration.
29. Head appendages in Squilla, are bilobed ........................and ...................
and eyes.
Question 3: select the right word from between brackets:
1. The Arthropoda divided into (6 or 8 or 4) sub-phylum.
2. The respiratory and excretory systems of arthropods vary, depending as
much on their (environment or atmosphere or air) as on the sub-phylum to
which they belong.
3. Arthropods' methods of reproduction and development are diverse; all
terrestrial species use (Lateral or internal or external) fertilization, while
Aquatic species use either (internal or external or lateral) fertilization.
4. Arthropods', They can develop resistance to (food or insecticides or
respiration) demonstrates how quickly they adapt to a changing
5. Crustaceans includes (spiders or crabs or Peripatus ) and several less
familiar forms.
6. Arachnida, They have (six or eight or three) pairs of appendages.
7. The majority of Crustacean (teeth or soft or chitin) may be calcified in
larger species.
8. In Penaeus japonicus carapace (rough or smooth or tiny) color brown.
9. In Penaeus japonicus Female thelycum between the bases of the (4th and
8th or 4th and 6th or 4th and 5th )pairs of thoracic legs.
10.The Proctodaeum and anus, in Penaeus japonicus in the (ventral or dorsal
or lateral) side of the telson.
11. In Penaeus japonicas, the blood leaves the heart by (Veins or arteries or
sinus) and enters by sinus.
12.The sexes are (separate or individual or mix) in Penaeus japonicas.
13.The cephalothorax in Neptunus pelagicus, is compressed and covered by a
large antero-lateral ( skin or carapace or membrane) armed with 9 spines,
the last one much larger than the others, produced laterally.
14.The abdomen in Neptunus pelagicus, is reduced to a thin (triangular or
circular or cubical) flap and turned permanently forwards below the
15.The testes in Neptunus pelagicus, are flat and highly coiled located on the
dorsal portion of the carapace the left and right testis are bridged by a (
linked or connected or commissure).
16. In Neptunus pelagicus female, the (ovary or Testis or duct )fills up all the
spaces of the body cavity.
17. In Neptunus pelagicus larvae are: zoea I larvea develop to the zoea IV
stage approximately (1 or 4 or 8 days).
18.The larval stage in Neptunus pelagicus is characterized by having large
chelipeds used to ( catch prey or running or jumping ).
19.In Pagurus tinctor, the last pair is hook-like and serves to attach firmly to
the (basis or columella or lateral )of the shell.
20. Males usually much (larger or smaller or same)than females in Panulirus
21.Maximum total body length about (10 or 12 or 40) cm in Panulirus
22. In Panulirus penicillatus, the eggs hatch out in to larvea known as (
megalopa or zoea or phyllosoma).
23.In Gammarus , On the head, note the (sessile eyes or simple eyes or stalk
eyes), the biramous antennules and uniramous antennae.
24. In most Gammarus species reproduction continues throughout the (month
or day or year).
25. The maturity is reached in Gammarus , between 10-20 days and life span is
approximately (two or three or one ) year.
26. Ligia, can grow up to (10 or 20 or 3) cm in length.
27. In Ligia, Seven externally visible thoracic segments and (seven or six or
two) pairs of walking legs.
28. In Ligia, breeding takes place in spring and summer. Most individuals only
breed (two time or once or three time), and have a life span of around two
and a half to three years.
29. The body in Artemia is elongated, many-segmented and differentiated into
head, thoracic and abdomen, there is no (carapace or skin or wall).
30. in Artemia, the 12th segment bears the genital opening and a pair of
appendages modified in the male into a pair of (ejaculatory or vas
differentces or copulatory ) organs.
31.In the Artemia female fused around the genital opening to form a single large
(egg pouch or egg room or egg place).
32.The body in Daphnia is eggs-like, bilaterally compressed drawn out
posteriorly into a long (ventral or Dorsal or lateral ) spine and divisible
into a head and a few-segmented trunk.
33. In Daphnia, a bivalve-like carapace, of a single folded piece, covers the
trunk and its appendages, but not the (thoracic or head or abdomen).
34. In Daphnia, the trunk appendages are modified (antenna or phyllopodia or
epipodites) and adapted for filter-feeding beside respiration.
35. In Daphnia the two testes in the male opening by two (vasa deferentia or
oviduct or ovary) ventrally on the telson.
36. Reproduction in Daphnia is very peculiar. Two kinds of eggs are found:
1- (unfertilized eggs or dead eggs or alive eggs).
2- (dead eggs or alive eggs or fertilized eggs).
37. In Squilla, abdomen consists of (6 or 8 or 12) segments. First five pairs of
thoracic appendages are maxilipedes.
38. Last three thoracic segments in Squilla, beat ( swimming legs or walking
legs or feeding legs). Abdomen has pleopods. Telson is broad and flattened.