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Boy Scouts
Aviation Merit Badge
Control Surfaces
Primary Control Surfaces
The ailerons are
located near
the rear end of
the wing tip
controls the roll of the plane
Longitudinal axis
The Elevators are
located on the
horizontal stabilizer
of the tail
controls the pitch of the plane
Lateral axis
The rudder is
located on the
vertical stabilizer
of the tail
controls the yaw of the plane
Vertical axis
Control Surfaces
• Aileron – controls the roll of the plane
• Elevator – controls the pitch, or the up
and down, movement of the plane
• Rudder – controls the yaw, or side to side,
movement of the plane
How the Control Surfaces
Work Together for Flight
• Take off down the runway
– Aileron - level
– Elevator – neutral
– Rudder – neutral
Control Surfaces
• Straight Climb
– Aileron - level
– Elevator - up
– Rudder – neutral
Control Surfaces
• Level Left Turn
– Aileron – left up, right down
– Elevator – neutral
– Rudder – left rudder
Control Surfaces
• Climbing left turn
– Aileron – left up, right down
– Elevator – up
– Rudder – left rudder
Control Surfaces
• Straight descent
– Aileron - level
– Elevator - down
– Rudder – neutral
Control Surfaces
• Landing
– Aileron - level
– Elevator - down
– Rudder – neutral
Quick Quiz
What control surface controls the pitch, or the
up and down movement of the plane?
• Rudder
• Aileron
• Elevator
What control surface controls the pitch, or the
up and down movement of the plane?
• Rudder
• Aileron
• Elevator
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