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Parking Lot
Use a large
poster board
and make
parking spaces
with sight words
written in them.
Using an old
collection of
Matchbox cars, read aloud a word and ask your
child to “park” the cars in the right parking space.
Typing Sight Words
Using sight word
flash cards, ask
your child to
pretend to type
each word out.
Egg Sight Words
Using construction
paper, make 16-20
pretend over easy
eggs. On the back of
the eggs choose 8-10
words and write the sight words on TWO eggs.
Then using a kitchen spatula, play sight word
concentration with the eggs. Celebrate a
successful egg session with a real fried egg.
Cookie Sheet
Using alphabet
refrigerator magnets
from the dollar store
and a metal cookie
sheet, spell out words
from the stack of sight
word flash cards.
Beans in a
Using dried lima
bean, write sight
words on the
beans. Put those
beans (and some
additional empty
beans) into the pencil pouch. The beans can used for
"on the go" sight words practice.
Craft Stick Sight
Word Puzzles
Using popsicle sticks, write
sight words letters, one to
each stick. Place each
word’s sticks in a snack
baggie with the word written on the bag. Drop a
few in your purse to use on the road, or while you
are waiting for dinner at a restaurant or waiting
for the doctor/dentist.
Bubble Wrap Words
Use large leftover bubble wrap
and write the words on the
bubbles with a Sharpie
permanent marker. Read aloud
a word, and if your child points
to the right word, he/she can
pop the bubble!
Make a construction paper
sign with the title on it. Then
using sticky notes with one or
two sight words written on
them, hang the sign on the
refrigerator, or cupboard.
The children have to tell me
the sight words each time
they enter the room. You
could insist they read the word to you before
he/she can have a snack!
Noodle Sight Words
Using small noodles (like
Ditalini), have your child cover
several of the sight word flash
cards with the pasta.
Toss a Word
Write a set of sight words on a
set of ping pong balls. Set the
ping pong balls out on a tray on
the table. Call out a sight word
and ask your child to throw that
word to you. After all the balls
were tossed to you, ask your
child to tell you the word ball he/she wants
back. (Lay out the sight word flash cards on
the table that you used for writing the words.)
Magic Hidden Words
Write sight words on a
white paper with a
white crayon. Use a
watercolor paint over it
and watch the words
magically appear!
Reading My Own
Make a construction paper
head band with a little
notch in the front to put in
a sight word flash card.
Putting the head band on
your child, read the word
aloud, and ask him/her to spell the word out on
paper. When the word is written, let your child
remove the card from the head band and compare
how he/she did.
Sight Word
for Home
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