Download Worksheet 9 Causes of Sensory Loss Quiz

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Understand sensory loss
Worksheet 9: Causes of sensory loss – True or False quiz
Learning outcome 3, Assessment criteria 3.1
This activity helps you understand the main causes and conditions of sensory loss.
Complete the true/false quiz below, selecting either true or false in response to each
All sight loss is congenital
Degenerative conditions will get progressively worse
Congenital hearing loss can be related to damage during birth
Reactions to medication can lead to acquired hearing loss
Sustained very loud noise can lead to sight loss
Otitis media can lead to hearing loss
Vitamin A deficiency can lead to sight loss
Glaucoma can lead to sight loss
Diabetes can lead to sight loss
The retina is a part of the ear drum
A thickened cornea will affect sight
Acquired sensory loss only happens in older people
Immaculate eye is a type of good eye sight
Acquired sight loss means you will get hearing loss as well
Premature birth can lead to sight loss
Rubella can lead to sight loss
Auto-immune disorders protect you from acquired hearing
Trauma to the head can lead to hearing and sight loss
The auditory nerves are amplified
The auditory bones determine the size of your eyes