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O365: Remove internal
Autodiscover when moving to Office
365 [Solved]
Here you find a powershell script which was very useful for me.
All scripts are free of charge, use them at your own risk :
When migrating to Office 365 the internal outlook users are not able to use autodiscover.
This is because the internal exchange server also uses autodiscover in IIS.
Use this description to remove the internal AutodiscoverVirtualDirectory
Be sure that this is the proper migration plan for you’re organization !
1. Open an elevated command prompt and back-up the IIS configuration (Just in case !):
%windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe add backup “Before Removing Autodiscover”
2. Open an elevated Exchange Management Shell and retrieve the current autodiscover
virtual directory:
Get-AutodiscoverVirtualDirectory | fl Name, Server, InternalUrl, Identity
Copy the Identity value to the clipboard.
3. In the Exchange Management Shell, remove the autodiscover virtual directory:
Remove-AutodiscoverVirtualDirectory -Identity “SBS01\Autodiscover (SBS Web Applications)”
When you’re identity contains a space, use the quotation marks ”
You will have to confirm by typing a “Y”.
4. Check that the autodiscover virtual directory is gone:
Get-AutodiscoverVirtualDirectory | fl Name, Server, InternalUrl, Identity
This should now return nothing.
5. Now, with Outlook running on a desktop, hold the Ctrl button, right-click on the Outlook
icon in the system tray, and select Test E-mail AutoConfiguration. Enter your email
address and password and click the Test button. The results should come from the Office
365 server.
Extra Check :
Sometimes there is an autodiscover record located in the DNS of you’re internal DNS. => Remove all
records, related to the migrated domain.
[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-AutodiscoverVirtualDirectory | fl Name, Server,
InternalUrl, Identity
Name : Autodiscover (SBS Web Applications)
Server : SBS01
InternalUrl :
Identity : SBS01\Autodiscover (SBS Web Applications)
[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Remove-AutodiscoverVirtualDirectory -Identity
“SBS01\Autodiscover (SBS Web Applications)”
Are you sure you want to perform this action?
The Autodiscover virtual directory is being removed.
[Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [S] Suspend [?] Help
(default is “Y”):
[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-AutodiscoverVirtualDirectory | fl Name, Server,
InternalUrl, Identity
[PS] C:\Windows\system32>